Chapter 47:

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“Are you sure you’ll come?” I asked hopefully. Waqqar patted my head. “Of course, Romma.” He said before looking ahead. I wrapped my arms around his and hugged it close to me. “Every recess?” I questioned. Waqqar didn’t get free from my grip. “I’ll try my best.”

I felt satisfied by his answer and started looking ahead. “I’m still upset that you’re not gonna come to university with me.” I said. My eyes fell on a familiar looking building coming close as we walked. “You don’t have to work yet, Waqqar. I’ll wait until University is over and you get settled. I don’t want to burden you or anything.” I spoke softly, feeling a little guilty.

Waqqar was gonna work a full time job just so he could afford to buy an apartment for us. He was giving up his studies so that he could provide for me. As much as it made me happy, I didn’t want him sacrificing his studies for me. Abi told him it was fine and that he didn’t mind me living with him until Waqqar was finished with his university and was able to work a full time job. After all Waqqar was just 21, turning 22.

“It’s okay, Romma. You might be able to wait.” He turned to me. “But I can’t.”

The way he looked at me with that sincere expression sent butterflies exploding in my stomach again,  even though we’d been married about a week now. He still managed to make me blush like crazy and now that we were married, he didn’t back away from flirting. I bit my lip and lowered my gaze. If we weren’t out in public, I would’ve jumped him.

“Is that the building?” Waqqar suddenly asked. I looked up and glanced to where he pointed at. “Yep. That’s it. We should hurry before it gets crowded.” I suggested to which Waqqar agreed with a nod. “I hope the interview goes well.” I said, hopefully. Waqqar put a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry. You’re gonna rock in shaa Allah!” He gave me an encouraging nudge.

Both of us entered the huge building. I looked around, studying my surroundings. The marble floor was so shiny and smooth we could even see our own reflection. The reception was a small space at the side of the room where two receptionists sat. There was a piece of fancy furniture set up at the other side of the room. Awards, certificates and medals were hung up on the walls inside glass. It all looked so fancy and all in all, sophisticated. “What now?” I turned to Waqqar, clueless. He pointed at the reception.

“We go there and ask them where the interviews are being held.” He explained quickly before taking my hand and leading me there.

“Yes, how may we help you?” The receptionist spoke to us in a dead pan voice and a poker face. “We’re here for the admission interviews.” Waqqar answered. The woman probably in her late twenties, glanced at me and then at Waqqar.

“Both of you have to take the interview?” She asked. Waqqar shook his head. “Just her.” He pointed at me.

A few hours later...

“God! I hated the woman! She was nasty and unfriendly!” I grumbled, shoving a spoonful of my sundae in my mouth. Waqqar laughed at my red face. “What did she say?” He asked, sipping on his coffee. I scowled at the thought. “She was obviously mean just because I had the Hijab on!” I ranted, not answering Waqqar’s question. “Hmmm. ” He just nodded along, hiding a grin behind his cup.

“How will you cope in such an environment with that thing on?” I mimicked the woman I had grown to hate so much. “Blah, blah. We don’t promote Izzlam over here.” I went on. “We expect you to have an open mind. You’re going to be in university soon. Blah, blah. You aren’t kids anymore.” I continued to mock her. Waqqar just listened quietly with an amused smile. “Ugh! That bi—” I stopped myself noticing Waqqar flinch at my vulgar choice of words.

“Come on Romma. Don’t dirty your tongue just for that woman. That’s what Shaytaan wants.” He explained calmly. I nodded with a sulk. “I know.” I mumbled. “She just made me so mad! If I weren’t there for the admission, I would’ve exploded!”

“Well, it’s how things work here. We’ll have to get used to it.” Waqqar sighed. I looked at him with the same sulk on my face and noticed his expression soften. I decided there and then he was much more interesting to pay attention to than that receptionist.“I can’t wait till both of us start living together!” I exclaimed, my face brightening up. The very thought sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Waqqar nodded. “Yeah. Me neither.” He smiled, ducking his head. But not before I noticed the redness on his cheeks and neck. He had gotten a lot more forward with me since our wedding the week before. In fact, the way he was with me sometimes surprised me since I had only known him to be awkward and shy.

“We’ll have so much fun studying together!” I continued, trying to make him even redder.

Waqqar grinned at me. “Yup.”

“We’ll cuddle and watch a movie on the weekends!”

“Yeah” Waqqar agreed, and his cheeks were already back to normal. Aw man. I liked it when he blushed.

“Oh Allah! I can’t wait!” I beamed. My heart was jumping out of my chest with excitement and I just wanted to sprout wings. “Let’s go to the movies, Waqqar!” I suggested out of nowhere. Waqqar cocked an eyebrow at me. “Don’t you have work to do back home or something?” He asked. “I do. But all that can wait. I wanna spend some time with you.” I told him honestly.

“I’m actually quite busy today, Romma. Let’s go out on the weekend.” He said, a worried expression fixated on his face. It hit me then. Ever since we got married, Waqqar wasn’t quite himself. He would always doze off somewhere and get lost in his thoughts. It was the same with his family members. The first two days after our marriage, Waqqar was literally beaming. But now, he was always worried and stressed out.

It was until now that I didn’t realize. Getting married was a big responsibility. Especially for a man. It was practically Waqqar’s duty to start working and providing his wife financial support. I had nothing to worry about since I had no such responsibility. I wasn’t living properly with Waqqar and so, I didn’t have any duty to fulfil.

And now, I started to feel very guilty. I was like the most non supportive wife ever! Waqqar was worried sick about our future and here I was making foolish and selfish requests.

“It’s okay, Waqqar! No problem! We can go whenever you’re free.” I smiled as brightly as I could. Waqqar’s face immediately lit up. “Are you sure?” He confirmed. I nodded. “Yup!” I exclaimed. “Besides, we’re here wasting time in a coffee shop. It’s the same as going out on a proper date.” I added. He laughed a bit, staring at me in amazement.

I stared back at him with that smile plastered on my face. Was it really true? Did I really get my happy ending already? A few months ago, I would cry all the time praying that I get my happy ever after and poof! It happened so quickly.

“I love you, Romma.” Waqqar said suddenly, bursting me out of my thoughts.

My heart almost stopped. I blinked twice. Noticing the tint of pink spreading over his cheeks, I smiled. “Where did that come from?” I asked, cocking a brow at him. Waqqar blushed so easily. He’s the man so he’s gotta be invincible but that was it. The more Waqqar acted this way, the more I loved it. Waqqar frowned. “You’re supposed to say ‘I love you too, sweetheart’ or something.” He smiled smugly. “Oh? Is that so?” He nodded. “Then,” I cleared my throat before continuing.

“I love you too, Wainee.” And I blew a kiss at him.

He groaned, effectively ending the moment.

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