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His POV...

"Thank you, sir." I shook hands with Mr. Albasha. He smiled sweetly at me. "It's been a really long time since I've hired a person like you." He said. "I'll be looking forward to working with you, then." I replied. Standing up, I said a last "Ma'asalam" and walked out of the office. I've finally found myself a job. Alhamdulillah. But, to be honest. It was all because of Romma.

If she hadn't been such a cooperating person, I would've never gotten a job. Romma has started to change a lot and it makes me feel a bit different about her. She's gotten so much more mature all of a sudden. I can't believe she stayed quiet after what Samuel said to her. I thought she would go and punch him in the face for saying all that stuff.

But, she stayed quiet and just let it go. I hope Romma starts getting closer to Allah as well. I'm sure if she does, she'll be an amazing girl. She has the potential. Maybe I could even be better friends with her. Romma really is different than I thought. But why was I thinking about her so much all of a sudden? I also spent yesterday at home thinking about her!! Seriously, what is wrong with me?

"Assalamualaikum!" I entered the house. Nadia Khala appeared out of the kitchen. She walked towards me and placed a kiss on the forehead. "Waalaykumusalaam, beta (son)" she smiled at me. Her beautiful honey eyes showed that she was depressed. Of course, with Chachoo losing his job... Everyone was like that. And I felt even worse for being a burden on them. Which was why I made up my mind to find a job.

It wasn't really a problem for Meena because she was their real daughter. No matter how much they admit it, I'm still just their nephew. No one would want to take care of someone else's child. Wether it be your Khala or any one else. "I've got news for you." I announced. Khala frowned in confusion. "But you just came. Go and get fresh while I serve something to eat. Then, we can talk calmly." She told me. I agreed and went off to my room, meeting Meena on the way.
Giving her a hug (which she demanded by the way) I went to my room. After changing, Khala called us downstairs for food.
At the table, I turned to Nadeem Chachoo. " Did you get a call for a job offer?"

Chachoo frowned. "No. Was I supposed to?"
I worried my bottom lip thoughtfully. So Romma's dad had only contacted me so far. I guess it made sense. He only offered me a part time job that I could juggle with college. He would have to give my uncle a proper full time job. And of course even that wasn't final. I sat straighter in my seat. " I need to tell you something." I announced again. Chachoo smiled at me, stuffing some biryani in his mouth. "I've found a job. So, even if you find one late, it won't be a problem. The company I applied for is a good one and their salary is also fair. The good thing is that it's after noon." I explained. Chachoo's eyes widened and he smiled brightly.

Before he could say anything, Khala spoke up. "Waqqar Beta, what was the need to go through such trouble? I didn't agree to keep you here with me just to make you work." She said. I gave her an assuring look. "Khala, what're you talking about? I live here. I'm dependent on you guys. It's obligatory on me to do this at least." I replied, savouring the taste of another bite of the Amazing biryani.

Khala kept quiet. I could see that she wasn't satisfied and was hesitant. I turned to Chachoo for support. "Tell her, Chachoo. I want to do this." I pleaded. Chachoo shook his head. "She's right, beta. You didn't need to do all this." He sighed. "It's fine! I told you. Don't worry about a thing. You should be happy for me. I'm already becoming independent." I assured them.

At work...

"So, here's those files. You just need to print them..." The assistant was explaining everything to me. From how to use the machines to how to handle them. It seemed like an easy task. But, when I started, it wasn't how I imagined. This was a textile company. Today was a weekend and I didn't have to go to school. Today was my second day.

"Wainee!" I heard her shout from afar. I looked up to see everyone staring at me and Romma. She was standing at the door. The same thing happened yesterday. She showed up just like that. I could see that everyone was staring at us. "Yes, Romma?" I asked, continuing my work. As I bent down to push another button, Romma went with me. "Whatcha doing?" She asked in her hyped up voice.

"Printing these files." I replied simply. She scowled at me. "You're no fun. You can do this later. I wanna show you something!" She grabbed the files from me and placed them on a nearby table. Then, dragged me out of there. "But, what about work?! Romma! I'm working here!" I reminded her. She waved it off. "Don't worry, I asked Dad. I've been waiting for two hours for you to finish work. I came two hours late as well. Meaning, you've worked for four hours. Now, gimme attention!" She told me. I sighed. "Don't you get tired?" I asked her.


She even came prepared. She led me to a room. Before opening, she turned to me excitedly. "Close your eyes." She ordered. I shook my head. "How will I see?" I questioned. She rolled her eyes. "I can take your hand and lead you. Don't worry." She told me. I pulled my hand closer to me. "You can't touch me." I reminded her. She stood there in realization. "Oh yeah. I forgot!"

I blinked twice. Did Romma simply accept the fact that she couldn't touch me? Without any arguments? Wow.

She opened the door and told me to step in. I looked around me and even thought that I was in a dream for a second. It was an aquarium. I stood there in awe. "Subhanallah." I whispered to myself looking around. The fishes were surrounding us. I looked at my feet and saw that there was an aquarium beneath my feet as well. I looked up at the ceiling, and saw that it was also an aquarium. It was just.... Mashallah.

I felt Romma looking at me. Her lips turned into a smile. "Do you like it?" She asked. I nodded. It's so beautiful, Mashallah." I told her. She took a sigh of relief. "I told Abi to make it. Thank God you like it. I thought you hated my choice of taste." She told me. I shook my head. "It's really good Mashallah."

"Waqqar." She said. I turned to her. "Yeah?" I could see she was hesitating and nervous. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth but shut it again. I cocked an eyebrow at her. She just glanced down at the floor, biting her lip. I felt a little concerned for her sudden gloomy demeour.

"Romma, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at her properly.
She looked up at me through her lashes. " You know, Waqqar, I'm really happy you've started working here. I never thought I'd look forward to my afternoons so much."

I blinked at her, as color rushed to my face. "Uh... thanks?" I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I kinda like this arrangement too."
"Really?" She took a step closer to me. I instantly felt very conscious. I gave a short nod. She took another step and I fought the urge to take one back. "So, you're saying you like spending time with me too?"

I blinked down at her large green eyes. Huh? What? Where did that come from? I stared at her face, her golden brown hair, her pink lip that she kept biting. My heart did some wierd flip flops in my chest. I was sure my face was red as a tomato. Close. She was too close.

"Waqqar?" She asked, looking at my frozen expression worriedly. She suddenly lifted her hand and pressed it on my cheek softly. The contact was like an electricity shock and I jumped back, away from her.

"Waqqar?!" She said loudly."I'm sorry, I -"

I shook my head, my face burning, my heart pounding. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. I didn't understand what was happening. All I knew was that I needed to get out of the room. "I- I need to get back to work!" I said finally. " I don't need trouble so early in my new job, right?" I shot her a quick tight smile and bolted from the room.

Once I reached my workplace I pressed my face against the cool glass door. I was glad she didn't follow. But honestly, what was with her all of a sudden, getting in my personal space when I told her not to touch me? And worst of all, what was wrong with me, feeling so awkward and nervous around her.

I shook my head and got back to work. I wasn't sure how to face her after this.

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