bonus : 1

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Here's the first bonus!

Follow my AO3, palmsandsunshine where I write about figure skating mostly (and explicit stuff)

Enjoy this short (lol not really it's 2k words) snippet of vkook chaos!


Prompt: Jungkook's eighteenth birthday. And all the chaos that specific event might suggest.


"Are you sure you want to stay in today, Jungkook?" Jimin asked for about the twentieth time that day, pressing harder each time he asked. "My case was one-in-a-million, you know? It's not going to happen to you, too."

"I know that, Hyung," Jungkook smiled, brushing Jimin's hand off his shoulder. "I just... every birthday ever since I joined Bangtan has been loud and chaotic. Is it wrong to just want a normal birthday for once?"

On the other side on Jimin, snuggled into the couch and his soulmate's side, Yoongi let out a single, unimpressed snort. As uninterested as he wanted to appear, it seemed the conversation at hand won over his full concentration rather than the game on his phone.

"This is BTS. Nothing we do is normal," Yoongi mumbled under his breath, eliciting a bright laugh from Jungkook's lips. In the kitchen, Jungkook could hear a plate shatter and Seokjin telling off Namjoon for having clumsy hands. He laughed even harder at the perfect timing.

"This is your eighteenth, Kook-ah. Is today not feeling special for you?"

"Not particularly. I don't think I'll meet my soulmate today. All the important people in my life are right here where I want them," Jungkook smiled at Jimin and Yoongi, turning back to his phone and scrolling through the countless birthday tweets ARMY tagged their official account in.

Although it was a sweet sentiment, Jimin knew the real reason. He wanted Taehyung to be his soulmate. He wanted to stay home and away from other people, as if that could stop his destined one from finding him. Jimin was nearly 100% positive Taehyung and Jungkook were true soulmates, but at the same time... you could never be certain.

Despite his conflicting thoughts, Jimin reached over to mess up Jungkook's hair.

"You're sweet, you know that?"

"I dunno," Jungkook sent Jimin a cheeky smile. "Keep complimenting me and maybe I'll get it."


Jungkook giggles and infuriatingly dodged out of every single hit Jimin tried to land against his torso.

"Don't hit the birthday boy!" A voice cried out from the hallway. Suddenly, a heavy mass was upon both Jimin and Jungkook, pressing the two of them into the couch.

"Tae-Hyung! My savior!" Jungkook exclaimed, giggling even as he attempted to muscle his Hyung off his body. Taehyung wriggled a few more times, much to the annoyance of Yoongi, and then managed to wrangle his limbs to sit perfectly across all their laps, head resting over the side of the couch.

"He's being hit so your solution is to throw yourself at him?" Jimin knocked his knuckles against Taehyung's knees absentmindedly, feeling a much warmer buzz from having his platonic soulmate and true soulmate so close to him. He wondered, if he had another platonic soulmate, how much farther the warm, honey-like feeling could be taken.

"Yep!" Taehyung popped the 'p', smile stretching into a shit-eating grin as he reached out to touch the tip of Jimin's nose. "It worked, didn't it?"

"Well-" Jimin began, but cut himself off. He didn't have an answer.

By this point, Jungkook's phone had been set off somewhere to the side and his free hands were now running through Taehyung's hair, a light chestnut color that ran long and into his eyes. Jungkook pushed Taehyung's hair back, exposing his forehead with a much-too concentrated look on his face.

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