Moving Day

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Play Music

Song: Oath by Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G

~~Y/N's POV~~

I woke up on the couch with my friends, except for Aaron and Aphmau, all around me, along with my brother. I got up and started making breakfast for everyone. When it was done cooking everyone was awake and back to crying while eating.

We all got ready and walked to school. Aaron and Aphmau walked up to us, both crying with red eyes and faces. They handed everyone a little paper with their name on it, but me and Travis got a envelope from each of them, along with the paper.

Us and our friends were given the day off to hang out so we all headed to the bleachers around the field. Everyone looked at the paper and I did the same.


You are invited to the going away party of Travis and Y/N Valkrum. They will be dearly missed but we will celebrate one last time with them before they leave us. Maybe not forever and maybe forever, but only time will tell.

Time: After School 3:00PM-11:00PM

Place: Aphmau's house

-Aaron and Aphmau>


I started tearing up more and I realized that in bold pen there was a small note on the back of the paper. I read it.


Y/N, Aph and I will both miss you so much. I hope you can get over me. There is more in the envelopes but I was told to write you and Travis something on the back of these since Aph had to type all the invites. Only open the envelope from me when you miss me. You can read it whenever you miss me but only read it when you miss me.



I sighed and saw that Travis had opened one of the envelopes and was crying, so he most likely opened Aphmau's. So I opened Aphmau's envelope, mostly because Aaron's note had told me to only read his when I missed him.

I opened it and pulled out one of the many papers. It was another note. (Help! I am trying so hard to be sappy but I am very emotional and might cry!)


Y/N, I don't know what I'll do without you. You are my bestfriend and I am gonna miss you so much when you leave. I remember when we first met. You were singing under the bridge, your voice sounded beautiful but you were so shy about it. All the boys fell in love with you, I was a little jealous honestly. But then I realized that you were my friend and I should be supportive of you. I hope that you can come back sometime, we are all gonna miss you. I remember the first day of highschool, I started getting bullied because of hanging out with Garroth. You saved me, I couldn't and still can't thank you enough. I know I missed your last week but I was so busy planning the party. Me and Aaron were crying the whole time. I could never have wished for a better friend, you are so kind and sweet, you stand up for what you believe in and protect your friends. While I know I can say this in person at the moment I just want you to know that I will never stop missing you and never stop loving you, in the friend way of course. But I wish you the best of luck wherever you move to and I hope you can find friends as good as yourself.

-Your Bff no matter what>Aphmau


When I finished reading it I was crying and I saw everyone was looking at me and Travis, still crying. I started taking out more papers, they were all pictures. Me and Travis attacked everyone with hugs. Then the last bell rang and we all headed to Aphmau's house.

~~Time Skip to Aph's House~~

When we got to Aphmau's house we started playing games. Soon everyone was laughing and not crying. We all played around and hung out until we saw Aphmau and Aaron walk out of the kitchen with cake and ice cream.

Everyone ate and then we played games again. Me and Travis had to leave early so that we could finish packing. Everyone got in a line for hugs or something. I started going down the line, saying something to everyone when I hugged them.

"Garroth, do something about your voice. You do not sound like a highschooler."

"Laurance, your cool, just stop being a casanova"

"Kawaii~Chan, keep making sweets"

"Katelyn, be careful, don't push yourself to hard."

"Zane, try opening up to some people."

"Teony, you keep doing you and I know you will be fantastic!"

"Lucinda, you are amazing just try and stop fighting with Katelyn."

"Aphmau, we will always be friends. I hope I will be able to see all of you again."

I stopped at Aaron trying to hold back tears. "Aaron, I don't know what to say to you." I hugged him and we all stayed quiet for a minute. I put something in his hand when I backed up and faced everyone, "I am so sorry that this might be our final goodbye. We have barely known each other, yet I feel like I have known all of you for forever. I hope that we will be able to see each other again. Goodbye."

I then walked outside and got in the car. Driving away I turned around and starting waving to everyone until I couldn't see them any longer. Let's just hope Aaron does what the paper says to.

A/N hey guys! So this book is ending soon....sorry? But don't worry after it does end I have a small chapter that explains some things. I am so happy with what this book has gotten to a.k.a over 100 reads! Thank you all so much, I will see y'all in the last two chapters. Good byeeeeeeee my Pups! <3


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