Chapter 1

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      Today was, what you could call my "day off". Not from work, but from my problems. Like how I'm inconsiderate for not putting the money I earn while working to my family's needs, instead I keep it for myself, which my mother never lets me forget by lecturing me every day about how selfish I am. Like how my younger brother Lucas is going through intense depression at 17, like how my father suddenly disappeared 6 years ago and left practically no money for our family. Like how we're struggling to pay rent of our crappy apartment, and how my mom is constantly drinking and locking herself in her room, and so on. Today, I'm going to the club with my best friends Nicole and Alyssa. After dancing and drinking and having fun all night, we're going to sleep at a five star hotel and go swimming at 4 in the morning and have hangovers when we wake up, and it's going to be amazing. A huge sum that I can't afford, but it'll be worth it nonetheless. I've sworn to myself that I wouldn't think about my family at all. No, not today, or tomorrow, or maybe even the day after. I'm young, but all this stress is aging me. It's time to feel youthful again, nothing can get in my way.
As I hastily grab my purse and wallet, all while sliding on my heels, I yell to my mom and brother that I'm leaving the house and not coming back till tomorrow. As expected, I get no response from either of them. My family worries about me so much, don't they? I'm used to it by now, so I truthfully don't give a shit. I make my way to the front entrance and take a deep breath as I step outside, away from that stuffy, suffocating apartment. It's second nature at this point to slam the door behind me. I don't even care about noise complaints, because honestly, we get them all the time from all the yelling in our house. It's ironic that we haven't been kicked out yet.
      I live on the third floor of the complex, so I quickly jog down the flight of stairs, not bothering to hold the railing or watch my step. Possible death or injury stopped scaring me a long time ago, ever since I started cutting, ever since the endless suicidal nightmares. I wouldn't mind if I just tripped down these steps and died. I mentally scold myself instantly after, shaking the thoughts out of my head. You can't think like that anymore.
      I find Nicole and Alyssa waiting for me in a shiny, black BMW. I can't help but clench my fist every time I see it, only wishing I could ever afford a car like that. We'll blend in perfectly with the dark sky, since it's around 10:30 pm. I wave hello to them and hop into the passenger seat. I'm not sure why Alyssa always chooses to sit in the back, she says its "comfier". Well, it means that even though I'm always the last to be picked up, I always have the passenger seat reserved for me. The second I get in, Nicole starts driving off into the night, speeding as always.
      "So Laura, you excited? Nicole tells me you've never been to a club before." Alyssa says while laughing. My cheeks burn. Here we ago again... I love them both so much, but I can't help but get frustrated with their constant, embarrassing teasing.
      "I have! Just not at night...." My voice trails off. I hate it when these two act like I'm so sheltered. Just because I'm more respectable than them doesn't mean I've never been out dancing before. I'm accustomed to their comments though, so I don't complain further.
      Nicole glances at me. "Since when?" She scoffs a laugh. "If you really have, you would've called us and went on and on about how you're all grown up and shit like that. Ha! A little fetus like you obviously hasn't ever been to a club before."
      I roll my eyes at Nicole's reasoning. I hate it when they call me things like "fetus" just because I'm the youngest. I mean, what the hell! We're all 21! What's a few months difference gonna change? I just murmur "shut up..." Under my breath. I force myself to suppress an aggravated sigh. What a great way to start the night.


