The Whiskey

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April 5th 1986

"You know what Ana honestly fuck'em. If they don't want to give you a call back they can shove that telephone straight up their unbleached anus." Lara was a bit too drunk leaning over on Ana and giving her a tight hug. They were in this together of course, from day one of their friendship the two had been inseparable for almost 2 years now. It was tough trying to catch a break in Hollywood, but the duo at least had each other to get through the rough days.

"It's fine, their loss anyway. I'm not thinking too much about it anymore." Ana shook her head and smiled, taking a pack of Marlboros from her leather bag and lighting one up effortlessly.

"You know what we should do?!" Lara screamed jumping in front of Ana, legs far apart and spinning around. This girl was way too energetic for her own good sometimes, Ana thought lifting up the cigarette to her mouth and to take a long drag.


"The Whiskey, Robert said that if we stop by tonight we'd get free booze and plus something about a show or something, I dunno I really didn't keep up after he said free booze." Lara shook her head and lifted an eyebrow at Ana, waiting for her to reply.

"Yeah sure, sounds sweet. I'm down." Ana took another long drag before following Lara down the Sunset Strip.


The place was packed full of half naked girls and weird dudes that looked as if they had just walked out of rolling stone magazine. She looked down at what she was wearing and sighed knowing that no one was fucking wearing mom jeans except her. She adjusted her crop top and Adidas zip up, taking it off and tying it around her waist.

"Lara, I didn't know there was a dress code for this shit. I look like a fucking soccer mom." Ana was pissed off and looking around at all the girls that were head to toe dolled up.

"It's fine, your face makes up for it, stop being a whiny bitch and let's go get fucking hammered." Lara rolled her eyes and dragged Ana straight to where the crowd was gathered.

The music was raw and loud, shaking everything around the room. People were piled up on top of each other trying to get as close as possible to the band on stage.

Ana leaned over on a pole and basically yelled in Lara's ear. "Who's playing tonight exactly?"

Lara handed her a bottle of Jack Daniels "This band, Guns n' Roses, apparently they're set to be huge or some shit, or that's what Robert was telling me. They're not bad at all."

Ana nodded in agreement as she tried to make out the band and their features. She carelessly looked over each one before paying attention to the only one she couldn't really even see. The dude's face was covered by a huge mane of curly hair as he swayed to the riff he was playing, cigarette lit in his mouth, Ana watched as it dropped down and hit his shirtless torso.

"Ouch" she cringed out loud and turned over to tell Lara, but to her surprise, she wasn't even there anymore.

Ana made her way down to the large crowd and found a seat not far from the stage where it was calmer. She lit her cigarette and took a sip of the whiskey, still eyeing over the guy on the guitar. He was fucking amazing, she thought. Every chord the man would touch seemed to be heavenly.

She sat there for at least two more songs admiring the guitarist, and after half a bottle of whiskey and half a pack of cigs, she knew for sure that she was tipsy.

The band finished playing and said their thank you's and walked off the stage and to the back. The guitarist being the last one out, slowly unplugged his guitar a few feet from where Ana was sitting. He came up and lifted his hair trying to manage multitasking holding the guitar, the chords and smoking the cigarette in his mouth.  She caught his attention almost instantly. It was almost magnetic the attraction. He blonde hair was messy and long, her face looked flushed and her lips were pouty from the cigarette in between them. He noticed the half finished bottle of whiskey and chuckled to himself wondering how someone so angelic looking could drown down straight whiskey from the bottle.

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