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April 3, 2018,

Dear Kim Taehyung-ssi,

My brother. One of my closest friends. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for always knowing when I was feeling down. Thank you for (no matter how many times I complained) not believing me when I told you I was doing fine.

You were my inspiration a lot of the time. I think you struggled the most during our first months as a debuted group, and that pushed me to work harder; just as hard as you did. You didn't have a concrete fan base like the rest of us because you were a secret member. You didn't have a named specialty (although you can basically do it all). Your personality was criticized over and over. You were thrown under the bus again and again, taking hit after hit for the group and you didn't have a solid and loyal enough fanbase to support you. Some fans even resented you for ruining the "original" lineup. But somehow, you didn't care.

(That's a lie; I've seen you break down because of the pressure-but you know what I mean. Your smile is sometimes forced but never fake. You are perhaps the most positive person I've ever met. And we both live with Hoseok-ssi.)

But those that live the highest have the farthest to fall. I know you'll be devastated when I'm gone. And that's okay, Tae. I know how much you care. But you need to pick yourself up and keep moving on. Once you're done with yourself, pick the other members up, too. I'm telling you this because this is your specialty. You know all of us so well, you know how to make us smile. You know how to pretend everything is alright and keep smiling until it all came together because that's what you did the entire first year of our debut. Do this for me? For everyone else?

Also, for God's sake, make your move on Jungkook. Please. End my suffering, even if I'm already dead. If I'm in the afterlife and I see you two skirting around one another like you do these days, I will come back to life just to smash both of your faces together. (Both to knock some sense into you, but also to make you two kiss!!)

With love, of course.

Take care of yourself, Taehyung-ssi, would you?




Jimin was just chilling on the couch one day of practice. As usual, Yoongi was the one staying home to keep him company. Seokjin was coming home early with a manager to take Jimin to his next appointment, this time with Doctor Choi Hyeonjoo, a well- known specialist in hanahaki. When she caught wind of Jimin's case, she immediately shifted all her appointments around to make room for him.

"Hyung?" Jimin called out to the empty dorm, knowing Yoongi was in the bathroom probably washing up.

"Yes?" the muffled answer came from the other side of their dorm. "What is it, Jimin-ah?"

"When is Hyung getting here?"

"Soon," was the only reply that Jimin got.

Rolling his eyes, Jimin displayed his displeasure and pouted when Yoongi came into the living room, patting his face dry with a towel. His hair hung unstyled and quite messy just above his eyes.

"What about the others?" Jimin asked. "When are they coming home?"

"Not until late tonight. They're practicing for some showcase soon."

"Shouldn't you be with them?"

Yoongi just shrugs, placing the towel over his shoulder. "Are you sure your appointment is today?"

Jimin quickly glances at the date on his phone, "Yep. April thirteenth. Three o'clock."



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