I'm A Witch?!

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Alexa's POV

    I woke up in the middle of the night, looking around frantically. The dream had seemed so real to me. But then again, it always seemed real. I've been having the same dream for years and yet I was still confused by it. It always started out with two adults, a man and a woman, talking to me. Then, there was an explosion and evil laughter followed by two flashes of green light. The dream always ended there but I usually felt another presence watching the dream with me.
    I looked at the alarm clock and groaned. 12:06 flashed across the screen and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I dressed in blue jeans and a three-quarter sleeve purple shirt. I pulled on my socks and padded downstairs to the kitchen. I was glad my parents were still asleep as I got a glass of milk.
    'Who is the person that sees the same dream as I do?' I asked myself. I shrugged as I finished the milk and put the glass in the sink. I walked back to my room and looked out the window. Deciding to take a walk out into the garden, I slipped into my sneakers and unlocked the back door. I sat on the wooden bench and breathed in the soft, cool air.
    After a few minutes, I went back inside and sat on my bed. I pulled a book off of the tall bookshelf to read for the rest of the night. When the alarm went off, I put the book down and went downstairs. My parents were there in a couple minutes and we got breakfast.
    "How did you sleep last night, Alexa?" Mom asked.
    "Good," I lied.
    "No nightmares?" Dad asked, looking over the top of the newspaper.
    I shook my head but my parents could tell that something was wrong.
    "You remember what today is?" Mom asked me, a smile forming on her lips.
    "No," I replied honestly.
    "It's your eleventh birthday!" Dad exclaimed.
    I looked up and saw a birthday cake on the counter and I smiled. I flung my arms around my parents and laughed.
    "I completely forgot! Thanks so much!" I cried.
    "It's nothing, honey," Mom said.
    "I love you both!" I said. I looked at the cake and stopped.
    It looked different than the other cakes I've had. I walked over and looked at it, surprised. The white icing had green words written on it: Happy Birthday, Alexa, Our Little Witch.
    "What is this?" I asked, turning to look at my parents.
    They were watching me carefully and I was confused. A sudden knock on the door diverted my attention and I went to answer it. My mom stopped me and had me sit next to my dad on the living room couch. I heard the door open, a couple voices, and then my mom entered with an unknown man. I immediately tensed up, sensing something was wrong.
    The man noticed my posture and smiled, but it gave me no comfort. He sat across from me while my mom sat on the other side of me. I eyed the man warily, waiting for him to explain his appearance.
    "I must apologize for my unexpected arrival. I am Professor Severus Snape. I am the Potions teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have come to inform you that you have been accepted to the school. If you wish to attend, I can take you to get your school supplies. This must be a bit of a shock to you but please consider the offer," the man, Snape, explained.
    "Did you know of this?" I asked, turning to my parents, who avoided my eyes. "You knew and you never told me?!" I shouted.
    I jumped to my feet and ran to my room, slamming the door. Everything was going crazy, or was it just me? All I knew is that the world I grew up in was deciding to play with me. I sighed. 'A school for magic? I guess it can't be too bad. I can make new friends. I'll give it a shot.' I thought. I took a deep breath and went back down.
    "I will go, but I don't know how to pay for all of this stuff," I said. "What do I even need?"
    Snape stood and handed me a letter. Opening it, I found the invitation and a list of supplies.



    First-year students will require:
    1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
    2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
    3. One pair of protective gloves (dragonhide or similar)       
    4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.

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