Chapter 30

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It was a fine evening today. It wasn't that chilly nor that hot. As promised, I was getting ready o meet Waqqar at work. While putting on a light blush and  some lip gloss, I thought about the conversation me and Waqqar had after the game. It was so... Dreamy. Just thinking about it makes me feel giddy.

Best of all, Maria was looking and the look on her face never ceased to satisfy me! I know it was mean to smirk at her but I just couldn't control myself. Pulling up my long boots, I grabbed my scarf and wrapped it around my neck. I saw myself in the mirror to see if I was looking okay.

My eyes fell on the pink and white striped scarf. Got it outta my neck and wrapped it around my head. I was looking nice to say the least. But, I was just wearing it for fashion right now. I still don't have the intention of doing it for Allah. I sighed and took it off and put it back to it's original place.

I walked down the stairs and exited the house. "Abi's workplace, please." I instructed the driver and he motioned me to sit in the car. I did and took out my phone to see the time. "6:46 pm. I hope Waqqar's still there." I said to myself in a whisper. We reached there in 10 minutes because I was pressuring the driver to hurry up. I rushed outside and ran inside the building. I Reached the 3rd floor where Waqqar's office was.

I saw him lost in his work as usual. He worked so hard that it put me to shame. I just stood there watching him work. It just feels like a dream. Even thought,there were others still working and probably looking at me, I still stared at waqqar. I don't know how and why I got to like him so much. He really makes my day. It's probably because he turned my crappy life beautiful again. I owe him big time. And I was gonna win his heart Inshallah. Maria won't get her dirty ways when I'm here.

I shook out of my thoughts as I realized I looked like a stalker. If I don't hurry, Waqqar might leave. "Salams, Wainee! Sorry I'm late." I beamed as I walked in his office. He looked up from his work and smiled at me. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. "Wasalaam Romma." He replied. "What took you so long? I was just gonna leave." He asked. This gave me a chance to tease him a bit.

"Were you waiting for me, Wainee?? Awww you sure know how to make a girl feel special." I joked making a baby face. He rolled his eyes. "I'm regretting ever telling you to return back to your normal self." He muttered to himself and I grinned. "Well you better be ready for the rest of your days cause all of them are gonna go like this!" I laughed.

"Hey, I just remembered!" Waqqar piped up."Did you know Maria was a Muslim?!" He questioned, excitement was clear on his face. My heart sank. He knows. He knows now. What was I gonna do?? All the stress which I had kept behind my  head crept back to the center of my brain bothering me again. But how? How did he know?? Was this gonna make Maria !ore effective?? I hope not.

"Not really." I replied trying to seem as if nothing was wrong. I didn't like lying to Waqqar. I'm sure in the future, if Waqqar ever got to know about this, he would certainly advise me to never lie. But in this case if I don't lie, I would lose Waqqar. I don't want that. Not without any hard work.

I guess I loved Waqqar. No, I know I love him. It's not just a crush. I started liking Waqqar because of loving and caring nature. Not because of his looks and outer appearance. That alone is enough to make me believe that what I feel for him right now is genuine.

"How do you know?" I asked him, trying my best to get the same enthusiasm in my voice like a few minutes ago. "She told me." Waqqar started organizing his working table. "Right after our conversation together today after the game." He said. It all made sense to me then.

Maria was standing there with that warning look she was throwing my way. I guess she wasn't gonna let go so easy as well. "Oh" was all I could say. "She's a very nice girl." Waqqar got back to work, organizing his desk. "You should be friends with her. She's modest too. She told me she would start wearing hijab from tomorrow onwards and i felt really glad." Waqqar continued.

I  rolled my eyes mentally. That girl was just making up stories. "Yeah, sure. I'd talk to her. Besides we already know each other very well. She's Violet's best friend." I told him, with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Allah knows if Maria was really trying to be a better Muslim. But one thing is for sure. She can't change herself so much in one day. It's just impossible. From a Christian to a religious Muslim is hard. I don't know why Maria's being so hypocritical to herself.

Even if she got Waqqar, she would have guilt in her heart forever for using Allah's religion as an excuse to impress a guy. Inshallah, I'm gonna play fair and square and be true to myself.

"What else did she tell you?" I asked Waqqar. "Well..." He thought hard. "She told me that she wanted my help to become a better Muslim." He smiled at the thought, making me boil in jealousy. I just wanted Waqqar to drop the stupid topic. "But I've already booked you. You gotta help me to become a good Muslimah. I still haven't gotten the tempo in me to start hijab." I told him with a childish grin.

"Of course I'm helping you as well. The more the merrier right?" He pushed a pile of papers inside a cabinet. "Not in this case," I thought to myself. "Yeah I guess." I replied, forcing myself to talk nicely.

Maria Really had an effect on me. Which was annoying. I know I should just ignore her but I can't! She's controlled my mind making me think about her everyday and night. Same with Waqqar. But the only difference is; thinking about him makes me feel nice.

"Now hurry up, Wainee! I'm getting hungry. Let's have dinner together." I suggested. He looked unsure and I realized that he felt uneasy about going out with me alone. I sighed mentally.

"Sorry but I'm not hungry.. thanks for the offer though." He smiled kindly at me. It made my heart flutter whenever he smiled like that. "Oh? It's okay. I should go now." I said, feeling disappointed in my heart. Waqqar frowned. The look on his face told me that he wanted to say something. I waited for him to say something like; "won't you stay here longer??" But of course I was just hoping. He didn't say anything and closed his mouth just like that.

"Oh another thing." He said as I turned on my heels to go back. "Have you heard about that camping trip on Thursday??" He asked me. "Yeah I did. Are u going??" I questioned him, remembering that announcement the teacher made.

He nodded. "Believe it or not, I always loved camping." He said. I was surprised. I thought Waqqar was the type of guy which was uninterested in this kinda stuff. "What about you?" He shook me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "Of course I'm going!" I let out a bright smile and walked out of there after saying Salam.

I hope this trip goes well🚃🚃🚃⛺⛺⛺

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