Why Do We Always Get In Danger's Way?

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Alexa's POV

We still hadn't found out the reason for the big three-headed dog, Fluffy (sorry, I didn't go into that or the Quidditch match or the dragon thing, either). Hermione and I had the same idea that it was guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, which was tied to Nicholas Flamel's long life. We decided to go and get it before someone stole it, which we knew would happen. We needed to wait for night, though. I decided to get the Map and Cloak. We meet in the common room and started to the portrait hole. Neville got out of his chair and stepped in front of us.
"You're going out again, aren't you?" Neville asked, his once quivering.
"Neville, we're trying to help the school. You don't understand," I said.
"I won't let you go. I-I will fight you," Neville said hesitantly, raising his fists.
"Neville, I am very sorry about this. Petrificus Totalus!" I said, pointing my wand at him.
His arms and legs snapped to his side and he landed flat on his back. We got under the cloak and left. We made it to the door to the room where Fluffy lived. We opened the door and found he was asleep. There was a harp playing music and I started humming a song, just in case it stopped. Hermione, Ron, and Harry pushed Fluffy's paw off the trapdoor and opened it. We jumped and landed on a plant thing. I recognized it as Devil's Snare. I didn't move and Hermione copied me. We sank beneath the vines, Harry and Ron shouting our names. Harry eventually followed us and we had to use a spell to free Ron, who was not calming down in the slightest.
The next chamber was filled with winged keys. A broom was hovering in the air about two feet off the ground.
"Harry, you're the Seeker. You get the key with the broken wing," I said, gesturing to the broom.
The second his fingers closed around the broom, the keys dive-bombed him and he managed to get into the air. He chased the key and grabbed it. Flying back down, he threw it towards us as hard as he could. I used my Chaser reflexes (didn't mention that either) and snatched it out of the air. I forced it into the keyhole and the door opened. We ran in and stood back for Harry to fly in. The second he was through, we slammed the door shut, the keys hitting and sticking in the wood.
The next room was a giant chessboard. Ron was thinking before assigning us spots on the board.
"Harry, you take the empty bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the king-side castle. Alexa, you are the first knight. I'll be the second knight," Ron said.
We took our spots and the game began. It was a bigger version of wizards' chess. I was flinching every time there was a black piece (one of ours) destroyed. Eventually, Ron had to sacrifice himself.
"Ron, be careful, please. I don't want to lose one of the Marauders and one of my friends," I said quietly.
"Knight to E5," Ron said.
His piece moved and the white Queen came over. She smashed the horse and Ron fell down. Harry went and checked the white King. The sword clattered to the ground and we ran to Ron.
"Hermione, you get Ron to the hospital wing and the two of us will go on," I said.
"You'll be alright. You two are great," she said.
"Not as good as you," Harry told her.
"Me? Books and cleverness? There are more important things. Like friendship and bravery. Just be careful," Hermione replied.
Harry and I walked down the steps to see Quirrell standing in front of the Mirror of Erised. He turned around to see us and smiled.
"You? But I thought Snape..." Harry started.
"Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he? Who would suspect p-poor st-st-stuttering Pro-professor Quirrell? I let the troll in and Snape went to head me off from the third floor. He never trusted me. He never has. He has been suspicious of me for years," he said.
I growled in the back of my throat and I was growing angry. I noticed something strange. I was changing into a big black dog, while next to me, Harry was changing to a white stag. I lunged at Quirrell and caught him around the throat. I was hit aside and slammed into the wall. My vision was blurry and I morphed back into human form. I saw Harry attack Quirrell but was also knocked aside. He, too, changed back.
"I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get it?" Quirrell asked.
"Use the boy," Voldemort hissed.
"Come here, Potter! Now!" Quirrell shouted.
Harry hesitantly walked forward and I stayed where I was for the time being. I knew that Harry could get the Stone and that would be when everything went to pieces. Harry stood in front of the Mirror and looked into it. I couldn't see what he saw but I had a good idea as to what it was.
"What do you see?" Quirrell asked him.
"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the House Cup," Harry lied.
"He lies," Voldemort said. "Let me speak to him."
"Master, you are not strong enough," Quirrell said, somewhat worriedly.
"I have strength enough for this," came the reply.
So Quirrell removed his turban and turned around. Voldemort appeared and he started tempting Harry. He resisted, however, and I knew it was almost time to jump in.
"Something that conveniently lies in your pocket," Voldemort said.
Harry turned and ran. A wall of fire surrounded us and we were trapped. Great. We turned to Voldemort, taking each other's hand as we did. We knew we could defeat him and we knew we could win the war. Quirrell lunged at us, catching us around the throat and pinning us to the stone steps. The Stone fell from Harry's hand and we grabbed Quirrell and saw his hands were dissolving into dust. While Harry went after him, I went to get the Stone. I looked over in time to see Quirrell crumble into nothing. Harry came over and hugged me and I returned it. A swirling dust figure of Voldemort rose from the floor and flew through Harry, knocking him unconscious. Voldemort steered away from me and left. I knelt next to Harry and tried to wake him. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Dumbledore running to us. He picked Harry up and I followed him to the hospital wing. I didn't want to leave Harry's side, but Hermione dragged me to the classes. I managed to focus on the material we were learning and mastered it all before Hermione did. Thankfully, she wasn't angry at me for being better than she was. She simply embraced it and congratulated me. I was happy to have a group of friends and a new family.
Two days later, I was sitting in the hospital wing when Shadow flew in with a letter. I took it from her beak and opened it.

Dear Alexa,
We are allowing you and Harry to stay at this number twelve place, but do be careful. We don't want to lose our daughter. We love you very much. Have a good summer.
Love, Mom and Dad

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