Chapter 46

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Salaam guys!  The moment you all were waiting for!  Sorry I was so late!  I really wanted to make this chapter a special one and because I was so lazy, I couldn't be quick about it.  Well then,  here you have it.

Enjoy!  And Late Eid Mubarak!!


It was a beautiful day. I could see the rays of sunshine falling into the room through the big windows at almost every corner of the small hall. My eyes darted towards the crowd in front of me. There were so many people; most of them relatives I hadn’t seen in a long time. Harry and Damian were also there, wearing traditional Pakistani clothes which  made them look weird but also suited them a lot.

My eyes fell on my father's face and I could've sworn that I saw tears in his eyes. A worried expression covered my face. Don't cry dad!

It made me laugh really. This man was the same man whom I used to fear so much. He was my father after all. Looking at him like this was odd. He was showing his soft side which wasn't often. I guess it was probably because now I was officially grown up.

I forced a tight smile at him, trying to console him through my gestures. Though he was crying, it were tears of joy. Everyone was happy as big bright smiles covered their faces. Waqqas bhai winked at me from his seat. My eldest brother, Abbas, sat right next to him. He just shot me a small smile as he usually would.

Everyone was happy and beaming and had all their attention on one thing. Everything was great. Perfect, just perfect. There was just one teeny tiny problem. I was the center of attention!  ME. I was FREAKING out! Everyone just stared at me with smiling faces trying to keep up my morale but it just made me anxious. Not only that, I was literally sitting in the center so EVERYONE could see me.

Slowly, the smiles of every man in the room widened and I realized that someone had just called out to me. I turned to the Imam. "Uhh, yes?" Unsure whether he truly did call out to me or if it was just my imagination, I shifted a bit on my feet. He nodded at me before proceeding. "Waqqar Mehmood." I flinched at the formal tone. It was a sign that he was gonna ask me a life changing question.

"Do you accept to marry Umme Romman Albasha with haq meher?"

Silence fell in the room. A lump formed in my throat as I looked at all the people in the hall one by one. I looked at my father as if asking for approval and he just nodded with an assuring smile. My sweaty palms were shaking as I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I turned to the Imaam who was waiting patiently for my answer.

I smiled as I remembered his words. Did I accept to marry Romma?? After all this? After all this wait and longing for her? "Yes, I accept." I announced so everybody in the hall could hear my decision. My voice didn't crack a bit which was strange since I was feeling so scared a moment ago.

"Congratulations, Waqqar. Just sign these papers and you both will be officially married." He handed me a small bundle of sheets along with a pen. I signed the blank and my eyes caught Romma's signature on the other side of the page. My heart started beating fast as I recognized the all so familiar handwriting. Romma was there, I thought as I glanced at the other side of the hall which was separated by a curtain. She was probably sitting there in the position as me wearing a beautiful wedding dress.

Oh how I wanted to see her.

When I was done signing all the paperwork, a wave of realization washed over me. I was a married man. This was all it took; a few minutes. I couldn't believe it. Romma was my wife. She was halal for me now and I didn't have to sneak glances at her anymore. Thinking about it, gave me goosebumps. All I wanted to do there and then was to take in my bride's appearance. I didn't know what got into me but I suddenly had this unbearable urge to meet Romma.

It was then that I realized the hall had errupted into cheers and laughter everywhere. One by one, every man came over to me and gave me a bro hug saying, "Congratulations"or “BarakAllah!” Some made Dua for me and my new family. It all made me smile but I still couldn't get the thought of meeting Romma out of my mind. I stood up and walked over to where my brothers were.

"My little bro's married now!" Waqqas fake cried before giving me one of his crushing bear hugs. "Careful, bhaijaan. My shirt will be ruined." I said trying to break free. He pulled away from me. "You seem restless. What's the problem?" Abbas Bhai noticed. I gave him an embarrassed smile and rubbed the back of my head. "Well.. I just want to..." It was hard telling him this since I wasn't used to being so open about stuff around him. It was easier saying it to Waqqas.

"You want to see her, don't you?" Waqqas smirked as he nudged me. I lowered my head, not denying it. Both of my older brothers burst out laughing, exchanging looks. "Well, what should I do? I don't want to wait until the function is over." I whined. They stopped laughing and looked at each other. "There is a way." Abbas Bhai told me. I perked up at that. "Really?"

"You can see her at the function hall. Before any guests get there. You'll just have to ask permission first." He explained. My face lit up with a bright smile. "Sure can do! I'll just have to ask mom or Iris at the hall as soon as we reach there, right?" I confirmed and he nodded in reply. Waqqas looked at his elder brother with an unsure look. "Are you sure that's possible?" He asked. Abbas Bhai nodded again. "I did the same thing at my wedding." He smiled a bit as he said that.

I wanted to tease him about it when his phone suddenly started ringing. He pulled it out and tapped on the answer option. "Sorry, I have to take this. Call me when we're leaving for the hall." With that, he walked away. Both of us exchanged looks. "How typical of him." Waqqas Bhai remarked and I agreed.

"That aside," He started. "How are you feeling? You're a married man now! I'm sure something's going on in that tummy of yours." He laughed and poked my stomach. I just looked at him with a smile fighting it's way to my mouth. "I don't know. It feels weird." I admitted. He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at me in a teasing manner. "What about Bhabhi (sister in law)?" He asked.

Normally, I would just blush or look down but today, something was wrong with me. I started to feel confident all of a sudden. "I really wanna meet her." I told him simply. It was clear he was a bit taken aback by my comment. He raised an eyebrow. "Then, let's head over to the hall. We don't want our groom crying anytime soon." He chuckled, grabbing my hand and leading me to Abbu (father).

"Waqqar beta." Abbu's face lit up as his eyes fell on the two of us. He stood up from the little circle he made with a few of his friends and gave me a one-armed hug. Abbu gestured towards his friends and introduced us, his hand around my shoulders.

I exchanged greetings and niceties with them before looking at my brother. "Ask him when we're leaving." I mouthed his way. Bhaijaan chuckled a little and nodded. "Abbu," he called for his attention. Abbu turned around to face his son. "The function's going to start in an hour. We should probably head over to the hall." He suggested with confidence; something I never had talking to my father. He looked at Abbu right in the eyes as he spoke with no difficulty.

"Someone's in a hurry." Waqqas whispered the last part to Abbu, leaning in closer to him. This caught me off guard. I started feeling nervous as Abbu smiled at me teasingly.

"I agree." He nodded his head. "Inform your mother and the others to sit in the cars in five minutes exactly."

Waqqas Bhai nodded and both of us left. My heart started beating fast as my mind swirled with imaginations of Romma. I couldn't believe it. I was getting closer to seeing her. Just the thought of it gave me goosebumps. That led me to think; what was Romma feeling right now? Was she as happy as I was?

Well, I would find out soon enough.

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