Chapter 11:

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It had been almost 20 minutes since the second last period started. Romma was seated behind me. Just my luck. I was just minding my own business, when I felt a tap on my back. I ignored it, knowing that it was probably Romma trying to be an annoyance again. I felt her throw a tiny piece of paper at my back. I rolled my eyes and picked it up from the floor.

"Heya Wainee! What's up?" She had written. I crumbled up the paper and threw it at the back. I wasn't gonna let Romma distract me. She threw another paper at me. I sighed and picked it up again. "Are you free after school?" I read. I turned my head to look at her. She just gave me a wave and a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes and turned back to pay attention to the lesson.

She did it again. Irritated now, I looked at her with an angry expression. She smiled at me innocently and pointed at the paper in my hand. "Read it" she mouthed at me. Glaring at her, I heard the teacher called my name. "Mr Mehmood! I would be delighted if you give your attention to me rather than a certain someone." She scolded me, eyeing Romma.

My face was red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Ma'am." I apologized. She just folded her arms over her chest. This was the first time I had received a scolding from the teacher. And it was all Romma's fault. The teacher probably thought I was the one who started all of it and it was embarrassing. I hoped to Allah she didn't think we were flirting or anything.

Thank Allah Romma didn't throw another paper at me or else I would've exploded. As the bell rang, the teacher stood to leave the class. One the way, she gave me a disappointed look as if saying"I didn't expect this from you". I felt even worse and the feeling lasted till school ended.

Romma sat beside her friend the next period, far from me. I was grateful for that. The whole period was peaceful and I was able to concentrate. I was still in a foul mood. You can't blame me. I've never been scolded in front of the class. Most importantly, the students were all staring at me.

After school ended, I rushed home. As I just stepped out of the school, I heard Romma call my name. "Waqqar, wait up!" She yelled. I stopped in my tracks. "Now's not the time, Romma." I told her seriously. She frowned at me. "What're you upset about?" She asked. I gave her the 'Are you kidding me?' look. "You know what." I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, Wainee. Everyone trades paper in class." She said. I nodded. "Yes. But why'd it have to be between me and you?!" I questioned her. She gave me a grin. "Come on. I'm not that bad." She pouted. I turned the other way. "Whatever. Now I have to go home, if you don't mind." I said and started walking. She started after me and stopped once she was by my side. "I need to ask you a question." She said.

"I've told your friend, Iris that she could contact my cousin for help. There shouldn't be any more questions." I reminded her. She shook her head. "That's not it, Waqqar." She said. "I AM the one with the question."

I raised my eyebrow, interested. "It shouldn't be a stupid question." I warned her. She shook her head, honestly. "Promise, it isn't." She assured me. "Ok then, let's hear it." I said folding my arms over my chest. She took a deep breath. "You see, I believe in Allah and the Prophets and everything that a Muslim believes in. That doesn't make me much different from you. If I'm a Muslim then it's written in my fate that I'll go to Paradise, right?" She asked.

I shook my head. "That's not how it works, Romma. Even Muslims will go to hell. It depends on a person's deeds and his intentions. You don't have to be a kafir (disbeliever) to go to hell." I explained. Her expression changed into a worried one. She looked at the ground. "So I don't have a chance." She sighed. My expression softened and I felt sorry for her.

"Come on, Romma. No one can decide whether he would go to hell or Paradise. The will to change one's self is enough for Allah. You try your best and see. Everything will be alright." I told her, softly. She raised her head and looked at me right in the eye. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah"

"I'll try my best. But I'll need someone to help me." She said. "Can you help me?"

I smiled at her, genuinely. "Anytime, Romma. I'll be there anytime you need me." I assured her. She smiled at me. "Thanks, Waqqar. You're really a good guy." She said. I don't know why but I saw a blush forming on her face. My face got slightly red as blood rushed to my cheeks. Thankfully, I was able to quickly cover it up. The silence was tense. I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

"Guess I should leave you alone now!" She said out of the blue, probably to cut the awkwardness between us. I nodded. "Yeah, I should be home by now." I told her. With a small wave she walked away. I made my way towards my house, one thing on my mind.

What was THAT?!
The next day...

I felt another piece of paper hit me. This was part of my routine now. It was getting quite annoying. But, mostly the letter would be a question about Islam. It made me feel so happy that Romma was trying to understand and change herself for good. But there are some things that don't change.

Her flirting was getting extreme and it was irritating. But, I somehow managed it all. It's what I have been doing for the past year now.

I picked up the paper Romma sent me. I opened it up, expecting another cheesy line like "is it me or it's getting really hot in here?" Something like that. But it was another question about hijab. I did tell her I was gonna be there whenever she needed me and I was just keeping a promise.

I wrote everything I knew on the backside of the paper and gave it to her, secretly. I hope I don't get in trouble for this.

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