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"Hyung, you're so mean," Jimin commented, crossing his arms and huffing as he slouched against the back of the couch. It was a childish thing to do, he knew. But habits were habits, and if this particular habit wanted to be impossible to break, so be it. Yoongi didn't even glance up from his laptop, continuing to edit the beat in the new song he was working on.

"Sure," was the only response he received, completely unrelated to the topic at hand. That just hinted even further that Yoongi wasn't listening to Jimin.

The singer whined, slouching even lower down, a pout making its way onto his lips. He was completely and utterly bored, nothing to do and no one to talk to with everyone else either out of the dorm or asleep. Yoongi-Hyung was the most logical one to go to, unless Jimin dared to wake up Jungkook, who was just about as scary as Yoongi when woken up, but twice as deadly. (Yes, the tiny, fifteen-year-old Maknae was a deadly muscle pig who could and would murder his Hyungs. Jungkook ruled in this household.)

Taehyung was also in the house, but he was taking a shower, and talking to him during that would be...


Sure, some of them had showered together but that was months ago when they couldn't afford to pay for water as a group of trainees, and even then, they had strictly avoided touching one another. Now that they were already debuted and making a tiny bit extra money, they could afford to have showers for themselves.

So Jimin was stuck with Yoongi for a few more boring minutes.

What really sucked was Yoongi-Hyung was not easily distracted from his work.

Jimin has literally done everything possible to try and get Yoongi to stop working and take a break. Those included; shoving food in his face, getting him to sleep (maybe sneaking a dissolving sleeping pill into his water bottle), or unplugging his computer or turning off his laptop (which may result in a black eye and angry makeup-Noonas). Unfortunately, there was no food, no more sleeping pills, and Jimin really wasn't in the mood to ice a bruise so he resorted to good, old-fashioned begging and annoying.

Of course, that really made Yoongi pissed off, sometimes to the point where he would stop working but would spend his break glaring a hole into the wall behind Jimin's head. But Jimin would rather shrink into the cushions of the couch than have Yoongi drown himself in work. He knew Yoongi was secretly thankful too, because any company was good company.

Jimin stood up to transfer his seat and rolled up behind Yoongi on a wheely desk chair, tapping a random beat on the elder's shoulders. He nodded his head to the imaginary drums as he watched his Hyung dip his head in annoyance. His fingers came up to rub at his temple, and Jimin continued to drum a beat, changing it up every so often.

Suddenly, Yoongi's head shot up, causing Jimin to jump back, half scared to death. "That's it! Thank you, Jimin-ah!"

Jimin glanced down at his index fingers, wondering what they could have possibly done. He was curled against the backrest of the chair in a protective stance and placed his legs down, getting comfortable again. His heart was still beating furiously from the scare.


Yoongi typed up something on his laptop, listening to the track, and then pausing the music. "You," he pointed to Jimin, "just gave me the beat I needed to finish this song."

"Oh," Jimin looked at Yoongi's laptop screen. All he saw was a bunch of squiggly lines in white boxes. Nothing that he could understand.

"Cool," he finished. "Can we do something, now?"

"No, I still have to put the beat into the song."

Jimin threw his head back and spun in the chair. "Why~" he drew out, groaning. He was beginning to get annoyed with his Hyung.

Yoongi waved a hand dismissively. "I heard the water stop. Taehyung's out of the shower, go play with him or something."

That made Jimin's blood boil. Not because Yoongi waved him off, but because he said "go play" like Jimin was a child. And that was a hit to his pride and masculinity.

"Old fart." He huffed dramatically and stomped off to Taehyung and Namjoon's room, throwing himself into the bed closest to the door, snuggling into the stuffed lion that was placed there. Taehyung soon opened the door, hair still wet and dripping onto the faded blue shirt he usually used for sleeping. He made a face at Jimin face-planted on his bed but shrugged it off, walking to the dresser in the corner of the room and pulling out a pair of socks.

"Who shit in your cereal?"

"Yoongi," Jimin replied, face muffled by the soft covers of the bed. "And where's your respect, dongsaeng."

"Hyung," Tae deapanned-annoyed, even though he knew Jimin was joking-and sat down on the bed, pulling his ankle-high socks on. He let out a small laugh when Jimin just let out a low groan into the sheets. "What do you expect? That's how Hyung is when he's working."

Jimin rolled over onto his back. "I'm bored," he whined. He knew he was being pathetic but his pride was severely wounded so there was nothing more he could do to make it worse. "Suga-Hyung won't talk to me, Jungkook's asleep, and you're leaving already."

Taehyung shrugged, standing back up again. "Wanna come with me? I'm meeting the others at the cafe near the studio."

Jimin shot up. "Yes. Anything to get out of this dead hellhole."

Not dead, he mentally corrected. Just boring as fuck. Seriously, didn't anyone know how to have fun around here?

Taehyung laughed. "It isn't that bad, Hyung. You have your phone and Jungkookie's in his room."

Jimin turned his head and glared at the back of Taehyung's head. He raised an eyebrow and waited for Tae to realize-

"Oh wait. You just told me he's sleeping, huh."


Taehyung wasn't as dumb as people made him out to be. He was actually really observant and thoughtful. But there were times where he just... forgot to wake up his brain in the morning. Perhaps this was one of those days. Jimin would remind him to get a double-shot espresso at the cafe later.

"He would be bothering me if he was awake. And Jin-Hyung and Namjoon-Hyung are the only ones that can wake him up without getting strangled." Jimin groaned, snuggling further into his dongsaeng's blankets that smelled like vanilla and fabric softener.

"Not true!" Taehyung pouted. "He doesn't kill me!"

The elder chucked the large lion plushie straight at the younger idol's face, which knocked them both down. "Yeah, but I will if you don't hurry up and get me out of here. Jeez, all you people are so loud that the rare times it's quiet, it feels weird."

Jimin didn't mention that he suspects the two maknaes were actually soulmates.


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