The Rest Of The Sleepover

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Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favourite Color
O/F/C = Other Favorite Color
E/C = Eye Color
H/L = Hair Length
Italic- Thoughts
Bold- Flashbacks
Underline- Dreams
I shall add more to the Guide as needed now to the story!

~~Y/N's POV~~

The closet was extremely cramped, leaving me and Aaron barely two inches apart.

"Ok, so you two need to make out for ten minutes!" I heard someone shout from the living room. In all honesty, it was probably Aphmau.

"I-I thought it was only seven minutes!" Aaron called back.

"Yeah, well, you two don't want to do it so we are making it ten!" Travis answered. My own brother! I was already planning how I was going to beat him tomorrow.

"B-but-" I started to say before I was cut off by Aphmau.

"No butts! If you keep talking we will add time! now you have to make out for fifteen minutes, starting now!"

I was horribly sure that both of our faces were bright red by now.

"I guess we have to..." Aaron whispered.

"W-we don't have to, we could easily just talk for the time and hope they don't hear us," I suggested.

"Yeah, but wouldn't that make you a quitter? And you said that you would never be a quitter." Aaron responded.


"Aaron! You're running too fast! I can't keep up!" I yelled.

"I thought you were faster than me, Y/N!" Aaron yelled back through a laugh. He slowed down as he continued talking. "If you just wanna quit I get that."

"No! I'm not a quitter and never will be!" I growled in slight anger. I watched him go back to the same speed as I catch up and slightly push him to the side. I reach the park first and turn to face him.

"Hey! You cheated Y/N!" He complained. I laughed at him as he walked up to me. 

"We technically never made any rules." I reminded him with a smile.

•~~~*Flashback Over*~~~•

"I'm not a quitter and I never will be," I whispered with a small laugh. He slowly leaned down to me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him to my lips as his arms met my waist.

~~Aaron's POV~~

After what only felt like a few minutes, someone knocked on the door.

"You two can come out now," they said. I could tell it was Travis.

I wonder how betrayed Y/N feels since her brother is one of the people that forced us to kiss. But she really isn't a quitter.

Y/N and I slowly separated and pulled away from each other as the door was opened. I'm sure both of our faces were bright red as everyone giggled.

"Ok so Y/N, it's your turn," I said, trying to act as if nothing happened.

"Is Aaron embarrassed?" Aphmau giggled out. I growled lowly and sat down. Y/N sat down and looked at Aphmau.

"Aphmau, your dare is to kiss Garroth."

•~~~°*Time Skip*°~~~•

~~Y/N's POV~~

I was sleeping peacefully when I was awoken by multiple people shaking me.

"Y/N Aph's mom is here we need to go!" I heard someone whisper-shout. I sat up quickly and hit heads with Laurance. I saw Katelyn and Aaron trying to open the window and Kawaii~Chan trying to wake up Zane.

When did Zane get here? Probably after I fell asleep. When did I fall asleep?


~~3rd POV~~

As everyone continued the game Y/N's eyes slowly started to close. She kept forcing them open but soon sleep was inevitable. Her eyes slowly closed as she fell onto the shoulder of the person closest to her, that person was Aaron. Aaron's face lit up red as everyone laughed and giggled.

'Luckily Y/N is a heavy sleeper' Aaron thought. He cared about her but didn't know if she liked him the same way.

*~~~•Flashback End•~~~*

~~Aaron's POV~~

Why won't this window open? Aph is downstairs trying to explain to her mom why she is still awake and we are still trying to get out! Hopefully, she is having more luck.

Katelyn and I continued to try and pry open the window. Y/N comes over and starts trying to help. The window finally opens but it bangs the window frame and makes a loud sound. I hear Y/N gasp as Aph's mom yells. Then we hear running. I pushed Katelyn and Y/N behind some boxes and helped Kawaii~Chan hide Zane.

In the spot I was in, I could see Garroth and Laurance. I hoped that they wouldn't be spotted my Aph's mom.

~~Aphmau's POV~~

Oh no my mom's gonna see them! Hopefully, they got out!

I followed my mom up the stairs and into the room that my friends were in. The window was open but no one was there. My mom walked into the room and closed the window. She then walked back out and went to bed after glaring at me and sighing.

OMI! That was so close!

I walked out of the room and went to bed.

~~Y/N's POV~~

When Aphmau left, everyone got up and we opened the window again. Kawaii~Chan finally got Zane awake and helped him climb out and down a tree. After Zane and Kawaii~Chan climbed down, Garroth climbed down followed by Laurance. Then, Katelyn climbed down.

"You can go down first and I'll get the window on my way out," Aaron said.

"You sure Aaron?" I asked.

"Not really but I am confident," Aaron said as he chuckled.

"Ok, be careful," I told him before starting to climb out. Aaron climbed out and closed the window. Halfway across the tree, I saw that Aaron was already starting to make his way down the tree. When I started climbing down the tree, I made it halfway down before I fell. I hit my head on a branch and the last thing I could remember was Aaron stopping me from hitting the ground.

~~Aaron's POV~~

What do I do? She seems to have been knocked out. I should do something. But she doesn't seem to have to go to the hospital, not any bad injuries. Only some scratches and bruises. I guess I'm just gonna take her back to my house for the night. Her mom would question it if a boy brought her home in the middle of the night.

I picked her up and carried her to my house. I sat her on my bed and turn the light out, closing the door. I slept on the couch. Luckily tomorrow was Saturday so I could hang out with Aphmau, Y/N, and everyone.

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