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March 2017

Slash quietly sat down on the velvet couch waiting for the interviewer to start her job already. He didn't even want to be here in the first place, it was killing him/killed him to talk about her, even after all these years the moment someone brought up the name an automatic lump would form in his throat and cut his voice dry.

He knew what this documentary/movie was about, and it was amazing how to this day they were still honoring her, her career, and her death. She was an icon. Even after all these years her influence still ran through the industry like a bolt of lightening. From her fashion to her acting, to her own personal character, she had influenced almost a full generation of aspiring actors, kids, teenagers and movie makers.

He tries to shake the image of her smile out of his head before the interviewer started to ask the questions, knowing that if he kept thinking about her the way he always did would ruin the whole thing and he would curse the interviewer and everyone on set and leave.

"Sorry for the wait, but I think the technical difficulties have been dealt with now, so we can start." the interviewer flashed him an apologetic smile and cleared her throat before she started off with the first question. He gave her a nod of approval and crossed his legs waiting in angst.

"What was it like? The last days before her death?"

Slash's eyes widened at the very upfront question, people were right journalism had gotten a lot more savage...he shook his head and looked down at his hands.

"I guess you could call it normal, normal in her case. She never really would project to whoever was around her what was going on in her head. She rarely did that with me either. She seemed happy though, she always portrayed an act of being happy no matter how bad she got. She hated seeing other people get worked up over her." he nodded his head agreeing with himself at what he had just said.

"So no one really thought that she would ever take her own life?" the interviewer was really pushing it with him. what were these nonempathetic questions? It was starting to get disrespectful.

"Are you asking these specific questions just to me or to the others as well?" he gave the interviewer a sarcastic chuckle.

"I'm asking everyone's opinion. This is a documentary." the interviewer looked up and gave him another apologetic smile.

"Of course no one thought that she would just do that. Even if someone did know and had the chance to do something about it, I know her, she wouldn't have obeyed anyone. In her head, it was rational and acceptable. Even though she cared and loved everyone around her unconditionally, if she had something in her mind to accomplish she'd do it without even caring less about what anyone thought or reacted to the action." he sighed and took a sip of coffee that was next to him. God, he needed a cigarette, and a drink, maybe two.

"You two had one of the most notable relationships in the late 80s and throughout the 90s. What do you think made you two always find your way back?"

"She did. She knew how to bring me back, out of everything that I would put myself through. I think people only saw past though, I mean our relationship lasted for a really long time and everyone thought it was all lovey dovey and picture perfect or however you wanna put it, but we both compromised the shit out of it. It didn't matter if we fought, or both of us screwed up, at the end of the day we had a silent pact that no matter what happened or how fucked up things got we would still come back together and be with each other, because in our own weird way we both knew if we were to be out of each others lives, even as friends, it'd fuck us up." Slash looked back down at his hands and admired the chunky metal that was on his index finger, playing with it remembering her giving it to him on the first day of the Appetite for Destruction tour.

"So, you both really loved each other in order for that to work?"

Slash chuckled shaking his head from side to side and looked up to the woman infront of him,

"I loved her more than I loved anything. She was/is who I am to this day still."

"Do you remember your last words to her? Before her death?"

"Yea, I told her that I'd finally made a deal on a wedding venue and she told me I planned things too much. She told me she'd see me in the morning and that she loved me, and I told her I loved her back. End of phone call. End of everything."

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