First Day Back

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Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favourite Color
O/F/C = Other Favorite Color
E/C = Eye Color
H/L = Hair Length
I shall add more to the Guide as needed now to the story!

~~Y/N's POV~~

I woke up and checked the time. It was 4:30, Aphmau told me to meet her outside her house at 5:00 before school. I was so tired though... but also excited! It was the last year I would have to go to school! I brushed away those thoughts and decided to get ready for school.

I brushed my H/L, white hair and changed into the school uniform. I grabbed my phone and my bag. I walked outside and got a text. It was from Aph, it said 'You awake Y/N? If so then hurry! Everyone else is already here!'

I texted back 'yeah Aph, I'm awake. Heading over now.' I put my phone away and started heading to Aph's house. I didn't know who she meant by everyone else but I just went with it.

When I got to her house I knocked on her door and she answered and surprised me with a big hug.

"Hey, Aph! What did you mean by 'everyone else'?" I asked. I hadn't seen anyone so far. All at once, everyone jumped up and yelled surprise! I was mainly surprised by Garroth when he busted through Aph's back door.

"Garroth! Why did you break the door?" Aphmau asked as I broke out laughing, soon everyone else joined me. After we stopped laughing we all sat in the living room talking.

"So what was that all about?" I asked them.

"Well, we remembered that your birthday was last week and we forgot so Travis came up with the idea to surprise you," Aaron answered. My brother was the one that came up with this?

'Wow, that was so nice of him' I thought.

"He also came up with the idea for us to make this whole day all about you and, after school, we'll have a big party!" Laurance says.

"Your little dork brother is really sweet for planning this," Katelyn admitted. I nodded, giving her a smug smile. She rolled her eyes at me. She knew I shipped her and Travis.

Just then the guy we were talking about walked downstairs.

"Awww, I missed shouting surprise!" He complained, jokingly.  Everyone laughed again before I checked the time.

"Crap, guys, it's already 6:00. I gotta go," I told them, standing up and preparing to leave. Everyone looked at me, confusion written on their faces.

I look at Aaron, who was the only one not confused. I had already told him about the meeting I had today so he understood.

"Oh, that? I talked to them and they said they could wait a day or two," he told me. I hugged him, happy that I wouldn't have to meet with them for another day.

"Thanks," I said as he hugged back. Everyone else was still confused but I just sat back down.

"Well, what do we do now? We have an hour before we have to leave," I asked.

~~Aphmau's POV~~

I looked from Y/N to Aaron confused just like everyone else. But I understood why he knew something I didn't. She knew him since their first year here but with this being my first year we had just met during the summer. She trusted Aaron more than her own family!

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