The Next Morning

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I awoke slowly, trying to rub the sun out of my eyes. I looked around suddenly noticing that I wasn't in my room. Who's room is this? I wondered. I stood up and looked outside letting the sun shine on my white hair. I walked away from the window and walked out of the room. Walking down stairs I saw Aaron sitting on the couch. I guess this is his house.

"Hey sleep well?" He asked as I sat down on the opposite end of the couch from him. I rubbed my tired E/C eyes and nodded. "Wait why am I here, how did I even get here?" I asked remembering starting to fall down the tree but Aaron catching me. "Oh you fell out of the tree, and got knocked out, your bruises didn't seem to bad so I just decided to bring you here." He answered. I nodded and got out my phone and started texting in the girl's group chat.

Y/N: HELP!!!!
Aph: what is it?
Katelyn: what's wrong Y/N?
Kawaii~Chan: what happened Y/N~Senpai?
Y/N: I am at Aaron's!!!
Aph: isn't that a good thing?
Katelyn: yeah don't you like him or whatever?
Kawaii~Chan: EEEEEEEEE Kawaii~Chan ships it!!!!!!! (You and Aaron's ship name a.k.a Y/A/S/N) Y/A/S/N!!!!!!!!!
Y/N: great but no I woke up in his room luckily he slept down stairs but still!!! And I am here with him alone!!
Aph: just come over here I am sure my mom would be fine with it
Y/N: but I don't wanna make him feel bad!
Katelyn: so just ask him if he wants to come with you
Y/N: OK I will be there in a bit
Katelyn: see ya there
Kawaii~Chan: bye Y/N~Senpai
Aph: see ya here!

I looked at Aaron and started talking "hey Aph invited me over and I was wondering if you wanted to come over too." He looked at me and I avoided eye contact. "Sure who else is gonna be there?"

"I don't know" I said, I got up and walked outside followed by Aaron. We walked to Aphmau's in silence and I knocked on the door. Aphmau opened it and pulled me and Aaron to the living room. Everyone that was at the semi-sleepover was there. "Now let's play truth or dare!" Aphmau said."just great" I mumbled.

A/N hey guys or girls or toasters, I am sorry for the short chapter but I am not feeling well so I decided to keep this short because while I enjoy writing this I just want to kick back and rest while reading other people fan fics. I will make sure to post a longer chapter when I feel better. Thanks for reading! That's all for now byeeeeeeeee : )

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