Disappointed in Me

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~~After School~~

~~Y/N's POV~~

I was still stuck in the locker! I had luckily been able to turn around to face away when the last gym class guys were changing. I heard then door open and several people walking in.

"Where is she?" I heard Aphmau ask. "In my locker." Aaron said. I saw everyone gather around Aaron's locker as he opened it. He got out of the way as I walked out. All the boys that where there blushed (except for Travis a.k.a my brother) and all the girls stared at my amazing six pack. They all were shocked at my outfit though.

"See! She's broken! We need to fix her!" Aaron said. "I am just fine, I don't need to fix any part of me!" I said. "Sleepover, my house, tonight, we fix her." Lucinda said. "OK" everyone answered and again I was picked up by Aaron. This time he brought me to Lucinda's house and we sat in the living room with Lucinda.

~~Time skip to everyone being here~~

"Ugh why am I here? I told Gene I was hanging out with them today! You already ruined me skipping." I complained earning a gasp from all of them. "Skipping? Gene?" Aphmau asked. "Yeah, what you think I would be skipping on my own accord? No this is who I am now." I answered.

"OK well let's play truth or dare!" Lucinda said, everyone got in a circle. I had Aphmau on my right and Aaron on my left. "Y/N Truth or Dare?" Lucinda asked. "Dare" I answered. She smiled and said,"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Aaron."

I sighed and said," trying to stir up memories? I ain't joining back to your guy's goodie two shoes act. I get that we have all had our differences and somehow came together but this is who I am now. I am a member of the Shadow Knights. It will stay that way for as long as I want."

I started standing up when Aphmau said,"At least tell us why you are acting like this." I sighed and looked through the room,"I am only saying that it is because of someone in here, some specific people should know who." I then left.

~~Aaron's POV~~

She was talking about me. Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Teony, and Lucinda all looked at me. "Care to explain Aaron?" Katelyn said. "When she was going to confess I asked where her crush was, it was only me and her, she said he was already there and I asked if it was me and when she said it was I just walked away." I said.

"Why? Y/N is hot! I also never knew she had a six pack." Garroth said earning a slap from Katelyn. "What, it's true!" He yelled. "Because I didn't know how to feel! I didn't think that I was her crush!" I said.

"Well let's all sleep and then try and talk to her tomorrow" Lucinda said. We all went to sleep.

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