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before we begin... those last two paragraphs in this chapter are my favorite things i've ever written... idk y tho, they're just beautiful

okay you can read now >>>

Happiness was an easy thing to come by for people like Jimin. He had friends surrounding him, a steadily growing fan base, and ways to healthily let out his anger and frustration, in the rare times it came. That was his dancing and singing.

But it was times like this that the normally happy teenager felt anything but happy. He felt betrayed by one of his best friends, his Hyung wasn't talking to him, he didn't want any fans near him, incase he blew up and had a temper tantrum, and he was far away from his song notebook or a dance studio.

As Taehyung and Jimin rode in the backseat of a Taxi, the older wanted to bang his head against the cold windowpane until he passed out. Leaving the dorm hadn't helped with his boredom at all. In fact, it had served to make him more impatient with the amount of traffic clogging the street.

"Taehyung," Jimin finally hissed, causing the younger idol to snap his gaze up from his phone. "Can please we just walk there? I swear, I saw a grandma pass us."

Tae looked out the window, and as if just realizing the traffic situation, unbuckled his seatbelt. "Sir? I think we're just going to get off here."

The driver nodded, and listed off the price, as to which Taehyung handed a few bills, telling the man to "Keep the change". They exited out of the passenger's side, walking through a few lanes to the sidewalk (it wasn't dangerous at all, none of the cars were moving) and began to walk in the direction of the cafe.

"Thank you!" Jimin exclaimed as the cafe finally came in sight. "I thought I was going to die before we got here!" He then took off in the direction of the front door.

"Wait!" Taehyung cried, attempting to catch up. (To no avail, of course.)

Jimin entered the small shop and spotted his Hyungs at one of the larger booths, taking off his beanie and greeting them quickly. He sat down just as Tae burst into the shop, out of breath and hair messed up. He collapsed on the seat across from Jimin, setting his head on the table dramatically. "Why did you have to take off like that?"

Shrugging in response, Jimin looked at the ordering counter. "Did you guys already buy something?"

Namjoon shook his head. "We were waiting for you guys. And Jin-Hyung's still coming from the studio."

Oh great. More waiting.

Jimin internally let out a groan and his his face in his forearms, wishing he was tired enough to fall asleep, or just able to pass out anywhere, like Yoongi-Hyung. (Ugh, Jimin, stop thinking about Yoongi!)

Namjoon-Hyung was tapping his feet to a random beat, probably one that he had just come up with in the studio, and it was beginning to annoy the young singer. Taehyung was also rambling off about something to Hobi-Hyung, whose bright laughter sounded strangely dull.

Jimin's head hurt from everything. He felt every whoosh of a car going past the cafe stinging the back of his eyes, every clash of the dishes in the cafe's sink, and could feel his heart thudding in his chest with every step a woman in the cafe made in her overly-loud heels.

"Are you okay, Jimin-ah?"

The idol in question wanted to snap at Namjoon, but he nodded his head as best he could from his hiding place in his arms. "Yes, Hyung. I'm fine."

Finally, finally, the annoying bell attached to the main door rang, and Seokjin-Hyung stepped in, Joonie-Hyung getting up to join his soulmate in the line. They had met a few years before Namjoon's birthday, but it became evident that they were soulmates at a particular practice in September. They had been planning on walking in the park together for their leader's birthday, but they lost track of time. Seokjin and Namjoon were having a conversation at 4:17 in the evening, and at 4:18, Namjoon was crying and stuttering over his words, trying to explain what happened and they were both embracing each other. It was quite beautiful, and a PD managed to film the entire thing when he realized it was nearing Namjoon's time.

Seokjin didn't immediately feel anything, as the older one usually doesn't until they kissed-

The two were now practically inseparable.

Jimin sat up straight and leaned his head back against the booth, feeling suddenly drained. A cup of coffee was set down in front of him, to which he gladly sipped, enjoying the sudden rush of caffeine and sugar in his veins. The headache was slowly starting to ebb, along with the annoyance.

Warm thoughts brushing his mind, Jimin sighed happily for the first time that day. "Hello, Jinnie-Hyung."

Jin looked over and ruffled Jimin's hair fondly, letting out a bright smile (the same one that could make noona-fans faint). "Hello, Jiminie. A little birdie told me that you've been grumpy all morning."

Jimin sent a withering glare to Taehyung, who grinned cheekily in response. Tae had been on the receiving end of one too many Jimin-glares and was largely unaffected by them (much to Jimin's dismay).

"Just incredibly bored. I'm okay now, since we're out of the dorm."

"That's good to hear," Jin commented, sipping his iced tea. "You should have come with the rest of us to the studio today."

"Aish, Hyung! I already finished recording my segments and I'm tired from all the freestyling Hobi-Hyung and I did yesterday. I thought Jungkookie would keep me company, but he fell asleep right after breakfast!"

Seokjin laughed. "Sounds like it! He was up all night playing video games, and he was exhausted after practice, too. Ah, that boy is uncontrollable."

"Hey!" Taehyung butted in, pouting. "Are you talking about me?"

The eldest let out a loud groan. "Haven't I ever told you that eavesdropping is bad! Why don't you ever listen to your Hyung, someday, this will get you in big trouble-"

Jimin mentally filtered out their banter, turning his head to the window. The trees that lined the streets were starting to turn yellow and red, the vibrant colors echoing on the mirror-like planes of glass. A city of silver turned gold. Soon, the summer would turn to autumn, the wind biting eagerly with cold fingers at the people. He could practically feel the icy breeze against his fingertips, brushing against the thick glass.

Jimin smiled again, sipping his coffee, the bitterness swirling on his tongue along with the artificial sweetener. A dissonant symphony of tastes. Two different songs clashing and mixing all at once until they worked in harmony-were forced to work in harmony.

How fitting, Jimin thought dryly, taking another sip of his coffee.


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