Chapter 27

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My head was spinning around in circles. Who would it be? The whole day at school and up till now, that was the only question in my head. If this goes on, I'm sure I'll fail in my classes. "Romma!" Someone screamed in my ear. I blinked twice before coming back to earth. I realized I was sitting in the classroom with Stacy, Lucy and Violet. It was recess currently and we had decided to relax here. "What happened, Romma? You've been spacing a lot since morning." Violet asked. I just smiled at her and told her it was nothing.

Lucy let out a laugh. "Of course it's something. She's daydreaming about her prince charming." Stacy wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Who? What prince charming?" Violet frowned. "Waqqar, of course!" Lucy patted my head. She puckered up her lips, flipped her hair over her shoulder and batted her eyelashes. "Oh Waqqar! What cute dimples you have!" She put a hand on her heart and pretended to swoon.

I blushed a deep red as they all started giggling. I tried not to think about Waqqar's eyes though, and that just made me blush harder."Oh, what amazing hair you have!" Lucy continued. " Why, do you put Hershey's coca in your eyes everyday? How deliciously brown they are!"

"Stop it!" I told her, face burning. I shoved at her and looked away with a huff. The sisters dissolved into squeals again. Violet nodded knowingly at me. I rolled my eyes at them. "I don't remember telling you guys anything about this." I told them with a poker face. "It's totally obvious, Romma." Vioet laughed while the sisters agreed.

I groaned. If they could just stop talking, I might be able to think. I still haven't told anyone about the letter thing except Iris. My head's been aching because I've been so tensed out. Sighing, I just let the girls chat about Waqqar and me. The whole day at school went by and I couldn't even get to speak to Waqqar. College was over and I walked outside to exit the building.

My eyes fell on him as he walked home. Oh Waqqar. If only he knew how much I was worried. He was totally clueless!! And it pissed me off! He wouldn't really notice that I liked him. He's so.... Weird!

I sighed and walked to my friends. "Let's go somewhere!" Violet suggested. I shook my head. "Don't feel like it at all." I replied, making a face. Lucy shot me a glare. "We should. Finals will be starting soon and college would end. We really won't get much time." Stacy reasoned. I nodded. "Okay, let's go shopping." I said. Violet piped in. "Yes! Best idea ever. I wasn't able to go shopping for a long time!" Her bright smile disappeared.

"But I'll have to go back early. Maria Really needs my help at home." She told us. Stacy frowned. " Maria? What happened to her?" She asked. Violet let out a sigh. "She's my bestest friend ever! I promised her I'll come over to her house and help her." Violet quickly explained. "Her family's going through a lot of crisis. Half of it lives overseas. Only last month, her brother got shot critically and he's been in emergency ever since."

I felt my heart drop low in my chest. I felt hollow all of a sudden. Here I was fretting over a guy, while being so oblivious to the real concerns of life."What's wrong? What does she need help with?" I asked.

"Family issues. She needs me by her side." Violet responded, her voice low and sad. "Oh," was what all three of us could say. "Then, we should really leave you early. If Maria's in trouble and you won't be there, we would feel terrible." Lucy said and we agreed. She shot us a smile before telling us to brush it off.

Shopping with Violet and the sisters was a blast! Though, I didn't buy much. Mom once told me that it was haraam to waste money on stuff I didn't even need. She was right. The poor need these money and if we spend them on useless stuff, it would be truly unfair.

"I'll drop you off, Violet." I offered. She looked at me with grateful eyes. "Thanks, Romma! Love you!" She beamed. The driver dropped the sisters off and started to drive to Maria's house. He stopped the car once we were there. Saying my salaam to Violet, she got off the car and made her way towards the house.

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