I Start School With A Bad Feeling

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Alexa's POV

I woke up the next morning and got dressed quickly. I grabbed my bag and schedule, throwing my needed books into it before racing down to the common room. I was the first one up, I realized and then shrugged. I walked down to breakfast, not really paying attention to where I was going. I turned a corner and ran into someone.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying..." I began to apologize but the person stopped me.
"It's perfectly alright, my dear," a familiar voice said.
I looked up and saw Severus smiling down at me. He wrapped an arm around me and escorted me to breakfast. I was allowed to sit at the teachers' table and ate quietly. Severus noticed my nervous posture and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw him smiling at me in a comforting way. I smiled back and felt better. People started to come and some stared at me and I just waved at them, smiling brightly. They were most surprised that I was sitting next to Snape, who hated pretty much everyone. I caught sight of Draco and burst out laughing at his shocked expression. He smiled lightly at me, still confused. Harry and Ron entered and saw me. They smiled but were also confused. I smirked and made an 'I'm better than you so I can sit here' kind of look. They chuckled and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Severus looked at me, amused. I laughed even harder at his expression.
"Are you laughing at me?" Severus asked, feigning anger and I could hear the amusement in his voice.
The other teachers were smiling at the two of us as they waited for my answer.
"No, I'm laughing with you," I managed to say.
"Except I'm not laughing," he replied.
"Exactly!" I cried and laughed harder.
The teachers started laughing, even Dumbledore. The students stared at me and I laughed at their expressions so hard, I fell off the chair, causing everyone to laugh and me even harder until tears of laughter rolled down my cheeks. Severus was trying to hold his laughter in but finally gave up. He gave a loud laugh and everyone looked at him in surprise. I was still trying to control myself and Severus helped me into my seat. I leaned against him to stop from falling off again. He wrapped an arm around me securely, still chuckling. The teachers had regained control and slowly I did too. I looked up at my godfather with tear-filled eyes and smiled.
"Thanks," I said.
"No problem, sweetheart," he replied quietly so only I could hear him.
The other teachers smiled at Severus' affection for me, surprised he didn't hide it in public. They were happy Severus found someone he could take care of and look after. They knew he would do his best to keep me safe, for Lily. They knew he loved my mother and that I reminded him of her, so they knew he would do literally anything in his power to keep me alive and safe. I knew it too and I loved him for it. I stood up and Severus looked at me.
"I'm going to sit with my friends, Professor," I explained.
"You know you can call me Severus, Alexa," he replied.
I smiled and nodded. "Okay, Severus," I said. I gave him a hug and the Great Hall fell silent as students saw me. I turned to them and stuck out my tongue. Severus smiled slightly.
I went and sat next to Harry and leaned against him as I stole a piece of toast off his plate. He chuckled. I snatched the strawberry jelly out of Ron's hand and smeared it on the bread with Hermione's knife. They burst out laughing at my actions and I handed the items back to them, taking a bite out of the toast. People were talking about me and I ignored them. I looked over Hermione's shoulder and stopped laughing. Harry followed my gaze and saw Draco staring at me with a slightly dreamy expression. The second we caught him staring, he blushed and turned away. I looked at my brother and saw him seething.
"Calm down, brother. It's fine," I said soothingly.
"No, it's not. If he tries to kiss you, I'm going to punch him so hard he won't know up from down, left from right. No one is going to mess with my sister. Ever," Harry hissed.
I sighed, rolling my eyes as I did. I loved Harry but he was too protective at times. I could take care of myself. Besides it was only our first year. We were too young to do anything of the sort. The bell rang and we ran off to Transfiguration class. We arrived on time and took our seats at the front of the class.
"Good morning, students," Professor McGonagall said.
"Good morning, Professor," we chanted.
"Today, we will be turning a match into a needle. First, I would like you to copy the notes on the board," she said flicking her wand, words appearing on the board behind her.
For the first fifteen minutes, we wrote the notes, the only sounds being the crinkle of parchment and the scratch of quills. Once we finished the notes, we put them at the corner of our desks as Professor McGonagall handed us matches. The rest of class was spent trying to turn them into needles. By the end, I had a pile of silver needles on the desk in front of me. I got Gryffindor twenty points for this, the same number of needles I had made. Hermione was fuming at me because she had only managed to make her match silver and pointy, but not a full needle.
Next class was double Potions and I was excited for it. I knew Professor Snape would go easy on me and I felt ready for the class. I sat next to Harry and Snape entered, the door bouncing off the wall as he strode to the front of class.
"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the art of potion making. I can tell you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death," Snape said, his attention drawn to Harry, who was writing it all down. "Then again, some of you might have come here with the bravery to not pay attention." I nudged Harry and he looked up. "Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me, where can you find a bezoar?"
"I don't know, sir," Harry said.
"Let's try again. Tell me what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"
"I don't know, sir," Harry said again.
"What would I get if I added asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
"I don't know, sir, but I think my sister does," Harry said, gesturing to me.
