I Might Be Gone For Good

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A/N I know it says voice of Abigail Wetherell but act like it's Alexa

Alexa's POV

I was running as best as I could with an injured leg. The bear was gaining on the ground and I knew it was only a matter of time before my strength gave out. A bear is too much of a threat to take out on my own and I needed my Huntresses in order to take it down. I was losing my energy as my leg grew weaker and refused to move with ease. I pushed myself to the limits, straining myself to the point of exhaustion. I couldn't stop. Not now. My Huntresses needed me and I knew they were on the way to help.
At that moment, my leg finally gave way and I tumbled from the tree. I shot the bear as it got closer but I knew it wasn't enough. I felt claws rip at my stomach before multiple arrows sprouted from its neck. I turned my head and saw my Huntresses racing towards me, Zoë dragging me away as the others confirmed that the bear was dead. Once they were satisfied it was, they turned to me, faces pale at the sight.
"Are you going to be able to walk?" Serena asked quietly.
"I can try," I replied through gritted teeth.
We quickly skinned the bear and roasted it on the way out of the woods, me using magic to roast it. It was easier but also risky. The girls packed up the meat and we continued to walk. I could tell the trees were thinning and I heard Harry in a shouting match with Sirius.
"No! I'm going after her! She's my sister and I want to know that she's safe!" Harry yelled.
"We were told to wait here, Harry!" Sirius shouted back.
We emerged from the trees to find Sirius' arms wrapped around Harry to prevent him from charging into the trees. They all stopped once they saw me. Harry broke free of Sirius' grip and ran forward, pulling me away from the girls and into his arms.

Harry's POV

The Huntresses had been gone for about five minutes and I was growing worried. I started forward, drawing my wand, when a pair of arms grabbed me around the chest.

"Sirius, I have to go after her!" I shouted.
"You have to wait here. We were instructed to do so," Sirius said, struggling to keep me in place.
"No! I'm going after her! She's my sister and I want to know that she's safe!" I yelled at him.
"We were told to wait here, Harry!" Sirius replied.
Just then, the girls returned from the woods and I froze at the sight of Alexa. She was limping and blood soaked the front of her shirt. Large gashes were visible through her torn top and and blood was seeping from the wounds on her abdomen and leg. I broke out of Sirius' arms and darted forward. I grabbed my sister and yanked her away from the girls. I held her close and hugged her, trying not to cause any more damage.
"She needs to be healed, now," Zoë said urgently.
"Let's get her to the house," her mother said.
I picked her up and carried her to the living room. People saw what was happening and moved aside faster than you could say 'quidditch.' I laid Alexa on the couch and backed up as the Huntresses went to work. They were fast but careful; they had obviously done this before. Every move was gentle and planned. It was heartbreaking to hear my sister's whimpers and I felt tears in my eyes. Sirius pulled me into him and I buried my face in his chest. The others didn't do anything, still in shock. Even Snape was too shocked to do anything. Hermione, Ron, and Remus came over and hugged me as well. Soon, Alexa's whimpers silenced. I dared to look up and my heart almost stopped. I prayed that she wasn't gone.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you enjoy anyway!

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