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Hey sorry if you thought that this was going to be a normal chapter but,

Garroth: Viper~Chan has been stressed because she is moving.

Aaron: and she isn't getting the sleep she needs

Aphmau: to write the chapters she wants to be able to for you guys!

Katelyn: so she is going to be putting all story's on hold for a few days

Travis: so that she can get some rest and

Kawaii~Chan: get settled

Zane: in her new house

Laurance: she hopes you guys understand and from her to you guys

I am sorry!

Like they said I have been stressed because of me moving and I usually write this to release stress but I realized that writing isn't helping my stress and I'm not giving you guys the chapters you deserve so the books on going for hold

Daniel: again she is sorry!

Author~Chan out. Byeeeeeee<3


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