Chapter 3 (Edited)

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I dragged out the remaining books out of my locker and headed towards class. Reaching there, I placed my bag in it's place and sat down. I decided to read the text that Khala had sent me for the grocery shopping.

"Milk, eggs, butter, potatoes, onions..." I recited the whole list in my head. The teacher soon walked in with a sour face and began the lesson, half-heartedly. Even teachers hated coming to school early.

After an hour of plain torture, the teacher decided to stop. The bright smile on the teacher's face couldn't escape me as he announced that the lesson had ended. Another two or three lessons passed by and before I knew it, it was recess.

I was happy, but my face fell as soon as I realized that I had lots of work to do. While the other students rushed outside, I decided to continue my work in peace and silence. But, it looked like the girls had something else on their minds. They decided to stay and gossip about whatnot. And it just HAD to be Romma's group.

I continued with my work, quite disturbed by the loud giggles coming from their way. I bore with it for quite a while, but snapped once it was getting out of hand. "I'd appreciate it if you could lower your voices." I turned to them. I shot them a firm glance before turning back to my work.

It had worked and I felt very grateful.

Even though, I was the type of guy not to speak much often, but the girls of the class tried to avoid me as much as possible. They would speak to me generally, but always hesitate once or twice. It was probably because of my title of a Muslim. But Romme on the other hand... Was completely different.

She was just grinning my way and I ignored her. It was the only way to get her to stop annoying me. I continued concentrating on the huge, complex equations. Just as I was getting too comfortable, I heard a loud shriek from their side.

All of the girls soon followed and jumped away from their seats. "It's huge!!" One screamed. I got startled and immediately stood up to see what the problem was. Walking closer, the girls seemed to relax a bit as they saw me. Romma was trembling. I frowned as I found nothing weird about the place.

"What's wrong here?" I questioned, searching for the root of the problem. Romma pointed at the end corner of the wall which was probably 7 to 10 metres away from where we were standing. "There! It's there!" She exclaimed, scared to death. I looked closer and found a tiny baby lizard which was frozen in it's spot, probably trembling with fright.

I looked at all the girls with disbelief. "It's the size of a pinhead." I exclaimed in disbelief. The fact that all of them were crawled into a ball, scared to death by a tiny lizard didn't seem right to me. They looked back at me with frightened eyes. "We know!" Romma shouted. "That's the problem!" All of them said in union. I shook in head in disbelief.

"Give me your book." I turned to Romma. She shook her head and clutched her book tightly to her body, holding on it as if her life depended on it. "No way! You use yours!" She refused. I rolled my eyes. But the thought of a dead lizard on my book disgusted me so I decided to go for something else.

"Give me a shoe or something!" I said. No one accepted. I groaned and took off my slipper. I slammed it on the wall where the lizard was. But I missed and it rushed to the other way, making the girls jump with fright. Romma, who was closest to me, jumped on me and clutched my sleeves being clingy and all. My eyes twitched in annoyance and uncomfort.

I slammed my slipper on the wall and luckily this time, I didn't miss. I patted myself on the back mentally. I turned back to Romma, who's head was leaning on my shoulder with eyes closed. I didn't want to roughly push her off so instead I just announced that the lizard was dead.

After a minute or two, she got off me. She sighed in relief as she saw that I wasn't lying. "Oh God! That blood looks disgusting!" A brunette, who reminded me of Meena, exclaimed.

"It's okay. The lizard was only three inches long. How much blood do you expect to sprout out of it?" I asked, half teasing the girls. They all scrunched their noses in disgust. "Ew!" All of them exclaimed. I laughed quietly.

I then turned to Romma, who still seemed to be haunted by the terror of the three inch long lizard. "I can't believe you of all people would make such a ruckus out of such a little thing." I said, shaking my head at her. She scowled. "Lizards are scary, you know!" She defended herself, stepping away.


I couldn't stand the lizard at all so when Waqqar missed the first time, I jumped on him, unconsciously. The lizard was nowhere in sight. I clinged on to Waqqar as he killed the lizard with his slipper.

Before I knew it, Waqqar announced that the lizard was gone. I didn't want to get off him but of course, I had to. I looked around to make sure if the lizard was really dead or not. I sighed in relief when I was satisfied.

"Oh God! That blood looks disgusting!" Amy exclaimed in disgust. I agreed, nodding furiously. "It's okay. The lizard was only three inches long. How much blood do you expect to sprout out of it?" Waqqar asked, being disgusting. "Ew!" All us said in union.

Just the mere thought of a lizard made me want to throw up. Why were lizards so disgusting? And the way they moved liked lightning. You won't be able to see where it went. And that was the most terrifying part.

"I can't believe that you of all people would make such a ruckus out of such a little thing." Waqqar turned to me and said, shaking his head at me. I scowled at him. "Lizards are scary you know!" I defended myself.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I have no words." He said, walking back to his seat to continue his work.

His attitude didn't surprise me but I was grateful he was there. None of us could've dealt with the situation.

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