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December 9th, 1991 - GN'R plays three shows at the Madison Square Garden in New York

She hadn't seen him in almost 2 months. It was crazy when you thought about it how you could be away from someone for so long yet feel as if you saw them yesterday. She had her job to blame for making her feel that way, she was always busy she sometimes even lost track of time. Duff had sent her plane tickets to see the show and a letter explains how she should come see Slash as a surprise and how they all missed her. She didn't take the opportunity for granted and flew out of LA and landed in New York the day of his show at MSG. Her manager had arranged a car to pick her up from the back of the airport and transport her to the venue where she knew he was rehearsing before the show. She hadn't even packed a lot of clothes, she had been too excited to see him she left her house with just a backpack and her camera. The driver dropped her off at the back entrance of MSG and all she had to do to get in was show her face to the guard who automatically recognized her and let her into the empty hallway. She followed the loud voices of laughter and music to the last room at the end of the hallway and peaked her head through the door to see Duff and Axl laughing and tugging a teddy bear limb from limb as AC/DC played in the background. Classic.

She stood by the door until one of the two idiots finally recognized her presence. But after 5 minutes she was getting impatient and let out a cough.

"Oh shit," Duff turned around catching Ana with her arms crossed leaning against the door.

"Oh shit is right." she laughed "What're you guys even doing?" she stopped herself and raised a hand "Don't answer that I don't even wanna know about the Teddy bear and whatever disgusting thing you two did to the poor, obviously traumatized stuffed animal."

"Dizzy put M&M's inside of it and we were trying to rip it apart." Axl shrugged and sat onto of a table.

"You could have just cut it open." She pulled out a pocket knife from her bag and took the teddy bear and cut it open to reveal the pack of M&M's. "Ta da." she rolled her eyes and threw them back the sliced open stuffed animal.

"The M&M's please." Axl raised an eyebrow.

She ignored him and sighed as she opened up the pack and started eating the chocolates leaving the room.

She walked down the hallway and finally found a familiar face which happened to be Slash's guitar technician.

"Hey, you seen him around?" she asked offering him some chocolate.

"Oh yeah, he's trying to reconnect the amps." He pointed to the stage entrance.

She nodded and thanked him and made her way to the stage where she saw him bent down infant of a 6 foot amp trying to cut and connect the wires.

"Don't you have people that do that for you or did you manage to scare them away from your perfectionist tendencies?" she threw an M&M at him.

She was the last voice he had expected to hear. He turned around his face shocked by her presence.

He chuckled and stood up, "Don't you have a movie you're supposed to be shooting right now?"

"I missed you too dumbass." she threw another M&M at him. He ducked it and walked over to her and took her in his arms, kissing her head.

"Fuck, I missed you."

"I missed you too." she inhaled his scent and nuzzled her face into his chest.

"What hotel did you book?"

"What do you mean?" she scrunched her eyebrows and pulled back to look up at him "I thought I would be staying with you."

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