Chapter 33

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Please try to help out each other even if he or she is your enemy.💖☝☝


I got up for Fajr prayer at exact 4:30 am. Last night was hectic and it felt as if it was all a dream. 
I rubbed my head, letting brown locks of hair flop around my face and sighed.

The source of my troubled thoughts didn't even know that I had been thinking about her non stop since last night.

Ah, Romma. Even asleep she managed to bother me. I allowed a small smile at the thought.

Even though I had told myself to ignore all these thoughts, they still kept bugging me. I really needed to free my mind. Deciding to do exactly that, I walked out of my tent which I was sharing with Harry. I stepped outside and the cold weather of Canada hit my face.

"I really should have worn a coat." I whispered to myself, rubbing my hands together for some warmth. Walking over to the only source of water outside, the tap, I turned it to the other side and water sprouted out of it. It was hard for me to get used to the freezing water but I did, eventually. After making wudhoo, I grabbed the prayer mat from my bag and took it with me a little further in the woods.

I wanted to be alone. It was the only way I could get Romma out of my mind. The aroma around the camp just reminded me of last night.

I looked around for a suitable place to pray. There were trees all around, darkening the pre-dawn atmosphere. There were long twigs and boughs and logs scattered around. I walked further until I found a nice, smooth patch of earth.

And nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise.

Somehow, I had walked toward exactly what I was running away from. There she was, sitting on a prayer mat with a scarf wrapped securely around her head; Romma Albasha.

I could see her praying with her hands raised as she muttered something in Arabic. She was making a Dua. My heart was touched by that moment and I moved behind a tree before she would could sense me.

She continued making different duaas, bending over slightly as she sat on her own prayer mat, her hands covering her face and soft murmurs coming through them.

It wasn't a sight I thought I would ever see. Not on Romma. I immediately felt a twinge of shame. All this time I had been thinking of her as only I saw her. There was so much more to her than I had ever thought. I guess this calls for the phrase: don't judge a book by it's cover.

Though I had to admit, she looked just as attractive even in a hijab_ I blanched. what was I thinking?! Waqqar! Get a grip on yourself!

I decided it was rude to spy on her and came out from behind the tree. I stepped on a branch and it let out a loud crack.
Romma looked back in fright. "Waqqar!" She almost shouted. I fidgeted a bit and  rubbed the back of my head, an apologizing look on my face. To escape her scolding, I said the only thing I could. "Well... Uh, you look amazing with hijab on." I grinned sheepishly. Her eyes widened and she quickly got up and looked away.

"What're you doing here?" She asked in a low voice, avoiding any sort of eye contact.

"I came to offer prayer." I told her, holding up the prayer mat. She frowned.
"All the way here?" She pried.

"What if I asked you the same question?" I tried to turn the tables on her. She looked at the ground. "I just had to pray to Allah. I figured I had to do it free from any worldly thoughts." She replied, honestly.

I felt my stomach do a weird flip. Her voice was small and soft and the set of her shoulders reminded me a bit too much of last night.

I sighed at the situation. She had just confessed to me the night before and here I was already scaring her in the middle of a forest clearing. I hope she didn't think i was stalking her.

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