Do You Hate Me?

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~~Y/N's POV~~

Why do they want to fix us so badly? Don't know but let's check the bleachers. "Hey! Gene, Sasha!" I yelled running up to them. "OK what really happened?" Gene asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You got carried off the school grounds by Aaron. You were fully changed into what you are in now, and might I say you look hot, and now you are here." He answered. I growled and told them all what happened.

Zenix's face went bright red when I said I was in the locker room for the last gym class. Not gonna question it. "So that's what actually happened." I finished speaking. "Woah tough day huh?" Sasha asked. I nodded and sighed, "so what're we doin'?" Gene answered, "just follow us." I sighed and followed them.

~~~Time Skip to Getting Home~~~

I walked inside, and saw everyone sitting on my couch. "How did you guys get in?" I asked. "I let them in, did you forget I lived here too?" Travis asked. I just sighed and said, "OK well I'm gonna go to my room and ya'll can have fun down here." I then got a look that only Travis knew what it was.

"N/N, don't. Just please don't." Travis said. Everyone else looked confused and I walked upstairs. Everyone was silent and just as I was about to close my door I called out, "but don't have to much fun." I paused for a second and left only a crack in my door, then continued, "if ya get what I mean!"

I then closed my door and locked it, soon after hearing their running footsteps coming up the stairs. Then I heard banging on the door. I smiled but turned it into a smirk as I opened the door and said, "yes?"

All of their face were red either from anger or embarrassment. I chuckled at this and stepped out of the room closing the door behind me. "I will hang out with you guys since I said that." I said walking down the stairs.

They followed soon after and I starting chewing a piece of watermelon (sorry if ya don't like watermelon) gum. "So what're we doing?" I asked boredly. Everyone glared at Aaron as if to say, 'this is your fault!' I honestly didn't get why.

"We were gonna uh play kiss, kill, marry." Aphmau said hesitantly. "OK well who's going first?" I asked. "I'll go." Lucinda said then looked at me. "Y/N your choices are Garroth, Aaron, Travis."

I chuckled and said, "Kiss Travis, Kill Aaron, Marry Garroth," with no hesitation. Everyone gasped and then Aphmau asked, "why?" I answered, "Because I hate Aaron and everyone should know why and I can't exactly marry my brother."

Garroth sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders while saying, "hey babe, how's ya day going? Wha'dya say we get outta here?" Everyone laughed except for Aaron and I chuckled.

Playing along I said, "my day's going great now that your here and if you really wanna go somewhere then my room seems to be calling us."

Garroth's face flushed a pink and everyone laughed except for Aaron, who growled. I just chuckled again. "Uhhhh I have no clue-" Garroth started before Laurance came over and whispered something to him.

Garroth then continued, "Well if it's calling then why don't we answer that call?" He then stood up and picked me up bridal style before sitting back down with me on his lap. By now everyone was laughing including me, me and Garroth were both blushing messes, and Aaron was growling so much you could mistake him for a dog.

I then got up and sat back down on the couch before saying, "So Aaron, the people are, Aphmau, Katelyn, and," I paused for a minute thinking. My mouth then just betrayed me by saying, "and me." Everyone was shocked, as was I but I didn't show it.

While waiting for him to decide we all got into our own conversations and waiting ten minutes, TEN FREAKING MINUTES, before he said he was ready to answer. His face was red and he said, just a little above a whisper, "Kill Katelyn, kiss." He paused as if thinking over his choice then continued in the same hushed tone, "kiss Y/N, marry Aphmau."

After that everything is a blur of yelling, slapping, slamming and crying. I remember running up to my room afterwords and falling asleep on my beds, tears still streaming down my face.

~~~Aaron's POV (This is back when he was trying to figure out an answer)~~~

Everyone was talking while I was thinking. Well she said that she would kill me because of me breaking her heart. But she did nothing bad to me. I don't think Katelyn likes me so I'm gonna say kill for her. Now I have kiss and marry left, and Aphmau and Y/N left.

I spend the next ten minutes debating my choices. "Hey guys, I finally have my decision made." Everyone stopped talking and looked at me curiously, even Y/N. I then said, in a voice only a little over a whisper, "kill Katelyn, kiss."

I then paused, should I really say marry for Y/N? I-i don't think I should. She hates me now. I then continued in the same hushed tone, "kiss Y/N, marry Aphmau." I heard everyone gasped except for Y/N.

She had broke out in tears, she had started sobbing. Travis rushed over to her along with Garroth, Lucinda, Katelyn, and Teony. Aphmau stayed frozen in place on the floor with Laurance trying to get her to unfreeze.

Everyone was yelling over Y/N's sobbing and her recently started wailing. I saw Teony run of to get something along with Travis. They rushed back and Lucinda, Katelyn, Teony, and Y/N went into the bathroom.

I heard a few slaps, crying, some more slamming, and then the girls came out. Y/N then ran to her room and everyone heard the door slam. Then Aphmau unfroze and all attention turned to me.

"Why would you say that?" Travis basically yelled. "Because, let's face it, I thought the girl hated me!" I shouted back. Then I got yelled at by the girls about how a girls heart is precious and how sometimes they don't know their feelings. Then I got yelled at by Garroth, Travis, and Laurance about how she clearly didn't hate me.

Then when they all settled down we all watched a movie and fell asleep.

~~Time Skip + Y/N's POV~~

I slowly woke up and checked the time, midnight well I might as well take the alone time. I got up and changed into a F/C crop top and jean shorts. I walked down stairs and got a cup of water.

I walk back to my room and jump on the roof from my balcony. "Couldn't sleep?" I asked the person that was already up there. When I sit down I see it's Aaron and sigh. "Y/N, do you hate me?" He asked. I look at him shocked that he thinks I hate him.

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