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Yoongi's father had called once more.

And just like that, Yoongi's good mood from the previous night had completely dropped. Instead of being hopeful for a future repaired relationship with his father and Ji-hyun, he had lost all semblance of hope when his father called him up in the morning, waking him up from a deep and peaceful sleep; one with no night terrors (finally).

His father's ringtone-a fitting panic alarm-had woken up everyone in the room. Although they were slightly annoyed, Yoongi's phone had gone off only two minutes before their 6:00 alarm sounded so they got up anyways while Yoongi stepped into the kitchen to answer the call, making a pot of coffee as he talked to his father.


"Yoongi," his father, Yoonkyung, greeted gruffly into the phone. It was perhaps the best example of his character; Min Yoonkyung was a no-nonsense, business-only guy. "I need to ask you about something."

"What is it?"

"Did you debut as a K-Pop idol last year?"

"...Yes, I did. I sent you a ticket to our debut stage. Did you receive it?"

"I saw it was from you and I threw it out," Yoonkyung drawled into the receiver, his voice unsympathetic as always. His satoori was thick, nearly as confusing and complex as Taehyung's once was. Yoongi winced at the unfamilliar voice, thankful that his father couldn't see him.

"Well... why did you ask?"

"My coworkers were talking about last weeks' New-Year's performances on TV. I caught a glimpse of the 'Hot New Boy-Band' and recognized you. Even under all those hideous chains and the makeup. I thought I told you that music is not a suitable career?"

"I thought you stopped caring about what I did with my life when I was ten."

"I did. But you carry my name. I will not have you embarrassing me."

Yoongi scoffed into his phone. "Embarrassing you? I think you do just fine on your own in that category. And there are thousands of Mins in Korea. No one will know I'm your son. I look more like Mom, anyway."

Yoonkyung growled, his temper rising. Yoongi's did too. "You are my son! I have legal rights to make you do what I want. I'll sue you, I'll send you to jail! I will not allow you to be an idol or a rapper! It's simply not suitable!"

"I stopped being your son the day I turned nineteen. Some may even argue sixteen, when I left your house. You have nothing against me anymore. You didn't treat me like a son. I could claim it was neglect. I could file a restraining order against you if you continue to call me. This is harassment. I have no relation to you anymore. Don't ever contact me again."

And he hung up the phone.

Yoongi set the phone face-down on the counter, sighing deeply. He reached up and into the cupboard for his thermos and filled it to the brim with coffee. Without even adding any sugar or letting it cool down, he took a few gulps down. Screwing the cap on, Yoongi turned around only to be met by Namjoon.

"How much did you hear?"

"The whole thing."

Yoongi suspected as much. Yoongi was perhaps the only member who never got calls from family or friends. The fact that someone would call this early and unexpectedly was suspicious enough.

Namjoon seemed to notice the conflicted face Yoongi was pulling. The leader stepped into the room, swinging an arm around Yoongi's shoulders and leading him to the bathroom. "C'mon, let's get ready for practice."




Perhaps Jimin should be worried. His birthday, the day he got hanahaki and the day he was supposed to meet his soulmate, was two months ago. According to most research done on hanahaki, he should be dead by now. Or at least in the hospital, about to die.

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