Chapter 9

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Loud cheers were heard as I entered, Meena walking side by side with me. She squealed in excitement as she stepped in. Her squeals were in sync with the loud cheers. It was a noisy place and I had absolutely no interest in the game at all.

"Let's go, Wainee!" Meena grabbed my hand and dragged me to the seats. There were seats surrounding the whole badminton stadium. A few places were left where you could see the game clearly. Meena took me there and we both settled down. Many people had huge posters in their hands. Our college's name was written in many of them. I took out my phone and earphones. I'll just listen to some recitation of the holy quran while the game would be going on.

It wasn't long before I had started to listen to Surah Maryam when Meena jumped up and down in excitement, pointing at the field. I looked at the way she was pointing and realized that the game had started. I spotted Romma and her team. I also found out that it was an all-girls match. Romma was waving at the crowd and so were her teammates. They were wearing a black shirt with an orange hoodie over it.

The other team were wearing the same uniform except that their hoodie was purple. "Romma Appa (sister)" Meena shouted at her, waving her hand in the air. I smiled at her. Romma looked here and there, looking for Meena and me. She waved at us as soon as she spotted us. I gave her a small smile and she returned it with a bright one. "Break a leg!!" Meena shouted at her. Romma gave her a thumbs up.

The game started and it was an intense match. I soon stopped the recitation, getting interested in the game. Romma scored a goal but the other team scored two goals. It seemed as we were losing. Badminton wasn't that hard, you know. In fact it's quite easy. For me at least. I leaned forward, lost in the game. The game continued and soon we were only a point behind.

One of Romma's teammate scored another goal earning a loud Cheer from the crowd. It was a tie. Both of the teams were equal now. But, Allah knew who'd win. For the next round, both the teams were equal. The time was running. Meena was restless in her seat. I was surprised that she knew what was going on. She got off her chair and pumped her fist high in the air. "Go Romma Baji!" She cheered. Romma's eyes fell on us. The way Meena was screaming must've awakened some kind of fire inside of her. She hit the ball with all her might and it went flying. The other girl couldn't catch it and so, we were a point ahead of them now.

The game went on with the same result; we were a point ahead. Finally, it had to end. The time stopped and everyone froze in their places. "UMT WINS!!" the announcer said into the microphone and the whole stadium erupted in cheers. I covered my ears, but delighted that we had won. Romma had a huge grin plastered on her face. She looked at me as if saying "I knew I'd win.". I gave her a thumbs up with one hand while the other covered my ear.

She looked at me, shocked before turning the other way. It was a good victory. I hadn't felt this good in a while. After half an hour, the stadium was almost empty. Meena was eating my head, saying that we just HAD to go and congratulate Romma. I figured it wouldn't hurt to go and so I agreed.

"Congratulations, Romma." I said to her as soon as she looked at our way, surrounded by many people. Meena ran to her and hugged her. "Thanks," she replied. "You were soo amazing!!" Meena squealed. She was the number one fan of Romma already. Romma gave her a  high five. "I know." She said. I folded my arms over my chest. "Doesn't this Mean that you should go and thank Allah?" I questioned her. Expecting an eyeroll, I was caught off guard when Romma grinned. "Thank you, Allah." She said.

I almost fell. I've never heard 'Allah' from her mouth, ever! This was the first time for me. I was sure my jaw was hanging low. Romma smirked at my expression when I quickly straightened myself. "What's the time?" Romma asked. I looked at my watch. "7:15 pm" I answered. She nodded, sending the last of the people away. She picked Meena up from the ground and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"I want you to meet someone." Romma said and led us outside to the field. She took us to the corner of the stadium and put Meena down. "You're heavy, fatso." Romma commented, laughing. It was so surprising to see Romma act maturely when she was around Meena. With me, she would only ever be irritating.

"Romma! Here you are!" A girl with short blonde hair came up to us. I looked at Romma, demanding answers. "This is Iris, Waqqar. The same girl who was  interested in Islam." Romma explained quickly. I nodded knowingly. "Iris, this is Waqqar. My clasmate that I told you about. He knows a lot about Islam so if you need any help, You can ask him." Romma told her. Iris's eyes twinkled as she realized who I was.

A bright smile spread on her face as she held out her hand to shake mine. I politely declined the offer. "No thanks. It's nice to meet you, though." I told her. She looked hurt for a while before she understood why I had declined her offer.

She flashed me an assuring smile. "Well, it was really good to meet you. I hope you can help me with my knowledge of Islam." She said. I nodded. "Inshallah, I'll try my best. But you know, there's a class for women nearby. I can tell you about it. My female cousins often go there for knowledge. It's really good. You'll be able to seek more from there than from me." I explained. She nodded, interested. "You can give me the contact number of your cousin." She suggested. I agreed and gave her Farah's number. Farah was my cousin, the daughter of Hassan chachoo (father's brother).

She thanked me before patting Meena on the head and hurrying away with a quick"bye!". Romma, I and Meena walked back to the building. On the way, Romma asked me a question. "Why didn't you shake her hand, Waqqar?" She asked me. I took a deep breath. "Well, to maintain my Hijab of course." I flashed a smile at her. She frowned in confusion. "What has that got to do anything with hijab?" She questioned.

"Because, I'm not allowed to touch a female who isn't my blood relative or wife. Any form of interaction between two non-blood relatives isn't allowed. I can't even touch her. Neither can I touch you." I gave her a Stern look at the end. She scowled at me before facing the front. She stayed quiet, thinking about something I had no clue about.

Only Allah knows what goes inside that brain of hers

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