Chapter 44

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"How pretty..." I smiled like a mad woman as I studied the ring on my finger. The beautiful, dazzling ruby shone as the light hit it. I sighed dreamily for the fifth time. This was my engagement ring. One which Waqqar gave me. The first gift he gave me for our wedding. Heat rushed to my cheeks and I quickly shoved my face into my pillow, unable to hold in the giggles.

I could hear Abi saying his goodbyes to Waqqar's family downstairs. I had run up to my room with Iris after Waqqar's Khala put on the ring on my finger. Iris and I chatted for a while when she said she'd come back from the restroom. I was left all alone to admire the ring.

"Enough is enough, Romma!" Iris barged in, startling me out of my daydream. She stormed up to me and sat down on the bed forcefully, causing the bed to start bouncing. She grabbed my shoulders with both of her hands and leaned in closer to glare at me. "Are you... alright...?" I managed to ask hesitantly.

She was perfectly normal when we came up. I had no clue why she was acting that way.

"No, Romma! I'm not alright!" She panicked, standing up. I gave her a confused look. "What's wrong?" I asked. She just looked at me and plopped down on the bed again, a sigh escaping her lips. "I told everyone that I'm a Muslim. But I still haven't done it officially! I feel some kind of guilt in my heart." She pouted. I pursed my lips in thought. "Yeah, I guess there is a proper ritual to convert. I once heard mom talking about it." I told her.

Iris took my hands in hers and pulled them closer to her.

"Help me Romma! I wanna convert. Tonight!" She pleaded. "Tonight?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded her head furiously. "Yes, tonight! I want to do it before I change my mind and run away with my tail between my legs. Besides, I think I'm ready for it! It's now or never." She explained. I looked at her for a few moments before letting a smile form on my face.

"I'm in! You'll get all the support you need from me. Let's get you converted tonight!" I beamed at her. She returned the bright smile, her blue eyes shining with excitement. "Really?!" She asked in disbelief. I nodded. "Of course!" I took her hands in mine and brought them up to my heart.

She bit her lip before giving me the, 'you're the best friend ever' look. She pretended to wipe her non existent tears and sniffed, putting her hands over her chest to sound dramatic as possible. "I couldn't have asked for a better friend," she fake cried.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Come on, Iris. Stop over reacting.". She looked up at me, her original self returning. "Honestly, you're such a big bundle of drama." I remarked shaking my head. She just grinned in response.

"So, have anything in mind?" Iris asked. I looked at the ceiling, thinking hard about it. "Don't you know what a person has to do to convert?" She questioned. I shook my head, disappointed in myself. "Nope, don't have a clue. I'm still no scholar." Iris nodded and sighed. "Well we can ask Waqq_"

"No way!" I interrupted her.


I blushed a bit before looking up to her. "I can't face him, Iris!" I exclaimed. She cocked an eyebrow at me. "Not after all this! I won't be able to even raise my eyes, let alone speak!" I thought Iris might not understand and snicker, saying I was over reacting. It wasn't everyday you would see Romma Albasha getting too shy to talk to a guy.

But of course. Iris was no normal gal either. She had best friend magical powers and they did wonders. It helped her understand what I was feeling without any problem. That's why I loved this girl so much. She didn't need me explaining stuff to her. She'd be one step ahead of me Everytime.

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