Back in Time (Year 1) Pranks

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Alexa's POV

When we pulled into the station, I jumped out with the Marauders. I spotted Lily amongst the throng and waved. We made our way to the boats and hopped in. I was with Lily while the Marauders were together. When we rounded the corner, Hogwarts loomed into view. Even though I had attended Hogwarts for two years, the castle still amazed me.

"It's so big," I heard James mutter.

"Obviously," Lily whispered to me.

I laughed. This was going to be a bit difficult since I had already gone through first and second year, although I hoped I had a better Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. We got out of the boats on the other side of the lake. Walking up the steps, we saw Professor McGonagall waiting for us. She gave me a knowing glance and then talked about the Houses and that stuff.

"Where are you hoping to be sorted?" Sirius asked me.

"Gryffindor," I said without hesitation.

"Same," James muttered. "Hopefully we're all in Gryffindor."

When we were let into the Great Hall, my eyes locked with Dumbledore's, who gave me a wink and an encouraging smile.

"Zable, Vanessa," McGonagall called out last.

I walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat fell on my head and spoke in my mind so no one else could hear.

'Alexa Potter from the future. Time travel to stop Tom Riddle from turning evil. Your secret is safe with me. Now, let's see. You were put in Gryffindor before. So was your brother and two friends. Sirius is your brother's godfather. Remus is like an uncle to you and Harry. Peter betrayed your parents. James and Lily Potter are your parents. Severus is your godfather. I think, based on your earlier sorting and your family, you belong in...'

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted to the whole Hall.

Gryffindor table erupted into cheers. I realized I had been at the stool the longest, about four minutes. I didn't care though. I was worth my friends and family. Hopefully, nothing went wrong. I sat down next to Lily and looked over my shoulder to see a boy with dark hair and brown eyes. Severus was my first thought, but then I saw him a little down the table. This boy must be Tom Riddle. I had found him, now I needed to convince him to not turn dark. We were escorted to our dorms and relaxed in the common room later on.

"Hey, Van, you think you could help us?" James asked.

"With what?" I asked, walking over and sitting down.

"We're trying to think of a prank to play on Minnie," Sirius answered.

"What were some of your ideas?" I wondered.

"We were thinking about dropping Dungbombs on her," James replied.

"How about we set them up over her chair in the Great Hall. We can have it be triggered when she sits down. Leave the wandwork to me," I suggested.

"Deal!" James said with a smile. "We'll set it up now."

He pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and threw it around him and the other boys. I took out my own and wrapped it around myself.

"How come she gets her own?" Sirius asked.

"'Cause I'm the girl," I answered sassily.

We left the common room and went to the Great Hall. James had the bag of Dungbombs in his hand, and we reached McGonagall's chair in a matter of seconds.

"Don't take off the cloak," I hissed. "Just in case."

The bag appeared out of nowhere, and I took them.

"Go keep a lookout," I told them, pointing to the door so they could see.

I heard footsteps and could tell they were completely out of the slightly open doorway. I took out my wand and levitated the bag to the candle above the chair. I cut a small opening in the bottom and tied it loosely with a string. The string was then made invisible and laid across the chair. When McGonagall sat down, the string would pul loose of the bag and drop the Dungbombs on her head. Once I was finished, I went to retrieve the boys.

"Let's go," I whispered.

I heard them following me and led the way to the Tower. On the way, we almost ran into Filch. I got them to Gryffindor Tower and veered off to Dumbledore's office. I stopped in front of the statue and whispered the password.

"Lemon Drops," I said.

The statue leaped aside to let me onto the stairs. I got on and went up to Dumbledore's office. I had the feeling he knew I was coming and was waiting for me. I pushed open the door and found the Headmaster sitting at his desk.

"Ah, Miss Potter. Is there something you wish to say?" he asked.

"I was wondering who else knows of what I'm trying to do. Does McGonagall?" I asked him.

"She does. If you need her help, go to her. She will understand," he answered.

Since I had a few more questions, I decided to ask them now instead of later. Once I got the answers I was looking for, I went back to the Tower and into bed. Falling asleep, I thought about the task I had that was now set before my feet. Would I be able to do it or will I make it worse? With these questions in my mind, I drifted away.

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