Back in Time (Year 1)

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Alexa's POV

It was almost time for me to use the Time Turner. There were five days until the start of school. I had stolen the Invisibility Cloak from Harry's trunk and hid it. I had the Time Turner around my neck as I always did since I got it. My wand was in my pocket, as usual. I was getting nervous at going back in time to when my parents were in school.

Would they be friendly or not? Would I be friends with them? What if the original Marauders recognized me when I got back to my time? What if I failed to change Tom? Would he even listen to me? What if I accidentally made Tom turn to the dark side faster?

Questions flew around my head, distracting me. Sirius and Harry were the ones that noticed my change in attitude the most. They knew better than to ask me as I was likely to go off on them. They probably thought it was just my time of the month. I paced in my room. I had only hours now to get ready to go back. I had my fingers curled around Dumbledore's vault key and permission letter he had given me. At least he was going to be there back in time with me to help me.

"Almost time, Alexa. Better get started," I muttered.

I locked the door and started turning the hourglass. I counted silently to two hundred and let the rest happen. I saw everything going backward in record time.

Harry's POV

I had been looking for my Invisibility Cloak for a few days now. Alexa had been acting weird for a while now. Sirius and I were concerned, as were Hermione, Ron, and Remus. They didn't seem to notice it was something very deep and unsettling. Sirius and I got a bad feeling but said nothing. I entered the kitchen and looked at my godfather.

"Have you seen the Invisibility Cloak? I can't find it. I had it when we left school, and now I can't find it," I asked.

"Well, it might be invisible, Harry," Remus said as he walked in. "Then again, I think I saw Alexa holding something. She might have it."

I nodded and headed to the stairs. I walked to her room and knocked. When I received no answer, I pushed open the door to see Alexa, with her back to me, vanish into thin air. Then time slowed to a stop...

Alexa's POV

I ended up in Diagon Alley fifty years ago. Nothing seemed to be changed. I also seemed to be eleven again. I took a deep breath and walked down the alley to the bank. I entered and went to the front desk.

"Professor Albus Dumbledore gave me permission to use his vault," I said, handing the goblin the letter.

He read it through and nodded to another goblin, who took me to Dumbledore's vault. I gathered what I needed and went back up to the surface. I repeated all my steps I did my first time to Diagon Alley to get my things. I heard loud laughter behind me before someone shoved me to the ground. Caught by surprise, I dropped all my things and landed on the ground hard.

"What do we have here? A filthy Mudblood?" a cold, sneering voice asked.

I looked up to see Lucius Malfoy. I picked myself up and ignored him as I gathered my things. He knocked them right out. I had to make sure I didn't whip out my wand and curse him. I was supposed to be a first year, not a third year.

"Hey!" a voice yelled.

I turned to see a red head girl storming over, an angry expression on her face. She had her hands on her hips, glaring at the boys.

"Why are you terrorizing her? What did she do to you?" she spat.

"Nothing. She was alone and seems to have no family. We thought we would play with her," Lucius answered.

"Well, I don't appreciate it. Go away before I break your nose," she hissed.

Laughing, the boys left. The girl turned to me, and I was surprised to see just how much I looked like her. She helped me get my things again and smiled at me kindly.

"Lily Evans," she said, holding out her hand.

"Vanessa Zable," I replied, remembering the name change, and shaking her hand.

"You have a friend in me, Vanessa," my mother said, handing me everything. "Want to get a compartment with me on the train later?"

"Sure, Lily," I answered.

"See you there!" she said as she left.

"Bye!" I called out as she disappeared into the crowd.

"Well, aren't you a pretty thing?" a voice asked.

I turned to find a boy who looked a lot like Harry. Three other boys were with him.

"James Potter," the boy who had spoken said. "These are my friends, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. And you are?"

"Vanessa Zable," I answered my father.

"Nice to meet you, Vanessa. And please ignore James' comment. He's a bit excitable," Remus said.

I laughed.

"I can see that," I told him, making them all laugh.

"You seem like a cool girl. If you want, you can be our friend," Sirius said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes!" James shouted. "Please be our friend. We could use a girl to lighten up the mood at times."

"Okay then. I'm in," I said.

The boys smiled and nodded. They left, and I smiled. So far, so good. I had made friends with my mother and the original Marauders. All I had left to do was find Tom Riddle and change him for the better. I'd most likely meet him at school. At the moment, I needed to get to the train. I left to the Leaky Calderon and used Floo Powder to get there. I found Lily and put my things in her compartment. I was off to Hogwarts for a second time in first year. What would happen?

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