Confession and Sadness

106 2 0

Italic- Thinking

Bold Italic- Other 'Part' of you thinking

~~One Week Later~~

~~Y/N's POV~~

No, no ,no! How did today come so fast? Today's the day I have to tell Aaron I like him! At least no one else will know.

I breathed heavily while standing up from bed. I changed into a F/C tee-shirt and black leggings. I walked downstairs and made waffles and bacon. As I ate, I thought about what I was going to do to confess. At least no one else would have to be there.

I finished my waffles and walked outside putting on F/C shoes and a S/F/C jacket. I saw Aphmau and Garroth, and Laurance standing there and talking I walked over and we walked to school.

"So ya ready to confess to your crush?" Aphmau asked giggling. "I bet it's me." Laurance said. I laughed, "no it's not you." They continued to guess but never guessed Aaron luckily. I'm thinking they just thought that me and Aaron were to sibling like.

When we got to the park we all sat on a bench talking waiting for our friends. "Y/N~Senpai! Aphmau~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan is here!" I heard Kawaii~Chan yell, I guess she didn't see Garroth or Laurance some how.

"Oh hello Garroth~Kun and Laurance~Kun! Kawaii~Chan didn't see you!" I laughed as Kawaii~Chan sat in between me and Aphmau. Aaron ran over and jumped in between Garroth and Laurance making them jump which made us all laugh.

"H-hey Aaron? Wanna come with me to confess to my sen- I mean crush?" I asked blushing after I almost said senpai. Everyone else laughed and I crossed my arms over my chest in frustration.

"Sure! I'll go. When are you gonna do it?" He asked as everyone else calmed down. I responded with, "I- sometime around 8:00 when the sun is in the middle of setting. He is always available when I hang out when him at that time."

"Hmmmm sounds suspiciously like Aaron." Aphmau said which made everyone either laugh or giggle. I blushed and said, "well it's not Aaron! He is like a brother to me." I looked at him and he seemed disappointed for a second and then looked happy again.

Does he like me? No he couldn't like someone like us stop being such a downer. I am just living in reality you obviously aren't I am not living in our dreams Oh then what are we to Aaron? His wi- oh yeeeeeaaaahhhh you are living in dreams sweetie. But.  No buts! You know it's the truth!

"Y/N? Hello? Is she dead?" I heard Garroth ask. "Why would I die? What did I do?" I asked confused. "Oh you just stopped talking to us. We didn't know what you did you just sat there staring into the sky." Laurance answered. "Oh well wanna play hide and seek?" I asked laughing awkwardly. "Sure!" They all answered.

~~Time Skip to 7:50~~

"OK I just texted him to meet me at the hill at 8:00" I said to Aaron.  He probably knows we didn't text no one. We couldn't have he is our crush! I know!

"OK well let's get going!" Aaron says running. "Hey wait up!" I yell before changing into my wolf form and running towards the hill.

When I got there I sat down staring into the sunset and changing back to my human form with my tail wrapped around my stomach. I was holding onto it. After a few minutes Aaron ran up the hill and sat next to me.

"It's already 8:00 where is your crush?" He said sitting next to me. "H-he's already here." I said quietly blushing. "H-huh?" Aaron said, he was blushing to and I giggled. "I-i'm your c-crush?" He said.

I nodded and said, "please don't tell anyone and I understand if you don't." I stopped talking and saw him running down the hill. I started crying and texted my mom telling her I was going to Aph's and that I might be staying the night. She said OK and I started running to Aphmau's holding in all the tears for until we were in her room.

A/N OK! So that is what happened! Aaron just basically rejected you! I have the next chapter planned so it is probably going out in a bit or tomarrow. I started a Daniel x Reader book called Guardian Angel and I will probably be publishing that in a bit. Also I might update Don't Cry which is my Zane x Reader. Trust me it is sad but I think sadness is romantic when used right. Well I hole you check out my other two books and I will see you all later good bye my Pups! Byeeeeeeeee


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