The Terrifying Alley And Crazy Fun

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Alexa's POV

I woke up a week later, getting into my usual routine I had established the first day at number twelve. I stood up and stretched. Walking into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and waited for it to reach the right temperature, undressing. I stepped in once I approved of the temperature and soaked my hair. I pumped some rose scented shampoo into my hand and sloshed it through my long red hair. Before rinsing, I wet the washcloth and rubbed the flowery soap into the fabric. I scrubbed my skin until it shone and cleaned the cloth. I rinsed my hair off and turned the water off. I reached out and grabbed the towel, wrapping it around myself before stepping out of the shower. I picked up my wand and used it to dry my hair, which floated down to land on my shoulders and back like a red waterfall. My hair reached my waist and I observed my reflection in the mirror.
Red, waist length hair, green eyes filled with curiosity and mischief, soft and welcoming facial features like the somewhat permanent smile and bright eyes. I was rather tall for my age and slender, but fast and strong. Ever since I randomly became an Animagus, I was stronger than usual. Sirius didn't know that Harry and I were Animagi and we were unregistered, like him. I sighed and pulled on black jeans and a magenta long-sleeved shirt. I slipped my socks on and laced up my black boots. I picked up the locket I had been given two days ago from Sirius. Inside of it were two pictures; one of me and Harry and the other of James and Lily Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. I fastened it around my neck and applied a little bit of makeup.
I picked up a new book Hermione had sent me (The Hobbit) and picked up from where I left off the day before. I heard a voice coming from downstairs.
"Harry, Alexa, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Sirius shouted up the stairs.
I sighed. Of course I had to be called down the second I picked up my book. I marked my place and started to put it down when I changed my mind and took it with me. I ran into Harry on the way down and he looked half asleep.
His black hair was still damp and, as per usual, messy. His shirt was backwards and his jeans looked somewhat crumpled, like they had spent the night on the floor. His shoes were untied, the laces trailing on the floor. I giggled and led the way down the stairs. Harry tripped on his shoelaces and fell forward, slamming into me and taking us the rest of the way down the steps, bumping off the walls and banister. Sirius came out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was and raised an eyebrow when he saw the two of us come to a stop. The noise, however, had awoken a very angry and loud portrait of Cassandra Black, Sirius's mother.
"SHUT UP!" Sirius roared, waving his wand violently.
The curtains closed over the portrait and he turned to us. He held out his hands and pulled us to our feet. I glared at Harry and he looked away. I punched him playfully on the arm, but hard enough to make him wince.
"Next time, lace your shoes. Understand?" I asked him.
"Is that why you fell? Because he tripped on his shoelaces?" Sirius asked, amused.
"Yes. He never does anything to avoid something like that. He sometimes forgot to tie his shoes at school, tripping over them all the time," I replied.
Sirius chuckled and shook his head, returning to the kitchen. We followed and found three plates set out on the table. We sat down and started eating. It was rather quiet that morning and we didn't know exactly how to start a conversation. To be honest, I think Harry's about to fall asleep at the table. His eyes were still full of sleep and pretty much refused to stay open. Eventually, his fork fell onto the table and his head hit his plate. I tried to stifle my laughter as I took out my phone and took a picture of him. I sent it to Hermione and suddenly burst out laughing. Sirius glanced up from the newspaper and saw Harry's face in his eggs. He snickered as Harry opened his eyes blearily, looking around. The second he realized he had food on his face, he snatched his napkin up and wiped his face. He playfully punched my arm and I feigned hurt.
"Ouch! You hit hard, brother," I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.
Sirius howled with laughter and Harry shook his head. An owl flew in and dropped two letters on the table. I picked them up and handed on to Harry. Inside was the list of new supplies we would need. I sighed and looked at Sirius.
"You know, you could come with us to Diagon Alley, Sirius. I'm sure no one will recognize you. You look like someone who has never been to Azkaban. Come on, Harry and I will make sure no one notices you," I said.
"I'm afraid people will know who I am if I'm seen," Sirius replied quietly.
"If you're seen?" I asked. I smirked and turned to Harry. "Harry, would you be so kind as to get the Invisibility Cloak?"
Harry jumped to his feet and ran up the steps to his room. A minute later, he returned with the familiar Cloak and Sirius smiled.
"It's been years since I've used this thing," he said as he pulled it around him.
He vanished completely and I smiled. "Will you come with us now?" I asked thin air.
"Yes. I'll make sure no one hurts you two," his voice said.
"I doubt anyone will try to hurt the two of us, but okay," Harry said.
I snorted with laughter. "After last year? Really?" I asked.
He shrugged. I looked through the list of books and other stuff and groaned. There was a list of Gilderoy Lockhart books. I had heard of him from Hermione over the summer and I thought that he was a fraud.
"Lockhart? Please tell me he's not going to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," I mumbled.
"Lockhart? He's a fraud and shouldn't be teaching anyone," Sirius said darkly, pulling the Cloak off of him. "I hope he's not your teacher. If he is, don't forget to write to me if he does anything that needs immediate attention."
He lit a fire in the fireplace and took a handful of green powder. He handed some to me and to Harry. He stepped into the fire, dropped the powder and shouted, "Diagon Alley!" He was whisked away in a flash of green.
Harry was afraid so I decided to go ahead in front of him. I copied Sirius and was whisked away. There was a warm feeling from the fire and I saw rooms flash past before I fell forward. I felt thin air catch me and smiled.
"Thanks, Sirius," I whispered.
"No problem. Where's Harry?" he asked.
I looked behind me at the fireplace and saw no sign of Harry. I frowned. "He was right behind me. I swear he was. Maybe he went to a different grate," I said uncertainly.

