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"People often told her that they had never seen her unhappy; they had never seen her frown. They would say it with a type of awe in their voice as if they really believed the words that came tumbling out of their mouths— that she had never had a bad day. Everyone has bad days. It's not a matter of who has those bad days, but rather how they handle them. She chose to smile and laugh to mask the pain she felt inside that gnawed away at her. It took all of her strength to smile when she wanted to scream and laugh when she wanted to cry. People never asked her how she was. They assumed that she was fine. They assumed that she was happy inside and out. I guess that's what made her such a good actress on screen, she was already acting in her own life too."

Q: "How was it working with her? Being a close friend of hers as well as an on-screen co-star, were you able to notice anything?"

A: "She was immensely talented, I worked with her only two times, but they were always the best times I ever had. She would make the dullest moments exciting and the exciting moments even more so. As her friend, I feel like I should've picked up on some things a lot sooner. She would always come in late, you would find anything and everything in her trailer and she would just say it wasn't hers or that a friend left it there or something and shrug it off. Even when she was high as a kite, she would pull herself together so fast and act completely sober. You couldn't tell any difference."

Q: "So she would lie about her addictions?"

A: "Obviously, she could've gotten fired a million times if she hadn't. Plus you look at the girl and there's just this aura of innocence, you had to a be a fool not to believe her." Winona chuckled

Q: "And she knew that?"

A: "Of course she did. She would use her looks to get away with anything, and she could. Anyone of us would do that if we were her. Trust me." she chuckled once again shifting in her seat.

Q: "There was some news going around that they are casting for a biopic about her life. Is this accurate?"

A: "I heard that they had wanted to do that, and I believe they did start the casting process, but umm," she stopped to cough " I don't think Slash allowed it. Neither did her family."

Q: "Why is that?"

A: "Well, first off, she stated her letters that she didn't want that to happen and second, I believe that even though it has been a long while since her passing, the wounds are still there for certain people, including myself, and every single time someone mentions her or pays tribute it hits home."

Q: "So a biopic is out of the question for good?"

A:" I believe so, yes."

Q: " In one of her last interviews she mentioned that you and she had a falling out due to a role that she got cast in rather than you, and she had mentioned that you had stopped talking to her because of it. She briefly talked about it in one of her letters."

A: "Yeah, well that's one fo the things in my life, to this day, that I regret. It was a childish act and I knew that she had nothing to do with the casting, it's not like she went after the role deliberately trying to stop me from getting it. We both got the script and we both got the chance to audition. Back then I didn't see it as that, I just thought that she had betrayed me knowing that I had wanted the role more. I regret not talking to her in her last months. I would do anything to set the record straight."

Q: " In her last days it seems like she didn't really talk to anyone other than her fiance, you were one of those people including many of her other friends such as Johnny Depp, Matt LeBlanc, Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Aniston, Tom Hanks..."

A: "Yeah, she just quit calling and responding to anyone in her last few months . A lot of us tried, I know that Robert had seen her a month before her death, and she had also seen Jennifer the same year. Everyone tried, everyone tried to understand what was really going on and then they would see her and realise 'Oh she's okay, nothing wrong she's just busy', no one saw past that except for Robert I guess, but even he got his fucking ass handed to him by her when he asked her what was wrong.

I remember getting a call from Robert the night that she had been with him. She and Robert had been very close, he was also close to Slash at the time as well, anyway, he called me saying that she seemed off. I asked why not really caring back then, I was still angry at her, and he said to me, Winnie, I think she's gone, she's not the same, she's quiet. He told me that he had felt like he had gone out for dinner with a completely different person. When he also told her this, she had gotten angry with him apparently and told him to fuck off saying that and I quote "'Im just having a bad okay, relax, not everything has to be so god damn serious just let it go.'. She was defensive I guess, she didn't WANT anyone to know what was happening with her. When people would ask her about herself she would get defensive and angry as if THEY had done something wrong.

Q: "Did Slash know about this?"

A: "Yeah, Robert told him too, and Slash said that she was very stressed about the wedding and the movie that was coming up. He said that she had a lot of weight on her shoulders at the moment and apologized for her attitude on her behalf. We all had our own way of trying not to see through it I guess, our own excuses, I had my own way, Slash had his and so did Robert. There is so much you can do to try to help I guess. At the end of the day, it's up to that person to try to change what's wrong. I just wish we could've all not made up those god damn stupid excuses...

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