Chapter 1: Say Goodbye

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Tonight was no different than other nights. Dig and Oliver found a criminal and went after them as Spartan and The Green Arrow. Felicity's job wasn't "easy" but it for sure didn't involve fighting. All she had to do was tell them the correct hallways to turn down, to find the bad guys and keep their distance from danger. Simple as that.

"Which way Felicity?" Oliver asked with a hint of being ticked off in his tone.

"Uh... turn right at the end of the hallway," Felicity tried to answer with as much confidence as possible. Although she wasn't completely sure. She was just guiding little dots on her computer screen in the foundry, while Dig and Oliver were out, in possible danger.

They started to reach the end of the dimly lit hallway and took a right like Felicity said. There was no one waiting for them so she was correct in going that way. They slowly made there way down the next hall. "Felicity, right or left," Oliver groaned loosing his patience.

Felicity didn't know, there were now heat signatures everywhere. Who ever they were after must have tampered with the readings, because they weren't there a second ago. She wasn't sure what to say. It should be easy, right or left. But one way could kill them and the other keep them safe for the time being.

"Felicity," Oliver said getting even more impatient. He needed to know which way to go, and couldn't wait for her to think.

"Uh... left," Felicity said cautiously unsure if her answer was the right one. "No,right," she said almost immediately after.

"Which is it," Oliver asked with his patience level at zero. He had been on edge lately. No one knew why. Hell, he didn't even really know why, but every second that was wasted bothered him. Everything had to go perfectly.

"Left, defiantly left," she said trying to sound as convincing as possible. She held her breath as she watched Oliver's and Dig's dots on her screen start to turn left. She crossed her fingers and silently prayed that she made the right choice. Almost immediately she heard a struggle with yelling and gun shots through the coms. Shit, she thought to herself. Wrong way. Panic started to consume her. "Oliver!?" She yelled desperately into the coms. "Dig?!" There was no answer. "Oliver?" She tried again, "please, answer me," she said in a low whisper, afraid of the truth of the situation.

"Spartans shot," Oliver finally said through all the commotion. "We're coming back." That's all Oliver told her.


Felicity sat and waited. She felt a queziness wash over her. It was all her fault. She was so worried about Diggle, she would never forgive herself if he died. It was hard to even imagine the thought, but it was possible. Oliver didn't tell her much through the coms and hasn't spoken to her since. And what would Oliver think, would he understand it was an impossible decision? Or would he blame her and lash out at her? She hopped it wasn't the latter one. Trying to take her mind off of these horrible thoughts, Felicity started setting up the med bay for their return. She was able to keep herself occupied for the time being, until she could hear the elevator. Then all the worry and fear fled back to her, she was shaking, almost not being able to stand up. The elevator seemed to be painfully slow. Then the doors opened. The first face Felicity saw was Oliver's. He looked so infuriated and pissed off. It was frightening. He walked in the foundry without words and went immediately to the back, out of sight. It's probably better that way she thought. Then Dig was next, he came in with his left hand gripping over his right shoulder. The wound didn't look as bad as she thought it would. Felicity rushed over to him, "are you okay?"she asked with worry.

"I'm fine, just a small wound, it will be fine once it's cleaned with a few stitches," he responded calmly.

"John you are the only person I know who would say they are fine after getting shot." She said in a teasing tone, that made John laugh. The mood already seemed to be lighter.

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