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"Have you seen that video where Taehyung-ssi and Jimin-ssi keep saying the same word over and over again but one of them kept saying it a completely different way?" You asked as you were currently lounging on the living room couch with your favorite snack resting on your stomach as you rested your head on the arm.

"Yeah, that was hilarious." Min Cha chuckled as she was currently laying on the floor, struggling to stay awake.

"Why does it feel like we're totally missing out on something right now?" You said as you heard her mumble an 'I don't know' before hearing light snores.

Jungkook's Pov

"Everyone just calm down, if the director has contacted either of the leaders, then it's clearly not as big as a rumor as you think it is." Jin calmly said as he tried to reassure both groups as we were all in the living room of our dorm as I realized that (Y/N) and Min Cha weren't here.

I looked around the room a second time before slowly rising up from my spot and attempting to leave the tense area so that I could be with (Y/N).

"We should be worried about the two maknaes since they're going to be on the list next." Hoseok said as Taehyung and Jimin nodded their heads.

"But we're only doing matching outfits. It's not like people are suspecting anything between the two of us." I replied while shrugging my shoulders before slipping my Timberlands on and walking out of the dorm.

While walking to the girl group's dorm, I realized that I had no way to enter the dorm and I didn't want to seem like a creep to ask one of the members for a key to the place, but I also didn't want to knock on the door for a good hour.

"Using a member it is." I mumbled to myself as I walked back to our dorm to be greeted with questions on why I left the dorm so suddenly.

"You came back so you can get one of us to enter the dorm didn't you?" Nina asked as she smirked, knowing exactly that it was the reason.

"I'll go! Me and Hoseokie are about to go to a costume store anyway." Da Eun cheerfully said as Hoseok nodded his head and went to the room that he shared to get a bomber jacket.

When walking out with Da Eun and Hoseok, I noticed how perfect they are for each other. Trying to throw hints here and there, I was met by the two pushing me inside the dorm of the two sleeping girls.

"That's one way to say good bye." I sighed as I took off my shoes and decided to just sit at the dining table and not walk around so I could seem more on the cool side rather than being seen creepy.

I waited for a good 2 hours until Min Cha woke up and whispered to me that she was going to our dorm to see what was happening, leaving me with (Y/N). I quickly shot a text to the groupchat to ask them permission for something that I've always wanted to do.


Jeon Cena;
guys can I go on VApp rn??

idc lol ask Namjoon

sure I don't see why not


ofc I did :)

lol you hoe, why not naming it something else

fite me if you have a problem shortass

watch your profanity

"Jungkook-ssi, what are you doing here? Where'd Min Cha-unnie go?" (Y/N) tiredly asked as she rubbed her eyes with her hair pointing in every direction possible.

I chuckled at the sight before pressing record and waiting a bit, letting (Y/N) sit on the couch as she looked shook from her nap.

"Annyeong. I am at Variety's dorm because they kicked out the maknaes from their serious conversation." I said as I read some of the comments that my eyes could pick up.

(Y/N) eventually moved from her spot as she shuffled her feet towards where I was sitting and noticing that I was on VApp. Quickly moving out of the frame of the phone, she then ran away to her shared room and changed.

"(Y/N) just woke up from her nap so she went to clean herself up." I said as I answered a question asking why (Y/N) ran out of the frame.

A lot of comments kept asking if Yoongi-hyung and Cha Soo-noona were actually together, which resulted in me declining everything about them and had to explain how we all love to match with each other since we're the only two groups in BigHit Entertainment.

"Oh, (Y/N)'s back." I said as she came back waving and yawning at the phone.

"I'm getting food, a 4 hour nap is definitely what I needed. Do you want anything?" (Y/N) asked as I stood up from my spot and rested the phone on something that let the fans watch us make food.

"Today you're going to watch a special episode of Daily Life of Jungkook."


So.....this story is almost at 100K  views

Where in the snip snap crackle pack are all these people coming from lol

Just A Crush    Jungkook X Reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now