Really, Lockhart? What Are You Doing?

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Alexa's POV

I woke up the next morning and did my usual Hogwarts routine. I showered, dressed, brushed and dried my hair, brushed my teeth, packed, and left for breakfast. Down in the Great Hall, people looked at me to see I was still a little pale from yesterday. They couldn't blame me. They'd be worse off if it had happened to them. They smiled at me comfortingly and I returned the smiles. I sat down and helped myself to toast and eggs. I began to eat in silence and the hall was curious as to why I was being so quiet. I usually talked to anyone in the vicinity and they usually ignored me. Today, the roles were reversed.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked in, saw me, and ran over. I didn't look up until they sat down next to me.
"Morning, Sirius," Ron said cheerfully.
"Morning, Peter, Remus, and James," I said quietly.
"Are you alright? You look a little tense," Hermione stated.
I let out a bitter laugh. "You think? What would you do if you nearly fell to your death or almost got your neck snapped by a dumb tree? Wouldn't you be a little tense, too?" I asked her.
Hermione sighed. "You're right. I'd've been terrified beyond belief. I am quite sure anyone in this hall would've had a nervous break down," she said.
I stared at her in disbelief. She never admitted that I was right unless she researched it all first before reporting back to me. She rarely just outright agreed to me. She caught my expression and smiled slightly. Ron looked pale as well.
"Don't give us a heart attack again, Sirius," he said. "And I'm being serious."
I looked at him for a second before laughing. The hall looked at me and I wiped my eyes.
"You can't be Sirius. I'm Sirius," I chortled.
The hall caught on to what was happening and laughed. Ron groaned and put his head in his hands. I smiled and shook my head. Ron decided to ignore me and started to eat.
"He's ignoring me now," I said to Hermione.
"I'm aware," she replied.
Ron's head shot up and he looked at Hermione with a smirk. "Aware?" he asked.
"Yes. I am aware," she replied.
"You mean, you're a aware-wolf?" Ron asked.
I burst into laughter as did Harry and Ron. People looked over and I smiled.
"Everyone, Remus is always lost. You know why?" I asked the hall.
The hall knew we were Animagi and so did the teachers. We didn't get in trouble for not being registered. Anyway, the hall waited for me to answer my own question.
"Because she is a WHERE-wolf!" I cried out.
The hall took a few seconds to realize what I was talking about and then laughed.
"WHERE-wolf? THERE-wolf!" Harry shouted, pointing at Hermione who was looking annoyed.
"Brush your HAIR-wolf," I giggled.
This went on for a while before Hermione hit us over the head with her book. I looked up at the teachers' table and saw Dumbledore chuckling. Lockhart was staring at us in suspicion. Severus noticed this and quickly removed his memory of this moment. Lockhart's expression became blank and then he smiled, as though nothing was wrong at all.
I decided to write to the real Remus and tell him of the puns we had made. I had also made a few for Sirius, like aPAWlogy. It was hilarious and I sent the letter off with Shadow. A Howler letter came in at that moment and was dropped in front of Ron. Harry and I shared guilty glances, having a good idea of what it was about.
"RONALD WEALSEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed through the hall. The letter turned to Ginny. "Oh, and Ginny, dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud."
The letter tore itself up and I pulled a piece of parchment towards me. I wrote a letter explaining that Harry and I had taken the car and that Ron had nothing to do with it. I knew we would most likely get in trouble but it was the right thing to do. I handed the letter to Errol, the Weasley family's owl and it took off. Ron was pale and didn't seemed to pleased with what I had done. I shrugged and leaned against Harry. The longer I hung around him, the better I knew him. I had the feeling that by the end of the school year, I would know everything about him.
Class started to proceed as usual and the class I looked forward to least was Defense Against the Dark Arts. It seemed that Lockhart was a fraud. The stupid thing was, he started the class by giving us a test of about one hundred questions and they were all on him. I groaned but did the test, answering them all correct. I handed it back in before Hermione and I waited for a while. After everyone had turned them in, Lockhart quickly graded them and turned back, beaming.
"There's only one person who got all of them correct. Miss Potter, if you could please stand," Lockhart said.
I reluctantly stood up and looked bored. He tossed me an autograph of himself and I caught it. I sat down and quietly tore it up under the desk while he started to write on the board. He brought out a clothed cage and set it on his desk. I didn't look up from tearing the photo until I heard screams. My head shot up to see pixies flying around the room.
I sighed and pulled out my wand. Pointing it up in the air, I said, "Immobulis!"
The pixies stopped moving instantly and I replaced my wand, grabbing pixies out of the air and shoving them back into the cage. I was annoyed at Lockhart, who tossed me another autograph for being able to stop the pixies. He dismissed class early and we went to the courtyard. I looked at the photo and then at Harry. He read my mind and smirked.
"What are you two smiling about now?" Hermione asked.
"Hey! Who wants a free autograph of Lockhart?!" I shouted out.
A large group of girls came running over and I stood on a bench to see over everyone. I held up my wand and said, "Whoever my wand lands on, gets the photo."
Everyone waited with bated breath. I twirled my wand and then pointed it at the picture, shouting, "Incendio!"
The girls started shouting at me for burning the picture of a very smart and handsome man. I merely shrugged and jumped off the bench, me and my friends strutting into the castle. Hermione's opinion about Lockhart had changed and now she saw him for who he was. We ate lunch and I glanced at the teachers' table. I found Severus sitting alone and stood.
"I'll see you in the next class, guys," I told them.
I walked up to the teachers' table and sat down next to Severus. I was allowed to sit there without getting permission every time. The other students were used to it by now, seeing as I'd done it last year. I smiled at him and he returned it.
"I have an idea for mine and Harry's birthday. I'm going to need you there as well. It's going to be held at my house. I'll tell you exactly where a couple days before and you can take me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron via Floo powder. It's going to be so fun," I told him.
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow and I got the feeling he knew what I was planning. He nodded his approval and I smiled.
That night, Harry and I came up with ideas for our birthday. I wrote to my parents to tell them that we were bringing some friends over for our birthday and they agreed. I looked at Harry and we talked through the night.
'What is going to happen at Hogwarts this year? Dobby said it was something bad, but nothing bad has happened... yet,' I thought as I lay down.

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