Harry's POV

I shot out of the fireplace on my back. I looked around and picked my glasses up off the floor. They were cracked but I put them on. I stood and wandered through the store. It was dark and definitely not part of Diagon Alley. I caught sight of a withered hand and grabbed it. It suddenly pinned my hand down and I struggled to get it off of me. I finally wrenched my hand away and looked out the window. I saw Malfoy and his father reach for the door. I jumped and hid in a casket type thing propped up against the wall. Seconds later, the door opened and a tinkling bell rang through the shop.
"Don't touch anything, Draco," Mr. Malfoy said.
Draco started looking at the things for sale while a man came from the back of the store and stood behind the counter.
"Mr. Malfoy, we have a wide selection..." Borgin, the owner, started but was cut off.
"I'm not buying today, but selling. Draco," he called.
I watched Draco walk over and place a small chest on the counter. Mr. Malfoy opened it and Draco resumed his wandering. I didn't really pay attention to the conversation between Mr. Malfoy and the shop owner as Draco drew closer to my hiding place. My heart started to race and I prayed that I wouldn't be discovered. Thankfully, Mr. Malfoy called him away.
"Come on, Draco. We're leaving," he said.
They left the shop and the owner disappeared into the back. I breathed a sigh of relief and left the store. Terrifying people were lurking around every corner. I started down a narrow way when a woman grabbed my shoulder.
"Lost are you, my dear? We can help you find your way," she sneered.
I panicked and tried to pull away. "No, leave me alone."
"Harry?" Hagrid's voice cut through the air and the people around me jumped and whipped around. "What are you doing here? Come on."
I gladly ran forward and Hagrid led me out of Knockturn Alley. I was relieved that Hagrid had been there to save me. Suddenly, I was knocked off my feet by my worried sister.
"Harry! What the heck were you doing? Where were you? You had me and Sirius so worried," she said.
"I'm sorry. I somehow ended up in Knockturn Alley. I didn't know where I was but I overheard Malfoy and his dad a bit. Malfoy almost caught me, too," I explained.

"Come on, Harry," Alexa said. "We need to get our books."


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