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July 23rd, 1987

"WAKE UP!" Ana jumped on top of the still sleeping Slash. "Ugh, five more minutes. Go away," he muttered and turned around and buried his face in his pillow.

"ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY! COME ON COME ON UP UP UP!" she kept on jumping up and down on the bed and shoving him back and forth. "YOU'RE 22! Come on don't be a grandpa already." she pouted and straddled his body. He finally opened one eye and smirked, " I could get used to waking up to you straddling me. Minus the yelling though." he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body closer to his as he planted a hard kiss on her lips, "And don't ever call me a grandpa again." his morning voice was low and raspy, but Ana couldn't help but giggle and push herself off of him and drag him out of bed.

Being the man that he his, Slash walked around naked in the room before being pushed into the bathroom by Ana, "Come on you need to shower and get dressed I HAVE PLANS!"

"Come in with me, it'll be quicker." he shrugged his shoulder as he leaned against the bathroom door frame, still naked. Ana rolled her eyes laughing and started taking off his shirt that she was wearing. "I don't need any more convincing. Now hurry up Hudson." she took his hand and dragged him into the shower.

After a quick shower, and a quick something else... they quickly got dressed and headed to Ana's car. She quickly started the engine and started a lunatic.

"Woah there buddy, you ain't tryna kill me on my birthday now are ya?" he giggled nervously fidgeting around to find a seat belt in her ragged 1975 Mercedes Benz "Yeah there aren't any seat belts." she laughed lighting up a cigarette and rolling the window down.

"Jheez, you really are trying to kill me. Mama always said the good always die young..." he sighed shaking his head trying to hold back laughter as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"Relax, if I wanted you dead you would be dead now stop acting like a pussy and let me drive god damn it." she passed her cigarette to him and turned on the radio.

"Okay now you're really pushing it, making me listen to the fucking BeeGees and shit." he cringed and quickly changed the station. "Are you gonna tell me where you're taking me or am I being kidnapped? Shit, at least you should've let me say bye to my mom."

"Oh my god Saul, stop being so dramatic and let your dumb ass girlfriend surprise you." Ana rolled her eyes and flipped him off.

"Oh, so...youre my girlfriend now? Huh..."

"We've been dating a year, you called me your wife when we were having dinner with your grandma. I think its time I started calling myself that." she rolled her eyes once again and gave a chuckle. "Besides, you're damn lucky that I even give you the opportunity to be my boyfriend. Lets face it, no one else in this world would be able to keep up with your shit." this caused both of them to laugh, knowing that they were both screwed up in their own way and the fact that either of them had found someone that could get their fucked up mentality was a gift from God.

"You got me there." he pointed at her still laughing. "Girlfriend..." he repeated to himself, "Huh,"

"What? It's not that hard to understand if you speak English." she laughed as she switched gears on the car and sped up.

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair as he opened the glove box looking for where she had put the lighter, "Where did you pu- holy fuck," he stopped as he took out a handgun, "What the fuck is this for?" he lifted it up.

"Don't touch that it's loaded!" she quickly took the gun from him, emptied the pistols, and through it in the backseat.

"Why the fuck do you have a gun? Holy shit you were trying to kill me..."

"Relax Saul, not everything is about you, if I had wanted you dead I would've done it before we were passing through Pasadena." she rolled her eyes, "It was my ex-boyfriends, I stole it just in case he would one day fucking show up on my doorstep," she shrugged.

"What kind of ex do you have? A fucking gangster or something?"

"Something like that, but who gives a shit right now, I hope he's rotting in a ditch somewhere."

"I don't know the guy, but part of me hopes that too," he laughed and took the gun from the back seat and put it back in the glove box and picked up the lighter he was actually looking for from the floor. "Youre fucked though for keeping that." he pointed at the glove department. "I mean who does that, who are you jheez." he laughed pinching his eyes.

She shrugged smiling, "I'm your girlfriend."


They finally arrived at their destination, after being on the road for nearly an hour.

"Baby," she shook him "Wake up we're here." she smiled at him,

He woke up and looked around, "You brought me to a farm?"

"Yeah, it's a snake farm.  I know how you've been talking non-stop about this anaconda so I arranged a meeting with her, and she's yours if you want her." she grinned.

"Are you serious?"

"Yup," she saif popping the 'p' and getting out of the car.

He got out of the car too and went around to the front where she was standing with her hands on her hips. He hugged her from behind and kissed her head, "Thank you,"

She turned around grinning at him and cupped his face in her hands and gave him a kiss, "No need to thank me, happy birthday." she kissed him again and took his hand to lead him to the front office of the 'farm'.

"You must be Ms. Rinaldi, I'm Lawrence, I'm in charge of the facility here, I believe you're here to see Lucy?" the short man with suspenders greeted them shaking both of their hands.

"Yes, Hi I'm Ana and this is Saul, can we see her?" she took Slash's hand in hers and smiled up at him.

"Of course if you could follow me," Lawrence turned around and headed to the glass doors behind him.


"Aw, come on. They're cute," he said his face pressed up against the glass staring at the gigantic snake  "Look at them - look at that face."

"If you say so," Ana laughed crossing her arms and shaking her head. Slash looked like a little kid at a pet store. It was weird yet cute how overly he excited he got about snakes. "She's yours, so I have to agree with the fact that she is 'cute'." Ana shook her head once again as she stepped closer to him.

He turned around and took her waist pulling her closer to him, "You're the fucking best, ya know that?" he kissed her nose, then her forehead, then her lips.

"Just to let you know...My gift was kind of a diversion so the guys could set up my place for a surprise party. I know how much you hate surprises so, I'm telling you this now." she laughed giving him another kiss, "So, when we get back act surprised, be a little dramatic you know," she flayed her arms around, "And yes there is cake and yes it is chocolate."

"Damn...Is there gonna be dessert, after dessert?" he raised an eyebrow as his hand went down to her butt.

"Plenty." she pulled him in for another kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

It was today that both of them realized that they were perfectly in sync with one another. Both of them delusional, both of them unexpected, both of them having their own past and secrets, and this only made them both even more crazy about one another.

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