bonus : 2

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Howdy y'all! This story went through a lot of different changes while I was writing it. I just thought I would share some of the notes and drafts I have because some of them are kinda cool (imo). This is basically my thought process throughout the story. And just like my life, it's kind of a mess.

(Also there are some notes from my friends and co-authors as well :D)


Jimin makes eye contact with his soulmate, they lose one another in the crowd. When they get home, Jimin coughs up yellow gladiolus. Yoongi comes home and gets jealous of Jimin's soulmate.

     - the flowers were originally white lilies, which represent innocence and pure love. however, i wanted Jimin's case to be more unique, much like his love story here is.

     - although it was never drafted, i intended for Yoongi to find out Jimin was his soulmate right there in the bathroom of their dorm. completing a soul bond was originally going to be just a skin-to-skin touch and Yoongi would go to help Jimin and their bond would complete. then, Yoongi would become the main character and we'd follow his struggles with internalized homophobia. i scrapped this idea because i felt like it would be much more satisfying to have the two slowly fall in love with one another and figure out on their own terms that they're soulmates.

     - also i didn't want Yoongi to seem like an asshole so,,,

Jimin goes to the doctor, doctor tells him he is in love and will probably survive a long time. Jimin and the doctor talk about a yellow gladiolus and the only other case of that flower from 1993.

     - the correlation to Yoongi's mother and her hanahaki case was purely a coincidence. i noticed the years lined up with Yoongi's birth and just decided to roll with it. it ended up being the thing that pulled Yoongi out of his self-denial, though, so... win?

     - note: half the things the writers do is pulled from our asses and made to look deliberate with a few edits and revisions.

- LMAO ain't that the truth

Jimin expresses his desire to stop searching for his soulmate, as he thinks it would be a waste of time. However, when Seokjin and Namjoon begin to argue and resolve it peacefully, Jimin internally wishes he would be able to find the true love of his life. The concept of platonic soulmates is revealed, and Taehyung is one of Jimin's. Jimin is almost positive that Jungkook and Taehyung are true soulmates.

     - i thought this was one of the most heartbreaking scenes and i really wanted to do it justice. i might still do a bit of editing to have it hit harder. i just think Jimin, who is surrounded by what he perceives as "perfect" and happy soulmate pairs, would be so jealous that he couldn't find his own

     - it also got me wondering if Jimin would be painfully jealous... like these are his brothers, you know? people he loves and wants the best for. I'm sure he would've been ecstatic for them. but there must be a little bit of 'why couldn't it have been be?' in there as well.

Min-soo-noona's soulmate is dead

     - this was another thing I pulled outta my ass. i didn't really have a planned-out character for her, but i knew she would be the crafty, always-on-time, caring stylist-noona who just cares for the boys

     - long live queen min-soo !!


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