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I was tagged by DamarisTurrubiates

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I was tagged by DamarisTurrubiates

1. I spend my days in my room, listening to music, and reading fanfics on Wattpad

2. I have ten total 'senpais' most of which aren't real

3. I am a HUGE tsundere but don't like admitting it

4. My favourite colours are purple, black, and dark red

5. I have known where babies come from since I was eight and I have had a dirty mind ever since then

6. I honestly thought that I would get no reads on any of my books, but now this book has almost 60 reads!

7. Sometimes when I am getting sad and I'm trying not to cry I start breathing really fast and weirdness happens, and then I cry while breathing really fast (can someone tell me if that is dangerous cause I ain't really sure and it happened last night and I freak out and wierdness happened)

8. I am always super jumpy and energetic even if I got like no sleep the night before

9. I have had a boyfriend before and now I have a crush on him (ugh! My life sucks, and please don't comment on this saying 'no it doesn't' or 'some people have it worse than that' became you don't know me)

10. I am very clumsy, short tempered, bossy (sometimes), and I get annoyed easily

11. I play the violin and have a guitar that I wanna learn how to play

12. I have five sibling, one older one and four younger ones. Four sisters and one bro, one is a step sibling but I will still treat her as a regular sibling. Also it isn't my bro that is older than me.

13. I am currently writing this while on my period. Sorry for any guy readers out there but I couldn't think of anything else, again I am sorry. BTW this sucks!

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