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July 11th, 1986 - Show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.

She needed a break. A break from her own life she thought as she lit her cigarette behind the crusty old venue away from all the people that were still in and out of the club

"You shouldn't smoke." A voice to her left said and she rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off."

He gave her a lazy look under his sunglasses. His cigarette was resting in his mouth and he lit it still watching her.

"Are you really still pissed at me?" leaned against the brick wall with his arms crossed over his barely covered chest. He needed new shirts she thought to herself, and also a new attitude where he didn't bail on her every last second just for her to find him with another bitch somewhere else...

She raised an eyebrow at him and rolled her eyes again and turned to look at the dumpster which looked a lot more interesting than him at the moment.

"I'll take that as a yes..." he sighed, "you know one day you're gonna roll your eyes so hard they're gonna get stuck behind your head."

She didn't answer him, just continued to look at the dumpster that now, as funny as it sounds, started to resemble his personality more and more she looked at it.

"Look," he relaxed his tense shoulder and took a step closer to her, "I'm sorry okay, I didn't know the play meant to you that much, or else I would've come..."

"Are you serious?" The cigarette was hanging loose in her mouth and a strand of her golden hair covered her eye.

She tilted her head and smirked "You're serious, how cute."

He just looked at her as she lit another cigarette.

"It's cute that you're sorry but it's just not enough." She said as she shrugged and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"What the fuck do you expect me to do?" he raised his hands up in the air, "go back in time?"

"You know what?" she turned around and faced him properly and laughed sarcastically "I'm not one of your fucking bimbo groupies that you can just fuck and forget the next day okay? But, apparently you see all women as just that and you my friend are fucking disgusting. You think I don't know what, and how you talk about me to your little wannabe rocker friends? You think I don't know the type of disgusting bullshit you pull through every fucking night? If I don't mean shit to you, then you don't mean shit to me so cut the fucking cute little apologies about how you're sorry for not being able to make it to the play, I could care less if you were there or not, but the fact that you went behind my back, lied about me and to me, and were with a slut that basically makes me think whether or not I have aids now is fucking disgusting and frankly as an actual adult who can think rationally by using my brain, I do not want to be associated with a pathologic liar that would rather have sex with a sewer rat than come and support someone that has actually been there for you for months now." she was basically pacing back and forth in front of him.

"Oh and might I add the fact that you literally called me a piece of ass in front of everyone? Oh and the fact that you played me so well that for a tiny ass second I thought that you actually liked me?" she scoffed "it was all a trick wasn't it? You made me look like an idiot in front of so many people, and you made me feel like an idiot, you made me feel fucking used."

He stood there, dumbfounded at her and her words. He felt like he was choking up, but he didn't want her to know that.

"Will you just calm down and not be a bitch?"

She stopped and slowly turned around. And in that moment, Slash knew he had fucked up.
"Should I calm down and not be a bitch?" She said as she walked towards him.

There was fire in her eyes as he answered "Yes." a bit too quietly because he couldn't even hear himself.

He swallowed because she was standing inches away from him

A loud echo from the slap she gave him made people stop and look at their exchange.
"I have every right to be an upset bitch." Her voice was calm and when she turned around she added "Go to hell."

He could have easily let her walk away and would have probably forgotten all about her in less than a week, but for a short second he didn't have control over his actions and he ran after her out of the alley and onto the side walk and grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"You don't get to just say all that shit and walk away." his voice sounded sober and stern, she had never heard him speak in such a tone before, "I didn't use you, for anything...and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. That was never my intention."

"Then what was your intention?"

"I," he struggled "I don't know, I have the tendencies to go...overboard with certain things, I never wanted to hurt you."

"I'm getting tired of everyone using me and then ignoring me the second they're done with me." she clenched her jaw and took a step back.

"I swear, I would never do that." he looked around. There were so many people watching them now, he felt anxious as he put one hand on his forehead, "Listen," he sighed "Can we go somewhere and talk? I deserved everything you said to me back there, I am disgusting and stupid and I do deserve to go to hell, for a lot of things, but can we just go somewhere and talk? Please?"

The fact that he was out on the street begging her to just talk with him after her slapping him told her that for one second that he had put his ego aside for her, and thats all she had wanted...she kind of thought how it was pathetic that he needed to be slapped in order to put his ego aside, but nevertheless she accepted his offer.



"A Mcdonalds? Really?" he watched as she took a bite out of her Big Mac.

She didn't reply, but just rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Okay, fine I'll wait until you finish eating, Jesus..." he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back onto the chair.

She finished eating, which he took as a signal for him to start talking.

"Listen, I never had the intention of making you feel that way. The girls I'm normally around, they're not like I just, ugh- I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know how to treat a girl like you okay?"

She took her drink on her lap and looked down at it as she played with the straw while listening to him.

"You have every right to be angry at me, what I did was wrong and I'm pretty sure if my mom found out that I treated a girl like you the way I have been she'd whoop my ass." he sighed "Thats not me okay? At least, thats not the real me and I want you to get to know the real me." he was fidgeting in his seat. He was a wreck at the moment, he had never been one to open up about about himself to any one, let alone a girl he had just met a few months ago. But again, he couldn't help himself, just one look at her and he was like a puppy, all wide eyed and waiting in anticipation of her.

"Okay." she said quietly, still not looking up from playing with her straw.

"I want to tell you something else." He said, deadly serious and leaned in closer.

She stopped playing with her straw and leaned in as well.

He swallowed and lowered his voice

"We are the coolest people at McDonalds."

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