Sweet Child

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February 2nd 1994 

"Babe are you okay?" Slash stood up and made his way to the bathroom in wich Ana had been in for the past hour almost. He knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"I'm good, I'm good," Ana opened the door wiping her face with a towel.

"What happened?"

"My stomachs just acting up, I threw up no big deal." she pushed past him to go to the bed and laid down face first. He sat down next to her body and rubbed her back, "You want me to get you anything before I head to the studio?" 

"No, I'm good, I have to be on set in 2 hours so I'll just drop by the pharmacy then or something, let just eat something." she put her head in her hands and rubbed her eyes. 


She knew that it wasn't something she ate. She knew exactly what the fuck it was, but just to make sure she grabbed 5 different brands of pregnancy tests and hid behind her large glasses and baseball cap as she exited the pharmacy trying to not get recognized. 

The first thing she did when she got onto the lot was to rush to her trailer and lock the doors behind her.

It was positive. 

Her throat all of a sudden became dry she had thought she had forgotten to breathe. Trying to get out of the bathroom clutching onto the walls she shook her head and grabbed the nearest bottle she could find and chugged on the alcohol. 

"Fuck,' she whispered sitting down with her head in her hands. 

There was a loud knocking coming from outside as the set manager pounded on her trailer door, "Ana! Time for makeup!" 

She stood up wiping her eyes rid of her tears and tried to put herself together as she opened the door with a huge grin on her face,

"Hi! I'm ready, I'm ready! No need to yell," she softly touched the set managers shoulder reassuring him. 


The cold hospital bed was making her feel even more nauseous. She needed to go to a check up just to make sure she was in fact pregnant. The cold device was being grazed over her stomach as the obgyn stood next to her,

"Well, yes, you are pregnant. 3 weeks in. Congratulations." the obgyn turned to Ana giving her a huge smile, "Would you like a photo, even though you cant really see anything people always wanna take the first photo." 

"No, thanks, I'm good." she stood up wiping her stomach and pulling down her shirt, "Listen don't tell anybody I was here okay, not even my manager. If you do, I really don't give a shit, but I'll sue." Ana glared at the doctor and took her bag, put on her sunglasses and quickly left the room. 

She stood in her car, hands on the steering wheel, staring blankly across the parking lot. What the fuck was she supposed to do, she was the last likely candidate for motherhood, and she had to be honest with herself, so was Slash. She slowly touched her stomach, "I'm apologizing in advance of being your mother from now, so we don't have any beef, you got that?" she chuckled to herself. 


"You don't want anything to drink?" Slash said peeking behind the fridge door to get a better look at his partner who was sitting on the dining table trying to solve a crossword puzzle.

"No, I'm good thanks." she said not looking up, the pencil in between her lips. 

"Okay...So how was your day?" he sat the bottle of beer down on the table and rubbed her shoulders.

"It was good," she was not budging from her position and kept to her crossword. "Umm, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." 

He furrowed his eyebrows and took a seat next to her, "What is it?"

"So umm, I went to the doctors today and turns out my stomach is fine." she sighed putting down the crossword.

"Thats good, glad you went, you never go to the doctor." he shook his head chuckling.

"Yeah, stomachs fine other than the fact that I'm a month pregnant." 

He choked on his beer, eyes wide almost spitting the beer out, "What?" 

"You heard me." she shrugged.

"Like, you're, actually-there's a-there's a," he pointed to her stomach stuttering "baby in there?" 



"Well Saul, when two people love each other they embrace in a very special hug..." she rolled her eyes at him and stood up to go grab the chips off the counter. He stood up with her and followed her, "I mean why are you surprised, we don't use anything so..." she shrugged again. 

"Holy shit,"


"What the fuck?" he was pacing around.


"It's in there," he pointed to her stomach.


"And we're gonna be," he pointed to the both of them.

"Yeah," she casually ate the chips in her hand. 

He took the chips away from her hand and cupped her face and kissed her. Honestly, this was the last reaction she was expecting out of him, she had thought he was gonna storm out and go crazy. He pulled back and softly touched her hair, "I love you, okay?" he kissed her forehead, "We're gonna be the most fucked up parents in the world, but I love you and just know that I fucking love you." he kissed her again, "Shit! I have to call my mom!" he jumped away and ran to the living room to get on the phone. 

She stood there touching her stomach and laughing at the grown man who had turned into a small excited child. Maybe this was her gateway? Maybe this was Gods plan to bring her life down a notch and for her to finally be content and happy. He was over the moon and seeing him this excited made her even the more happy about what was going to happen. Maybe they both had needed this baby, maybe this was going to save them both. 

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