I was looking at Snape eagerly, hoping he would ask me, even though my hand wasn't raised. Harry knew I had read all of the books and knew that I most likely had memorized it all. Snape turned to me and raised his eyebrows in question.
"A bezoar can be found in the stomach of a goat and can be used to cure most poisons. Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant and can also be called aconite. Asphodel and wormwood can make a sleeping potion called the Draught of Living Death," I said confidently.
Snape nodded approval and turned to the rest of the class. "Very good, Miss Potter. Ten points to Gryffindor. Aren't you going to write down what she said?"
The class scrambled to get out parchment, quills and ink to write down the notes. Snape flashed me a smile in the middle of the chaos and noise. We were then told to make a boil cure and I got to work immediately. I worked faster than the others in the class and was finished before everyone else. I took Harry's cauldron and started work on another potion. Snape came over and looked at the potion I had just finished. He was shocked.
"How did you do this?" Snape asked, catching the attention of the class.
I looked puzzled. "What is it?" I asked him.
"You have just made the Draught of Living Death. And in record time," my godfather replied. "And you have made the boil cure."
I stared at him then looked back at the potions. Snape was smiling broadly when I looked back at him. "I didn't know it, Professor."
"That is quite alright, dear. Fifty points to Gryffindor. And you might want to collect some of both potions," he said.
"Thank you, Professor," I said, beaming.
"You know you can call me Severus," he told me sternly.
I knew he was faking being stern and I nodded. I collected five vials of each and slipped them into my bag, into the little pocket. Severus collected the rest. Everyone was staring at me and I blushed, looking away. A sudden explosion diverted everyone's attention and we saw that Neville's cauldron had melted, causing the potion to go everywhere. I ran over, a flask of my boil cure in hand. I gave it to him and he applied it. The boils disappeared and he hugged me, handing me the flask. I smiled at him as he stumbled over his thanks many times. Snape awarded five points for my effective potion and took away two for Neville's clumsiness. He shot me an apologetic glance but I just shrugged.
We left the class and headed to lunch. I saw the Gryffindor hourglass with its rubies shimmering in the bottom, recording the points and saw it was halfway full. I smiled; the points I got in Potions seemed to have contributed a lot. As I watched a few more rubies dropped down into the hourglass. I took my seat next to Harry and ate my salad, followed by tomato soup and grilled cheese. This was better than the food that was made at home. I felt like I had a real home. I had always felt out of place in the home I had grown up in. I had a family at last, Harry, and friends, pretty much everyone in the school because I was almost as popular as Harry. I was known as the smarter twin and just as famous from the attack of Voldemort. No one knew it, but I could sense that Voldemort didn't want to kill me. I had a flashback to the night our parents died.
Mom and Dad were in the living room, holding me and my brother. They were playing with us, Dad making bubbles emerge from his wand. Harry was laughing as he tried to grab them while I watched.
"I think it's time for these two to go to bed, Lily," James, our father, said.
She picked us both up and took us upstairs to our room. She laid us in the crib and was about to leave when a blast shook the house.
"James!" Lily screamed, racing to the door.
"Lily, it's him! Run! Get out and save the children!" his voice came from the living room.
"Avada Kadavra!" a high-pitched voice shouted.
There was a flash of green light and Lily screamed. She slammed the door shut and backed up to stand in front of the crib. Harry and I were startled and confused. She turned to us, pulling out her wand as she did.
"Just know that you will never be alone. Be safe, be strong," she whispered.
The door was blasted off its hinges and Lily whipped around. Voldemort stood there and looked at her, eyes glancing at the two of us in the crib, staring at him in confusion. He stepped forward and Lily raised her wand, trying to keep her courage.
"Step aside, silly girl. I'm not after you. I need the children. Give them to me and I will bring your husband back," he said.
Lily wasn't deterred by the tempting offer. She stood her ground, glaring at the man that had stormed into her home, killed her husband, and was now threatening her children. "You're never touching my children, you vile man!" she snarled.
"Bravery, your husband had it too, trying to keep me away without a wand. Step aside. I won't ask you again," Voldemort said softly.
Lily didn't move. She gripped her wand tightly and braced herself. She knew there was no fighting against him but she was willing to give her life to protect her children.
"Very well, you leave me no choice," Voldemort said with a sigh. "Avada Kedavra!"
With a scream, Lily crumpled to the floor. Voldemort felt a pain of loss at killing her but pushed it aside. He stepped over her and stopped in front of the crib. Harry was staring at our mother, crying. I, on the other hand, was staring at Voldemort with an almost pitying look, as though I knew of his pain at what he had become. I could tell he regretted what he had done for the past years. He saw my expression and shivered. He had never seen anyone look at him like that. He knew instantly that he didn't want to kill me. He liked me. He wanted me to be with him but knew he was not one to raise a child that was not his own. He turned his wand to Harry and I frowned at him. He did his best to ignore me but saw me out of the corner of his eye.
"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted, pointing his wand at Harry.
The green light bounced off of Harry and hit Voldemort. In the process, two pieces of his soul was ripped from him and entered us. He fled with little more than a small piece of his soul. That was when I started to cry.

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