I'm On To You, Tommy

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Alexa's POV

I had taken to keeping the diary on me at all times to ensure that Ginny didn't find it. I had seen in the movie what she had done to Harry's dorm to find it and knew that she would be panicking over the book. I wasn't being drawn in by the power of the book, thank goodness. I was glad that I had seen the movie, otherwise I might be the one petrifying people. Ginny was still letting the basilisk out, Tom somehow controlling her even if she didn't have the diary with her. However, now that no one was writing in it, Tom wasn't getting stronger. I sat in the common room with the diary open in front of me.
"Time to talk, Tom," I muttered, picking up my quill.
'Tom, I'm scared. I haven't been writing because I think that Alexa Potter is onto me. She keeps looking at me as though I am a killer or something. I don't know what to do,' I wrote.
I watched the ink sink into the page and disappear, as though is was never there in the first place. I waited.
'Don't worry, Ginny. Alexa won't be able to get a hold of this book. Hide it and make sure you only write in your dorm, not the common room. I'm here for you, you know.'
The words appeared on the page and it wasn't my handwriting. It was Tom Marvolo Riddle. He had figured out a way to trap himself in a book and effectively.
'I am not Ginny Weasley. I am Alexa Potter and I know your secret, Voldemort. Tom Marvolo Riddle spells out 'I Am Lord Voldemort' if you rearrange the letters. I'm not an idiot. You are using Ginny to open the Chamber and set the basilisk on people. I watched the Muggle movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I know what you're doing, buddy. Be ready to be defeated. I'll get you if it's the last thing I do,' I wrote, threatening him.
'You found the diary? How?' Tom wrote.

'I'm not an idiot. Don't underestimate me, kid. It's a bad idea to do so,' I replied.

'I will not let you stop me. You're a half blood. This means you can be petrified. I'll have Ginny set the snake on you,' he told me.

'Good luck. I can hear you pet snake, you know. It wants to rip people apart. I don't like your little basilisk. I'll chop its dumb head off,' I said.

'You wouldn't dare.'

'I do many daring things and I won't stop. Me and my brother, Harry, we are always in the worst possible situation and we will not stop until you are defeated for good and the world is safe from you.'

'This isn't possible. You can't stop me. I'm indestructible. You will die.'

'I'm hard to kill. You tried to kill my brother when we were children but you didn't turn your wand to me. You wanted to spare me. There's still good in you, Tom. I know it and did you forget last year? You apologized to me. You wanted me to forgive you.'

There was no response for a while but then, tear drops appeared on the paper. Not drawn, but real water. I was surprised. I could almost hear Tom sobbing. I never thought that the man who murdered my parents, who was trying to kill me and my brother, would ever cry. There was a long silence, in which I was waiting for a reply.

'Tom, I can help you. Trust me. Let me help you come back to who you should've been. I know you can be good,' I wrote.

Tom still didn't answer, ticking me off. I was getting annoyed with the boy and decided to stop for the night. I was about to close the diary when a reply came.

'I am so sorry for everything, Lexi. I shouldn't have done anything to anyone. They never did anything wrong to me and yet I killed them. I have done terrible things, but I can't change now. It's too late,' Tom wrote, tears still splashing onto the page.

'Goodbye, Tom,' I replied.

I shut the diary with a snap and carried it to my room. I shoved it into my bag and fell onto my bed. I was wondering if anything would change. I didn't remember Ginny having a diary before and thought that Lucius Malfoy had slipped it into her cauldron like he did in the movie. I had no proof though, so I couldn't just say the he did give it to her. I had to be positive first and then tell someone. I sighed and decided to watch Ginny closely. I shook my head, telling myself I'd deal with it later, and closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep.

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