      We arrived at the club 20 minutes later, and the second we got there, the tension between us disappeared into thin air. We went straight to the dance floor and made complete fools of ourselves, screaming, rather than singing to the music. We were jumping around like we were already drunk even though we hadn't had drinks yet, and laughing our asses off every time Nicole did something stupid. We replayed the hilarious moments on Alyssa's phone, since she was recording and posting every minute of it. I felt so alive, so scandalous, so excited for once. And to top off my fabulous mood, I happened to be wearing a really hot outfit, consisting of a tight, black tube top, very skinny dark blue, pre-ripped jeans, and black heals. My average brown hair was straightened, making me look a bit more sophisticated. My lipstick was a dull maroon, and my eyes were looking sharp with perfect eyeliner and mascara. Even though buying all this brand makeup was a sucker punch for my paycheck, I'll admit it was worth it for tonight.
As we were partying the night away, of course I noticed a handful of really good looking men here and there, easily catching my eye's attention. I actually saw a bunch of Asian guys, which is odd for a night club in Florida. I studied oriental history in college before I dropped out, and in that time I was required to learn basic Korean. They were all, 6 at my hasty count, exceedingly attractive. If they happened to be Korean and happened to not be fluent in English, maybe I could still get some flirting done. Me being me though, I doubt I would have the confidence to approach them.
       They weren't hanging out, so it wasn't completely obvious they knew each other, but if you observed more closely, like me, you could tell that they were gesturing to each other every now and then from across the club, which made me wonder what the deal with them was. They were all dressed in dark clothes, and all of a sudden I wasn't so sure I wanted to talk to them anymore. I decided to kind of forget them and focus on me and my friends, despite the charming looks.
After a while of dancing, we decided we needed some drinks. They elected me to head to the bar and pay for everything, since apparently my favorite dumbasses "forgot their wallets". I often feel that they don't sympathize enough with my financial situation, but again, me being me, I don't say a word in retort. I unwillingly headed to the bar. When I get there, I sit down and wait for an available bartender to assist me. As I wait, impatiently tapping my fingers on the counter, a man sits right next to me. I blink and turn to see who it was, and the first thing I notice is his unbelievably sharp jawline. Second, his ruffled, perfectly messy brown hair. Third, his happy eyes, and forth, his beautiful, innocent smile. Damn, everything about this guy seemed undeniably perfect. Then I realize that he is one of the 6 guys I was watching earlier. He was even better up close. Forget my suspicions, he's like a god...
I hadn't even realized I was staring when he cleared his throat. I snapped back to reality and my cheeks flushed. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I was just zoning out." I say quickly.
He chuckled softly, in the most adorable way. "No worries." He said cocking his head slightly to the side. "I noticed you and your friends on the dance floor. It was kinda funny, actually." He said, laughing again.
Oh. I didn't know whether to be offended or creeped out. But then again, I had been watching them the entire night too, so who am I to judge? I simply ask the question on my mind. "Um, was that a compliment or an insult?"
He thought about it for a second before replying. "Both. But you shouldn't feel too insulted, it was more cute than funny." I blush a bit, hoping all the bright lights meant he couldn't tell. But this boy was flirting with me, and I wasn't sure how to react. I should've rehearsed what to say in situations like this, but I had nothing.
"Oh, thank you... I, um, saw you too." I say, and immediately realized how stupid I sounded. I have to refrain from slapping myself so I don't look like a bigger idiot. Just great. A hot guy is talking to me and all I do is demonstrate my horrible people skills.
I glance and see him staring at me peculiarly. He hasn't spoken yet, so I break the silence. "Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean, yeah, I did see you, but I mean, I'm not a stalker or anything, it's just, I kinda glanced around and noticed you, and I kinda stared, NO! What!?! No, I um, ohmygod I'm so sorry, I..." I stop talking there and squeeze my eyes shut. I could not be any worse at talking to guys. I couldn't even bare to look at the expression on his face, which was most likely saying "you poor retard". I slowly open my eyes and stare at the floor, hoping he would say something.
I glance up when I hear his sweet laugh again. "You apologize too much. You shouldn't be sorry, your nervousness is actually entertaining me." He smiled. "You can call me J-hope."

         I suddenly found him intriguing, wanting to know more about him

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I suddenly found him intriguing, wanting to know more about him. Unfortunately, the bartender finally came to my service and interrupted us. "What'll you have?" The man asked. I ordered 9 shots, 3 for each of my friends an myself. They asked for me to order 12, but I didn't want to go overboard.
Just before the bartender left, J-Hope jumped in. "I'll pay, take this." He said, handing the bartender a debit card. The man took it and went to go prepare my order before I could interject.
"You didn't need to do that, really, let me pay." I said. Though I wish I could take the offer, I had to be polite.
He smiled again. "Too late, he already has the card. It's no big deal, anyway." I wasn't sure what to say, so I just gave him an appreciative smile. After a minute of surprisingly comfortable silence, the drinks were ready. J-Hope got his card back and got up to leave. He looked at me, tilted his head once again like an innocent small boy, and said "I'll see you around." Before walking away. I was stunned. He hadn't asked for my number or anything, not even my name. But even though it shouldn't have, that last thing he said to me made me feel reassured that I really would see him around. I got my friends to come over to a table so we could chug these 9 shots down.
"Laura!" Alyssa whined. "We told you to get twelve! You're so cheap."
I finally decided to defend myself, feeling a tiny spark of confidence after getting through a semi-decent conversation with a stranger. "I'll have you know that I didn't even pay for those drinks, J-Hope did."
They looked at me curiously. "J-Hope?" They said in unison. I smiled satisfyingly. I told them everything that had happened while I was at the bar, including how I made a fool of myself for not knowing how to talk to guys. Alyssa, as expected, was the first to complain.
"Dammit, now I really wish I went to the bar with you, I wanna see that jawline!"
Nicole, as expected, was the first to judge. "Laura! How could you say something so stupid! 'I stared at you'? The hell were you thinking? I would've handled that so much better." She swallows her last shot, while I haven't even drank my first one. I was stressed out with my censorious friends at my moment, so I chugged two of them within the second. Then the next one. Then I stole Alyssa's last shot and drank that one to. They were all suddenly gone, and I realized that 9 really wasn't enough, so we went to the bar and ordered a few more. Then a few more. Then just 3 more. And that's when the party officially started.

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