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note: I don't think the members who were born in the same year use honorifics with each other (do they?). for example, I don't think namjoon calls hoseok "hyung", nor do I ever recall taehyung calling jimin "hyung". idk if that's accurate, but imma just roll with that because it kinda makes sense... if you were born in the same year, you're the same age, so there's no need for age-based honorifics.


Having Hanahaki was not as romantic as the movies made it out to be, Jimin decided one day after a particularly painful coughing fit.

The movies and TV shows painted Hanahaki as some sort of expression of a partner's will; how their love was so strong for their soulmate that they'd rather die via poisonous flowers than get over them.

But it was impossible to get over your soulmate. You didn't have a choice if you didn't want Hanahaki or not. Take, for example, Jimin's case. He doesn't even know his soulmate, but here he is, half-dead because fate decided to be a bitch and curse him to die without ever learning who his soulmate is.

No one chooses death and loneliness. At least not willingly.

Yoongi and Jimin were still avoiding each other. It honestly sent a pang through Jimin's chest whenever Yoongi turned a corner or slammed a door just to get away from him. Jimin assumed it was because he had already been rejected by his soulmate-his body didn't need rejection from his friends, too.

Bang PD-nim had also scheduled a date for Jimin to meet with the Hanahaki Specialist. Choi Heonjoo was incredibly busy with her Hanahaki research, so the only available time she had for Jimin was in mid-March, nearly four months away. It was only late November, and promotions for O!RUL8,2 had just ended so Jimin had nothing to do but try and pull himself together before the release of their next mini-album, Skool Luv Affair. Not to mention, the upcoming birthdays of Jin and Taehyung. More importantly, Taehyung's 18th birthday.

They had a schedule at SBS Gayo Daejun and MBC Gayo Daejun, so it was likely Taehyung's soulmate would be someone he met in between those two events. Unless his soulmate was Jungkook (which it was pretty obvious it was), then he would have to wait another two years.

"Jungkookie," Taehyung had called out one night, while Jin and Yoongi were cooking dinner, as usual. His voice was so full of love to the point where it almost brought tears to Jimin's eyes. Could the universe just end his suffering and make these two soulmates already? "How was your solo voice lesson?"

"It... it was okay, Hyung. The voice teacher is still angry that I chose to rap instead of sing for our album, so she's pushing me really hard. She says I have natural talent and I should showcase it more often."

"You should!" Taehyung exclaimed, way too loudly. Seriously, these two were so oblivious that it made Jimin want to laugh but also smash their heads together in frustration. "You have a nice voice, Kook. I still don't know why you took sub-rapper over me. I think your voice suits our songs better."

"Hyung! Don't say that! You have a nice voice, too. It's really deep, and... smooth...?"

"Smooth?" Taehyung had laughed, throwing his head back and exposing his throat. "Is that the best you could come up with?"

"Don't laugh at me!" Jungkook whined, throwing a pillow at his Hyung. "You know I'm not good with words."

"Enough chatter, brats," Jin called from the kitchen. "Grab a few bowls and set up the coffee table. Dinner is ready."

"Yes, Hyung," the three maknaes chorused, getting up and squeezing their way through the small kitchen entryway. They grabbed seven bowls and eight pairs of chopsticks (because there was bound to be someone who dropped their chopsticks, and it was almost always Namjoon).

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