The Invitation

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Alexa's POV

    I woke up with a massive headache, pain racking my body. Memories of the woods and bear flooded my brain, hurting my head even more and seeming to double the pain in my body. I opened my eyes and was glad that the lights were off. The curtains were closed and the house was quiet. I heard hushed voices from the kitchen and lifted my head. I felt clean bandages around my waist and knew that the Huntresses had worked their own magic. They had healed me. I had taught them how to heal people and they did it flawlessly.
    I slowly sat up, wincing slightly at the pain. I swung my legs off the couch and stood up shakily. I made my way to the kitchen and saw my friends and family sitting at the table, crying quietly. The only ones keeping themselves together were the Huntresses. Lori spotted me and shot to her feet.
    "What are you doing?!" she whisper-shouted, trying not to increase my headache.
    "Lexi!" Harry cried, jumping to his feet.
    He ran over and embraced me carefully, managing to nearly strangle me without reopening my cuts. I hugged him back and managed a weak smile. It was midnight, judging by the position of the moon and when I had been attacked, I estimated that I had been out for about fifteen hours. I could tell that everyone had been going out of their minds with worry, Harry in particular.
    "I'm here, I'm here, Lexi," Harry whispered in my ear. "I won't let anything hurt you again."
    "Yeah, right. Good luck with that, goofball," I replied with a laugh.
    "How can you be laughing after you've been attacked by a bear?" Hermione asked.
    "Relax, Remus. I'll be fine. I've had worse," I replied, waving my hand at her.
    "Relax, relax?!" Ron exclaimed. "You were nearly torn in half by a demonic bear!"
    I looked at him for a few seconds before laughing. The Huntresses knew why I was laughing and shook their heads, smiles on their lips. I looked at them and smirked. We had been through a lot worse than my injury. We knew what to do and when we could move around. I was healed enough to be able to walk without hurting myself too much.
    "I'm fine. We've had worse than this. We know when we're able to walk around and not drop dead," I told Ron.
    "I find that somewhat hard to believe," Sirius muttered.
    "Like you've had better," I retorted.
    There was silence in which I turned and walked to my room. I changed out of my bloodied clothes and flopped onto the bed, grabbing a book off the bookcase. I opened it and began to read. I was so absorbed in the words that I didn't hear Harry enter the room. He sat on the bed and yanked the book away.
    "Hey! I was reading that," I said, reaching for the book.
    Harry merely threw the book across the room and grabbed my wrists. I could tell that he was upset and sighed.
    "Alexa, you can't just wander into the woods without telling us. I was scared to death. Please, don't do it again," he whispered.
    I was surprised he called me by my real name. This meant that he was being completely serious. I pursed my lips and regarded him. His face was pale and damp from tears. His eyes were bloodshot and he was trembling. He looked like he was close to death, to say the truth. I felt bad for not warning, at least, the other Huntresses. I had only wanted a solo mission and I got danger yet again. It's always better to travel in a group. The bear had smelled the deer meat and thought I was taking its food. I technically was.    
    "I'm sorry, Harry. I should've told at least the other Huntresses. I made a mistake today. I'm sorry," I replied quietly.
    "It's okay. Just don't do it again," he said.
    I still felt pain and my headache was still pounding but it was subsiding so that was good. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep even though I had been asleep for fifteen hours. The lights turned on and then I saw Hermione, Ron, Sirius, and Remus in the doorway. They walked over and sat down.
    "You seriously need to stop giving us heart attacks," Ron said.
    I laughed. Ron realized his mistake and groaned. I laughed harder and suddenly gasped in pain. My face was contorted in pain as my hands flew to my stomach wounds. I gritted my teeth and sank back onto the pillows. Harry started to cry again and put his head in his hands. I rolled my eyes and pulled his hands away from his face. It was sad to see my brother crying. I smiled slightly at him and he managed one back. He wiped off his tears and took a deep breath. He was becoming stronger than he had been.
    I smiled at him and he hugged me tightly. I loved this stubborn, over-protective, always in trouble brother. He cared for me beyond belief.
    I heard a squeal from downstairs and pounding footsteps came up to my room. The Huntresses came in, eyes lit up in excitement.
    "What now?" I asked.
    In response, they waved a letter in my face. I took it and looked over it, my expression changing from confusion to shock and excitement.

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