Chapter 49

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I leaned over to the table, stirring the coffee with the tiny spoon. One hand busy with the spoon and the other under my face, balancing it on my elbow. I let out a long and detailed sigh. “What am I going to do??” I groaned, my brows furrowed into a frown. “I wanna settle already.” My complaining continued, as Iris listened to me patiently, sipping on her green tea from time to time.

She reached out for another biscuit and took a bite, the noise of the crunch filling my ears. My half closed, boring eyes moved to her. “Say something!” I sat up straight, ordering her. She blinked twice before looking at me. “O-oh! What were you saying?” she quickly regained her senses and with a sheepish grin, she asked innocently. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“What are you spacing out about??” I pried. She let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh nothing much. Just thinking about getting a job.” She was lying. I knew she was. But, I wasn’t one to force it out of her. She’d probably tell me herself when the time came. I narrowed my eyes, staring into her's deeply, showing her I wasn’t fooled. She quickly looked away, trying to avoid my gaze.

“Everybody’s looking for a job. And no one’s getting one.” I switched back to my complains. “Yeah, it’s getting hard to find employment nowadays.” Iris admitted, taking another sip of her tea. I looked back at her. “What kind of job are you looking for?” I asked, finally taking a sip of my own drink. It wasn’t as warm as I wanted it to be but I still drank it.

“Overseas.” Iris simply replied. “I want a job overseas.” She repeated. I frowned at her. “Why’s that?  You don’t want to stay here? I mean, it’s your homeland. You were born here.” I questioned, setting my gaze back to the black brownish drink. Iris sighed. “I want to shift to another environment for a change. I’ve been here my whole life. I want to go to an Islamic state and practise my religion. It’s almost impossible over here.” She explained, staring into space.

I nodded understandingly. “I guess you’re right.” I said. “So, what became of your plan?”. Iris looked at me. She opened her mouth to say something when her phone rang. I looked at her phone from the corner of my eyes. Before I could read the person’s name flashing on the screen, Iris picked it up and answered the call.

“Wa salaam, Waqqas!” I perked up at the name. Waqqas??

“Yes! I remember.” Iris said into the phone. “Oh really??” I kept on listening closely. “What city? Lahore?” I frowned at the name. It sounded familiar. I thought I had heard Waqqar say that name once when he was talking to his mom.

Iris’s eyes accidentally locked with mine. I made gestures towards her, asking her what he was saying. She ignored me and turned back to her smiling and cheerful face. I scowled but stayed quiet since I didn’t want to let Waqqas know what was going on at our end.

“Can you send me the email?” She asked. Possible scenarios started flashing in my mind and my curiosity was killing me at this point. “Next week?! That early??” Iris sat up straight on her seat as her brows furrowed into a surprised frown. “No, no. It’s fine. I want to get this done as soon as possible.” She relaxed back into her seat.

She stayed quiet for a few seconds, listening carefully to what Waqqas was saying. Her expression changed into a sad and gloomy one. “No, I’ll handle them. They won’t be such a problem, In shaa Allah. Thanks for worrying anyway.” She said, in a low voice. I started tapping my foot on the ground, impatiently, playing with the biscuits laying there on the plate beside my cup of coffee.

“Yes, take care. And Jazakumullah once again for everything. I’ll inform you till tomorrow.” Iris’s face lit up as she thanked him. She cut the call before giggling about something Waqqas probably said. She had just raised her head after locking her phone and as soon as her eyes locked with mine, she froze. A sheepish grin formed on her face as I crossed my arms over my chest for answers.

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