Very Dead Basilisk

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Alexa's POV

    It had been a few weeks since the last attack, and I had been teaching Harry and Ron archery in the Room of Requirement. They had mastered it by now and were ready to help fight the basilisk. I was very pleased with their work, and I hoped that we could get rid of this threat. Two days later, Hermione was Petrified and taken to the Hospital Wing. We were in shock but knew we had to continued on with our plan. We had figured out where the Chamber was and were going to go down there. The boys dressed into the outfits I had given them, making them look like assassins. We all did. That's when we heard the announcement.    

    "All students are to return to their common rooms immediately. All teachers to the second floor corridor," McGonagall ordered.

    "This is it. We need to go. Now," I whispered. "Ginny was taken by the basilisk, and we are going to save her."   

    Ron paled when he heard his sister was in trouble. We raced to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and opened the Chamber of Secrets. I looked at Harry and Ron, my Huntresses behind them. I smiled and stepped up to the edge.

    "Alright, see you all down there," I said and jumped.    

    Within a minute, all of them were down with me. As we walked into a room, a large shed snakeskin came into sight. My Huntresses put on their protective lenses to shield them from the gaze of the basilisk. We continued to the door of the Chamber and stopped. I turned to look at Harry. I tilted my head to him, gesturing for him to open the door. With a hissing word from my brother, we entered the Chamber. We caught sight of Ginny at the end of the Chamber, and Ron started to run. I reached out and grabbed his arm.

    "Not yet. Go slowly. Trust me," I whispered.

    He nodded, a pained expression on his face. We made our way to Ginny, and Ron and Harry knelt next to her. Me and my Huntresses kept a look-out for any movement. I heard my brother begging Ginny not to be dead as well as Ron crying.

    "She won't wake," a voice said.    

    A figure emerged from the shadows. He was wearing Hogwarts robes, and I knew who it was in an instant. Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. I hissed angrily, standing in front of the others. However, he merely smiled at me and sent me flying through the air, slamming my head into a stone. My vision swam for about ten minutes, in which time I could see the outline of the basilisk and my friends. When my head cleared, I shot to my feet and shot the basilisk's other eye out.

    "Keep it distracted!" I shouted.

    I drew my sword and jumped onto the snake's back while my friends shot at it, not really caring if the arrows did any damage to it. I managed to run to the head and plunge the sword down through its skull. It flung me off as soon as I pulled the blade out. Again, I was sent flying and this time I was knocked out.

    I woke up later in the Hospital Wing, a massive headache forming now that I was awake. I closed my eyes and turned my head. That's when I heard voices.    

    "What did you do now, Harry?" a man asked.

    "We went and killed the basilisk. She only got knocked out," Harry answered.

    "You could've died!"

    By now, I realized the voice belonged to none other than Sirius Black, Harry's godfather. Of course he would be angry that we nearly died. Again. I groaned in pain, drawing attention to me.

    "Alexa, are you okay?" Harry asked me, concerned.

    "Other than a headache, I'm completely fine. What is Sirius doing here?" I asked.

    "He came as soon as he heard what you did," Hermione's voice said. "Remus is in the Great Hall, waiting."

    "'Mione!" I shouted, ignoring my head and hugging her.

    "Hey, Lexi," she replied softly.

    We all went down to the Great Hall for the feast, sitting next to Remus, where it was announced that exams were cancelled. Everyone but Hermione was cheering. Sirius and Remus were even happy, never really liking exams even though they were not taking them. Gryffindor won the House Cup again, causing a bit of an uproar from the Slytherins. Sirius and Remus patted the new Marauders on the back. The door suddenly swing open, revealing Hagrid, who had been dragged to Azkaban for 'attacking' Muggleborns.

    "Sorry I'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called 'Errol,'" Hagrid said, walking down the isle.

    Ron's eyes widened in embarrassment as the rest of us looked at him, smiling. Hagrid stopped next to us, looking down at us.

    "I'd just like to thank you, Harry. If it weren't for you, I might still be locked up in Azkaban," he said.

    Harry stood up and hugged Hagrid in the middle of the Hall. He stepped back a bit and looked at his big friend.

    "It's not Hogwarts without you, Hagrid," Harry said.

    He started clapping, quickly followed by me and the other Marauders, old and new. Soon, the majority of the Hall was clapping for Hagrid. All except the Slytherins, of course. Sirius and Remus smiled at each other, enjoying the happy atmosphere they had missed from their time at school. Maybe next year would be more relaxed. But I had the feeling it would not be the case. I was in for a completely different adventure over the summer that would change my life forever. A quest Dumbledore would send me on.

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