Truth or Dare

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--Don't Play Song Yet--

~~Y/N's POV~~

"Just great" I mumble hoping no one hears me. "I heard that!" Aph yells and tackles me. Everyone laughs as Aphmau helps me up. She sits down on the couch and I sit next to her. Garroth sat by me and Aaron sat by Aph. Everyone else tried to form some circle from the line we had started.

"OK so now that we are in this circle, square, thing, who wants to go?" Aphmau asked. I raised my hand and said "can I go?" She looked shocked but answered "sure." I stood up and left walking to the park and sitting under the bridge where I first meet the group with my guitar and laptop.


~~3rd POV~~

Y/N started playing her guitar and singing while sitting under the bridge. It was a sad song but she enjoyed sad songs. They gave her excuses for crying.

Bold italic - You singing
--Play Song Now--

Momma never told me how to love, Daddy never told me how to feel, Momma never told me how to touch, Daddy never showed me how to heal!

Momma never set a good example, Daddy never held momma's hand, Momma found everything hard to handle, Daddy never stood up like a man!

I've walked around, broken, emotionally frozen, getting it on, getting it wrong.

How do you love someone, without getting hurt? How do you love someone, with out crawling in the dirt? So far in my life, clouds have blocked the sun. How do you love, how do you love someone? How do you love, how do you love someone?

I was always the chosen child, the biggest scandal I became. They told me I never survive but survivals my middle name!

I've walked around, hoping, just barely coping, getting it on, getting it wrong.

Y/N didn't realize it but a small group heard her singing and found their way under the bridge to listen to her.

How do you love someone without getting hurt? How do you love someone without crawling in the dirt? So far in my life clouds have blocked the sun. How do you love, how do you love someone? How do you love, how do you love someone?

It's hard to talk, to say what's deep inside. It's hard to tell the truth, when you've always lied!

How do you love someone without getting hurt? How do you love someone without crawling in the dirt? So far in my life clouds have blocked the sun. How do you love, how do you love someone?

How do you love someone and make it last? How do you love someone without tripping on the past? So far in my life clouds have blocked the sun. How do you love, how do you love someone? How do you love, how do you love someone? Someone.

Y/N looked up to see a small group clapping and cheering. She blushed. "Hi I'm Aphmau and these are my friends. Aaron, Garroth, Katelyn, Teony, Kawaii~Chan, and my not alone buddie Travis." A girl with black hair and hazel eyes said pointing to a person as she said their name. "I-i'm Y/N" Y/N said. "Do you wanna hang out with us?" Aphmau asked. "Yeah!" Y/N said happily. Everyone walked from out of under the bridge and ran off to play tag.

°~•~°Flashback End°~•~°

~~Y/N's POV~~

I started playing the song I played when I met my friends. When I was finished singing I heard clapping. I looked and saw Aaron, he walked over and sat down by me. "So why did ya run here?" He asked after a moment of silence. "B-because it is the place I f-first met you guys." I stuttered out.

He laughed and I slapped him playfully. "What was that for?" He says chuckling softly. I smile and say "because you laughed at me." I get up with my guitar and laptop and walked out of under the bridge with him following me. I walked home and drop off my guitar.

We both walk back to Aphmau's quietly. When we get there I knock on the door and Aphmau answers it. She grabs my arm and pulls me to sit down next to her. Aaron walks in and closes the door sitting down on the opposite side of the couch by Garroth.

"Since you left you get a truth and a dare both of which were already picked." Aphmau told me. I sighed in defeat and looked at Travis glaring. "I didn't come up with either one I swear!" He says and I laugh. "But I still need to get you back for being supportive of, yesterday." I say hesitating before saying yesterday. "O-oh please no." He says obviously knowing what I was talking about.

I glare at him and tackle him. We wrestle until I get pulled off him by Aaron and Garroth. I get sat back in my seat and I cross my arms, frowning. "Fine I accept my fate." I say falling back into the couch. "OK so the truth is do you have a crush?" Katelyn says and everyone stares intensely at me. "U-uh nooooooooo" I say obviously lying. I smile and Katelyn says "Tell us!" Well more like yells but back to the story!

"OK fine! Y-yes I do have a c-crush on someone." I stutter out again. Garroth, Kawaii~Chan, and Aphmau all fangirl and scream as I cover my ears starting to cry. As they stop Aaron asks "what's wrong Y/N?" I cry one more tear and answer "th-the fangirling hurt m-my ears."

Everyone laughs and then Aphmau tells me the dare, "OK the dare is to confess your feeling to your crush sometime this week with at least one person that's here being there so they can say you did it." I instantly blush and everyone laughs.

The game goes on, Garroth and Aphmau have to kiss. Then Travis and Katelyn, then Laurance and Katelyn, then Travis and Katelyn again. Then Garroth and Laurance. Basically a lot of kissing happened but some confessions happened too. Let's just say Garroth and Laurance are dating now and so are Travis and Katelyn.

A/N sorry bout the bad ending I just want to get this up because my thumbs are tired of typing so yeah byeeeeeeeee. <3 : )

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