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btw I'm using international age because thats just way easier

Jungkook's 16th birthday prank passed without a hitch, and their precious leader was also surprised with a small birthday celebration in the same month. Jungkook cried, both because of him bottling up his frustration during the prank and also because he was so touched they remembered. Then, it was already October and almost time for Jimin's birthday.

More specifically, his 18th birthday.

He would find out who his soulmate was at 3:54 AM on October 13. Gosh, Jimin is already angry about the amount of sleep he'll be missing. If their schedules were packed now, imagine what they'll be like around Halloween. All the festivals, and then they have to get ready for the holidays and then the New Year.

Jimin didn't want a spectacular celebration for his birthday, even though it was his 18th. Instead, his bandmates took him to a restaurant for dinner the night before, and they decided to stay up until Jimin's time. A loud festival was going on in the park nearby, so they listened to the music and walked around, faces hidden in scarves and big sweaters.

Jimin set an alarm on his phone to go off at exactly 3:54, so he'll know, even if he doesn't feel the bond immediately. His bandmates dragged him around to different booths, making him fill up with warm street food and hot cocoa. He could see the light from the main stage electrifying his misty breath and turning it different colors. It looked like the smoke that all the production companies used on stages.

To be honest, Jimin was having a bad feeling about this particular birthday. The lights and moving bodies gave him a migraine, and he wasn't sure if he was feeling cold from the wind or hot, based on how much he was sweating under his multiple jackets. His entire body just felt numb at this point.

Except the pounding in his head. He could still clearly feel that ache, which he was not incredibly thankful for. That and the annoying churning in his stomach. This entire day was just turning out to be a mess.

To Jimin, finding his soulmate was his ultimate dream, of course besides becoming an idol. But today was not the fairytale ending he had been hoping for. There was a sick feeling in his stomach, and his head seemed to swirl with every breath. His throat was dry, and the cold nipped at his face.

He would need to make sure he knew who his soulmate was, especially if Jimin was the younger one. His soulmate might not feel anything until Jimin comes in contact with him, and in a crowd of strangers, they could lose one another.

Checking his phone once again, Jimin let himself be lead to the crowd of moving bodies, jumping and swaying to the music. It was 3:48, and Jungkook took notice. His bandmates all stood around him in an arc, keeping an eye out for anyone that reacted weirdly as soon as the clock struck the time.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Yoongi mumbled in Jimin's ear, slipping away. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"But I want you here when it happens," Jimin whined, grasping onto his sleeve stubbornly.

"I know, Jimin-ah," Yoongi tugged on Jimin's wrist, making him let go. "I'll be back, I promise."

He stepped away and slipped into the crowd, which immediately swallowed him up until he could no longer be seen. Jimin watched him go reluctantly, nodding his head to the music as it surrounded him. The damp grass wet his shoes until they felt gross and cold, like he would never be able to dance again. Someone stepped on his toes. It was painful, but at least Jimin knew he still had feeling in his feet. It was already 3:53 and Yoongi was still not back.

The idol eyed the crowd around him, wondering if his soulmate was younger than him. Then would this entire night have been a waste? Why did they even try, he was going to find his soulmate no matter what, even if he was tucked away in his bed at this exact moment. Jimin kept searching the crowd about to give up until he saw a pair of eyes across the park and holy shit.

His phone buzzed in his hand, but it was nothing compared to the buzz that ran down his spine, spreading warmth through his body despite the cold night. He tried to maintain contact with his soulmate, but the feeling was too intense, and he shut his eyes and collapsed to his knees, cradling body with his arms. The tears were welling up in his eyes at the overwhelming feeling, and he felt so damn happy. The other part of him was screaming to get up, go embrace your soulmate, kiss him, do something.

He didn't realize he was sobbing until his band-mates were surrounding him, extremely happy and yelling out congratulations over the music. Was that low bass pounding out in his chest the music or the beating of his own heart?

Seokjin-Hyung immediately wrapped an arm around Jimin, blocking his view of the area and no, he didn't get to see his face. Jimin was having trouble breathing, the sensation still wracking his body. Finally, with a gasping breath, he managed to push Seokjin away and stand up, his hyung mumbling something about "such a strong bond".

But his soulmate was no longer standing there, and the mass of bodies around him suddenly felt all too constricting.

Jimin collapsed into tears a second time that morning.

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